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Mr. Ignacio González H.


Objective: Explain how the nervous system coordinates the body's actions to adapt to environmental stimuli through
signals transmitted by neurons throughout the body

Student: Date:

Choose the best alternative to answer the questions 18p

1) Central Nervous System refers to which of the following?
a) A component of the PNS
b) The cerebral nervous system consisting solely of the brain
c) The central nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
d) The central nervous system consisting of the brain and motor neurons
2) Peripherical Nervous System refers to which of the following?
a) This is the peripheral nervous system consisting of the spinal cord, hormones and neurotransmitters
b) This is a technique used in neuropsychology
c) This is the periphery nervous system consisting of hormones and neurotransmitters
d) This is the peripheral nervous system consisting of all structures beyond the brain and spinal cord
3) The endocrine system serves which of the following functions?
a) The endocrine system is responsible for releasing dominant genes
b) The endocrine system is responsible for releasing, monitoring and regulating hormones
c) The endocrine system is responsible for facilitating higher order cognition
d) The endocrine system is responsible for communication between sensory systems
4) The Schwann cells form a myelin sheath around the:
a) dendrites
b) nucleus
c) axon
d) nodes of Ranvier
5) A neuron with a cell body located in the CNS whose primary function is connecting other neurons is called a(n):
a) motor neuron
b) sensory neuron
c) interneuron
d) glial cell
6) Impulse conduction is fastest in neurons that are:
a) myelinated
b) unmyelinated
c) sensory
d) motor
7) Immediately after an action potential is propagated, which one of the following ions rapidly diffuses out of the cell
into the tissue fluid:
a) sodium
b) chloride
c) calcium
d) potassium
8) Which one of the following is the correct sequence of events that follows a threshold potential:
(1) the membrane becomes depolarized
(2) sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse inward
(3) the membrane becomes repolarized
(4) potassium channels open and potassium ions diffuse outward while sodium is actively transported out
of the cell
a) 3,2,4,1
b) 2,1,4,3
c) 2,1,3,4
d) 1,2,4,3
9) Which of the following is the correct sequence in a typical reflex arc:
a) effector, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron, receptor
b) receptor, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron, effector
c) effector, motor neuron, integration center, sensory neuron, receptor
d) receptor, motor neuron, integration center, sensory neuron, effector
Mr. Ignacio González H.

Determine the name of each part of the neuron. (Nucleus, Myelin sheath, Schwann cell, Axon terminal, Node of
Ranvier, Axon, Soma, Dendrite) 8p

Nº Name

Label the diagram with the different steps of the action potential (depolarization, hyperpolarization,
repolarization, resting state, stimulus, threshold) 6p
Mr. Ignacio González H.

Explain what event must occur to produce the changes in the membrane potential, use the following diagram

Explain what is synapse and how chemical synapse happens 6p

Objective Item Score Obtained

Explain how the nervous system coordinates the body's actions to adapt to 1-5 42p
environmental stimuli through signals transmitted by neurons throughout the body
Total score /42

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