Linux Lab File 4th Sem

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Practical File

Bachelor of Science and Information Technology

Session: - 2021

Submitted To: - Submitted By: -

Dr. Monisha Awasthi Harsh Raj
Assistant Professor (UIM) Roll No: 16

1|P age
S. No. TITLE Page No. Remarks/


1. Design, develop and implement a shell script 06

that accepts a path name and creates all the
components in the path name as directories
(ex: a/b/c/d should create a directory a, a/b,
a/b/c, a/b/c/d.)

2. Design, develop and implement a shell script 08

that accepts two file names as arguments,
checks if the permissions for these files are
identical and if the permissions are identical,
output common permissions and otherwise
output each file name followed by its

3. Design, develop and implement a shell script 10

to find out biggest number from given three
nos. Numbers are supplied as command line
arguments. Print error if sufficient arguments
are not supplied.

4. Design, develop and implement a shell script 12

that takes a valid directory name as an
argument and recursively descend all the
subdirectories find its maximum length of any
file in that hierarchy and writes this maximum
value to the second output.

2|P age
5. Design and implement a shell script that 14
computes the gross salary of a employee
according to the following rules:

I) If basic salary is <1500 then HRA=10% of

the basic and DA=90% of the basic

ii) If the basic salary is>=1500 then

HRA=500/- and DA=98% of the basic

The basic salary is entered interactively

through the key board.

6. Design, Develop and implement an interactive 16

file –handling shell program. Let it offer the
user the choice of copying removing,
renaming, or linking files. Once the user has
made a choice, have the same program ask the
user for the necessary information, such as the
file name, new name and so on.

7. Design, Develop and implement a shell script 21

to perform the following string operations:

I)To extract a sub-string from a given string.

II)To find the length of a given string.

8. Design, Develop and implement a shell script 23

that display all the links to a file specified as
the first argument to the script. The second
argument, which is optional, can be used to
specify in which the search is to begin in
current working directory, In either case, the
starting directory as well as all its

3|P age
subdirectories at all levels must be searched.
The script need not include any error checking

9. Design, Develop and implement a shell script 24

that reports the logging in of a specified user
within one minute after he/she logs in. The
script automatically terminates if the specified
user does not login during a specified period
of time

10. Design, Develop and implement a shell script 26

that folds long lines into 40 columns. Thus,
any line that exceeds 40 characters must be
broken after 40th; a\ is to be appended as the
indication of folding and the processing is to
be continued with the residue. The input is to
be through a text file created by the user.

11. Design, Develop and implement a shell script 28

to implement terminal locking (similar to the
lock command) .it should prompt the user for
the password .after accepting the password
entered by the user it must prompt again for
the matching password as confirmation and if
match occurs it must lock the keyword until a
matching password is entered again by the
user ,note that the script must be written to
disregard BREAK, control-D. No time limit
need be implemented for the lock duration.

4|P age
12. Design, Develop and Implement a shell script 31
that delete all lines containing a specific word
in one or more file supplied as argument to it.

5|P age
1. Design, develop and implement a shell script that accepts a path name
and creates all the components in the path name as directories (ex:
a/b/c/d should create a directory a, a/b, a/b/c, a/b/c/d.)

Solution: -


echo "enter the pathname"

read p



len=`echo $p|wc -c`

while [ $i -le $len ]


x=`echo $p | cut -d / -f $j`

namelength=`echo $x|wc -c`

mkdir $x

cd $x


j=`expr $j + 1`

i=`expr $i + $namelength`

echo $g


6|P age

7|P age
2. Design, develop and implement a shell script that accepts two file
names as arguments, checks if the permissions for these files are
identical and if the permissions are identical, output common
permissions and otherwise output each file name followed by its

Solution: -


if [ $# -ne 2 ]


echo "pass 2 argument"



echo enter file name

read f1

echo enter the second file name

read f2

p1=`ls -l $f1 | cut -c 2-10`

p2=`ls -l $f2 | cut -c 2-10`

if [ $p1 = $p2 ]


echo permissions are same

echo $p1


echo permissions are different

echo permission of file $f1 is $p1

8|P age
echo permission of file $f2 is $p2



9|P age
3. Design, develop and implement a shell script to find out biggest
number from given three nos. Numbers are supplied as command line
arguments. Print error if sufficient arguments are not supplied.

Solution: -


echo Enter three numbers:

read a b c


if[$b -gt $i]




if[$c -gt $i]

then i=$c


echo Largest Number of $a $b and $c is $i.

10 | P a g e

11 | P a g e
4. Design, develop and implement a shell script that takes a valid
directory name as an argument and recursively descend all the
subdirectories find its maximum length of any file in that hierarchy
and writes this maximum value to the standard output.

Solution: -


for i in $*


if [ -d $i ]


echo "large filename size is"

echo `ls -Rl $1 | grep "^-" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 5,8 | sort -n

| tail -1`


echo "not directory"



12 | P a g e

13 | P a g e
5. Design and implement a shell script that computes the gross salary of
an employee according to the following rules:
i) If basic salary is <1500 then HRA=10% of the basic and
DA=90% of the basic
ii) If the basic salary is>=1500 then HRA=500/- and DA=98% of
the basic

The basic salary is entered interactively through the key board.

