Mosar-Wisar (Scribd)

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Mountain Search and Rescue (MOSAR) /

Wilderness Search and Rescue (WISAR)

PROPOSED DATE August 1-15, 2024

PROPOSED VENUE Within the Province of Agusan del Norte

TOTAL BUDGETARY REQ’T. Php 1,402,500.00



The training implementation of a seven-day (7) Mountain Search and Rescue

(MOSAR) / Wilderness Search and Rescue (WISAR) program within the
context of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is rooted in the unique and intricate
challenges posed by mountainous terrain during times of crisis. Mountainous
regions are particularly vulnerable to a spectrum of natural disasters, including
but not limited to landslides, avalanches, and flash floods, all of which can result
in widespread devastation and severe humanitarian impacts. The integration of
MOSAR training into the broader framework of DRR is strategically designed to
address these distinct challenges by enhancing the preparedness,
responsiveness, and overall resilience of emergency responders and
communities situated in mountainous areas.

The training program encompasses a multifaceted approach, acknowledging

that effective DRR necessitates a combination of specialized skills and
comprehensive understanding of mountain-specific risks. Technical aspects
such as rope skills, navigation and orienteering, and the use of specialized
equipment are central components, ensuring that search and rescue teams are
adept at operating in challenging terrains. Moreover, MOSAR for DRR places a
strong emphasis on preventive measures, risk assessment, and mitigation
strategies, acknowledging that the reduction of vulnerability and exposure is as
crucial as the timely and efficient response to disasters.

MOSAR training for DRR also recognizes the importance of fostering a

community-oriented approach. The program emphasizes the establishment of
community-based early warning systems, ensuring that local populations are
not only aware of potential risks but are also equipped with the knowledge to
respond appropriately. In this way, the training seeks to build a culture of
resilience within communities, empowering them to actively contribute to their
own safety and well-being.

Furthermore, the inclusion of medical first aid training within the MOSAR
curriculum addresses the specific health challenges associated with
mountainous environments, where altitude-related illnesses and injuries require
specialized attention. By integrating medical response capabilities into MOSAR,
the training program ensures a holistic approach to disaster management in
mountainous regions.

The simulated rescue exercises, a core component of MOSAR training, serve

as invaluable tools for testing and reinforcing acquired skills in realistic
scenarios. These exercises provide a platform for responders to apply their
knowledge in dynamic and unpredictable situations, fostering adaptability and
decision-making skills critical during actual disaster events.

In summary, MOSAR training for Disaster Risk Reduction recognizes the

distinctive vulnerabilities of mountainous terrain and seeks to build a cadre of
highly skilled and well-prepared emergency responders. By integrating technical
expertise, preventive measures, community engagement, and realistic
simulations, the training program contributes significantly to reducing the overall
risk and impact of disasters in mountainous regions, aligning with the broader
goals of comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction strategies.


The overarching objective of implementing a Mountain Search and Rescue

(MOSAR) training program within the framework of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is
to enhance the capacity, preparedness, and resilience of emergency responders and
communities in mountainous regions, addressing the unique challenges posed by
natural disasters. This extensive training initiative aims to achieve the following
specific objectives:

1. Develop Specialized Technical Skills;

2. Enhance Navigational and Orienteering Competencies;
3. Improve Survival Techniques in Harsh Environments;
4. Facilitate Medical First Aid in Mountain Settings;
5. Integrate Preventive Measures and Risk Mitigation Strategies;
6. Establish Community-Based Early Warning Systems;
7. Foster Effective Coordination and Communication;
8. Conduct Realistic Simulated Rescue Exercises;
9. Promote a Community-Centric Approach to Disaster Response;
10. Evaluate and Certify Proficiency.

Establish rigorous evaluation mechanisms to assess participants' proficiency in

MOSAR skills. Successful completion of the training program will result in
certification, acknowledging the responders' readiness to effectively contribute to
Disaster Risk Reduction efforts in mountainous regions.

In summary, the extensive objective of MOSAR training for Disaster Risk Reduction
is to comprehensively equip responders with the skills, knowledge, and mindset
necessary to address the distinctive challenges of disaster response in mountainous
terrain, ultimately contributing to the reduction of risks and the enhancement of
overall community resilience.

The activity will be conducted on the following manners, to wit:

 Needs Assessment
 Curriculum Development
 Interactive Lectures and Workshops
 Hands-On Practical Training
 Simulated Rescue Exercises
 Field Training in Mountainous Terrain
 Technical Skill Clinics
 Medical Simulation Stations
 Community Engagement Workshops
 Tabletop Exercises and Scenario-Based Learning
 Interagency Collaboration and Networking
 Continuous Evaluation and Feedback
 Certification and Recognition
 Post-Training Support and Resources
 Periodic Refresher Courses


The target participants of one hundred fifty (150) individuals will encompass a
diverse group of professionals with varied backgrounds, collectively contributing to
the development of a skilled and multidisciplinary network capable of effectively
addressing disaster risks in mountainous terrain, to wit:

 Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officers

 Emergency Responders
 Search and Rescue Teams
 Outdoor Enthusiasts and Guides
 Local Government Officials
 Community Health Workers
 Military and Security Forces
 Volunteer Organizations
 Educational Institutions
 NGO Representatives
 Public Health Professionals
 Geologists and Environmental Scientists
 Telecommunication Experts
 Risk Assessors and Planners
 Community Leaders and Advocates
 Local community leaders advocating for disaster resilience


The entire budgetary requirement is broken down, as follows:


1. Catering Services 3 meals 150 pax x P650.00 x 7

and 2 snacks days

10 RPs x P10,000.00 x 7
2. Honorarium 350,000.00

3. Rentals (Venue, Chairs,

P10,000.00 x 7 days 70,000.00
Tables, Sound System)

P 1,000.00 x 1 pax x 7
4. Accommodation for 10 RPs 70,000.00

5. Fuel, Oil, Lubricants for


6. Plane Ticket for Instructors 10,000.00

Total Php 1,402,500.00


1. Program Flow

Prepared by:

Recommending Approval: Approved by:

ANNEX 1: Program Flow

Mountain Search and Rescue (MOSAR) / Wilderness Search and Rescue (WISAR)

Person Primary
Date and
Topic/Activity Methodology Responsible

DAY 1: Introduction and Basics

Arrival/Registration of Attendance Sheet/

7:30 – 8:00 Secretariat
Participants Directory

Opening Program
 Doxology
 National Anthem
 Welcome Remarks
8:00 – 8:30  Acknowledgement of Secretariat
Roll Call
 Message
 Introduction of Resource

8:30 – 12:00 Orientation and Safety Briefing

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break

Practical Session - Navigation

1:00 - 4:30

4:30 – 5:00 Debriefing and Evaluation

DAY 2-3: Technical Skills Training

7:30 – 8:00 Morning Review and Warm-up

Rope Work and Climbing

8:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 4:30 First Aid and Medical Response

Debriefing and Scenario

4:30 – 5:00

DAY 4-5: Search and Rescue Operations

Morning Briefing and
7:30 – 8:00
Deployment Planning

Field Search and Rescue

8:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break

Field Search and Rescue

1:00 - 4:30

4:30 – 5:00 Debrief and Lessons Learned

DAY 6: Specialized Training and Simulation

7:30 – 8:00 Morning Briefing and Review

8:00 – 12:00 Specialized Training Workshops

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 4:30 Specialized Training Workshops

Full-Scale Search and Rescue

4:30 – 5:00

Reflection and Preparation for

4:30 – 5:00
Final Day

DAY 7: Integration and Closing Ceremony

7:30 – 8:00 Morning Briefing and Warm-up

Integrated Exercise and

8:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break

After-Action Review and

1:00 - 4:30
Graduation Ceremony
Closing Remarks and Future
4:30 – 5:00

Prepared by:
Mountain Search and Rescue (MOSAR) / Wilderness Search and Rescue (WISAR)
August 1-15, 2024
Provincial Training Center, Butuan City

ANNEX 2: Logistical Requirements/ Secretariat Guide

I. Materials for reproduction

Document Particulars Copies
Training/Activity Feedback  refer to the new format
Form  edit before print
 good for 150
Attendance 2
 2 copies per day
Certificate of Participation for Attendees 140
Certificate of Commendation for Facilitator 10
 140 – participants
Directory  10 – facilitators, 1
Per group:
Table Tag  Resource Speakers
 Secretariat
 refer to the activity
design attachment
Program Flow 20
 1 page only
 Back-to-back

II. For tarp printing

Tarp Size Quantity Design
Backdrop 5x8 1 c/o G. Jainar

III. Office Supplies

To be requested from Admin/for PR if out of stock:
Item Particulars Unit/s
Certificate Paper Short 150 pcs
Envelope Expanded, long 150 pcs
Meta cards Assorted light colors
Manila Paper 50 pcs
Certificate Holder Short 1 pc
Ballpen Black, NOT PANDA 5 boxes
Pencil 5 boxes
Pentel pen Pilot, Broad, Permanent, Black 10 pcs
Pilot, Fine, Permanent, Black 10 pcs
Masking, 2 inches 2 rolls
Correction 2 pcs
Clip Binder, 2-inches 1 box
Scissor 8 inches 2 pcs
Stapler & Staple Wire Heavy Duty, for thick 1 unit
documents, with corresponding
Item Particulars Unit/s
staple wire

ICT Equipment

Item Particulars Unit/s

Laptop for AVPs 1 unit
LCD Projector and Screen with VGA/HDMI Cord 1 set
Audio Cord at least 1 meter long 1 pc
Extension wires at least 5 meters long 1 pc
Clicker 1 unit
Camera w/ charger  borrow from Sanghan 1 unit
WIFI Router with load 1 unit

a. Prayer/Invocation
b. National Anthem
c. Agusan Hymn (New, Gov. Angel)
d. Energizers/ Icebreakers
e. PPTs from Resource Speakers

Prepared by:

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