Solution: -


echo " Enter the Basic salary"

read bs

if [ $bs -lt 1500 ]


hra=`echo $bs \*10 /100 | bc`

da=`echo $bs \* 90 / 100 | bc`

elif [ $bs -ge 1500 ]



da=`echo $bs \* 98 /100 | bc`


gs=`echo $bs + $hra + $da | bc`

echo "Gross salary=$gs"

14 | P a g e

15 | P a g e
6. Design, Develop and implement an interactive file –handling shell
program. Let it offer the user the choice of copying removing,
renaming, or linking files. Once the user has made a choice, have the
same program ask the user for the necessary information, such as the
file name, new name and so on.

Solution: -


echo "*******MENU*********"

echo "

1. List of files.

2. Copying files.

3. Removing files.

4. Renaming files.

5. Linking files."

echo "enter your choice"

read -r k

case $k in

1 ) echo "The list of file names."

ls -l ;;

2 ) echo "Enter the old filename."

read -r ofile

echo "Enter the new file name."

read -r nfile

cp "$ofile" "$nfile" && echo "Copied sucessfully." || echo "Copied is not

possible." ;;

16 | P a g e
3 ) echo "Enter the file name to remove."

read -r rfile

rm -f "$rfile" && echo "Successfully removed." ;;

4 ) echo "Enter the old file name."

read -r ofile

echo "Enter the new file name."

read -r nfile

mv "$ofile" "$nfile" && echo "The file $ofile name renamed to $nfile." ||
echo "You cann't Rename the file. " ;;

5 ) echo "Enter the original filename."

read -r ofile

echo "Enter the new filename to link a file."

read -r lfile

ln "$ofile" "$lfile " && echo "Create the linking file Sccessfully." || echo
"You cann't Linking the file.";;


echo "Invalid option."

echo " Enter correct choice."


17 | P a g e

18 | P a g e
19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e
7. Design, Develop and implement a shell script to perform the following
string operations:
a). To extract a sub-string from a given string.
b). To find the length of a given string.

Solution: -


echo "enter the string"

read str


echo "The length of the given string '$str' is:$strlen "

echo "enter the string possibion in main str"

read s1

echo "ending position"

read f1

echo $str | cut -c$s1-$f1

21 | P a g e

22 | P a g e
8. Design, Develop and implement a shell script that display all the links
to a file specified as the first argument to the script. The second
argument, which is optional, can be used to specify in which the search
is to begin in current working directory, in either case, the starting
directory as well as all its subdirectories at all levels must be searched.
The script need not include any error checking.

Solution: -


if [ $# -eq 1 ]

then pwd>tm

cat tm



echo "$tm"


t1=`ls -aliR | grep "$1" | cut -c 1-8 `

ls -alir $tm | grep "$t1" |cut -c 65- > t2

echo "the links are"

cat t2


23 | P a g e
9. Design, Develop and implement a shell script that reports the logging
in of a specified user within one minute after he/she logs in. The script
automatically terminates if the specified user does not login during a
specified period of time.

Solution: -


echo"Enter the username:"

read user




var='who|grep -w "$user"

len='echo "$var"|wc-c'

if[$len -gt 1]


echo"$user logged in $tm seconds."



sleep 1

tm='expr $tm+1'


if[$tm -eq 61]


echo"$user didn't login within 1 minute"


24 | P a g e



25 | P a g e
10. Design, Develop and implement a shell script that folds long lines into
40 columns. Thus, any line that exceeds 40 characters must be broken
after 40th; a\ is to be appended as the indication of folding and the
processing is to be continued with the residue. The input is to be
through a text file created by the user.

Solution: -


echo “ Enter the filename :\c”

read fn

for ln in `cat $fn`


lgth=`echo $ln | wc -c`

lgth=`expr $lgth - 1`


if [ $lgth -gt 40 ]


while [ $lgth -gt 40 ]


echo "`echo $ln | cut -c $s-$e`\\"

s=`expr $e + 1`

e=`expr $e + 40`

lgth=`expr $lgth - 40`


echo $ln | cut -c $selse

echo $ln

26 | P a g e


echo “File Folded ”


27 | P a g e
11. Design, Develop and implement a shell script to implement terminal
locking (similar to the lock command) .it should prompt the user for
the password .after accepting the password entered by the user it must
prompt again for the matching password as confirmation and if match
occurs it must lock the keyword until a matching password is entered
again by the user ,note that the script must be written to disregard
BREAK, control-D. No time limit need be implemented for the lock

Solution: -



stty -echo

echo "enter password to lock the terminal"

read pass1

echo " Re-enter password"

read pass2

if [ "$pass1" = "$pass2" ]


echo "system is locked"

echo "enter password to unlock"

trap ``/1 2 3 9 15 18

while true


read pass3

if [ $pass1 = $pass3 ]

then echo "system unlocked"

28 | P a g e
stty echo



echo "password mismatch"




echo "password mismatch"

stty echo


29 | P a g e

30 | P a g e
12. Design, Develop and Implement a shell script that delete all lines
containing a specific word in one or more file supplied as argument to

Solution: -


if[$# -eq 0]


echo"no arguments"


echo"Enter a deleting word or char"

read y

for i in $*

do grep -v "$y""$i">temp

if[$? -ne 0]


echo"Pattern not found."


cp temp $i

rm temp





31 | P a g e

32 | P a g e

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