Examination pq2018 Oefententamen 2018

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Examination PQ2018 - Oefententamen 2018

Power quality phenomena (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)

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Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)

Examination PQ-course 5LEH0; 6th of November 2018

1 Multiple choice questions


In the low voltage network all houses will get PV-systems installed. There will be a problem with
overvoltages in the network. What is the worst solution to solve this overvoltage problem? The
R/X- ratio of the cable is high.

A Increasing the reactive power during the overvoltage

B Decreasing the active power during the overvoltage

C Using an on-line tap changer on the transformer

D Using a demand response system to increase the load during overvoltage


See the unbalanced system (without neutral) in the figure below.

Which of the following statements is true

A The voltage will be the highest on the smallest resistance

B The phase shift between all voltages across the resistances is 120 degrees

C The magnitude of voltage across all resistances will be different

D Connecting a neutral conductor will change the currents flowing in the resistances.

Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)



In the MV-network there is a voltage dip in the line voltage VBC. What is the effect on the low
voltage voltages?

A In the phase voltage Va will also occur a voltage dip

B In the phase voltage Vb will also occur a voltage dip

C In the phase voltage Vc will also occur a voltage dip

D In the phase voltages Vb and Vc will also occur a voltage dip


Harmonic components in the voltage can have the same rotation direction as the fundamental
system (normal system), an inverse rotation direction or a zero-sequence system. For the 11th
harmonic this is a:

A Normal system

B Inverse system

C Zero-sequence system


On board of a ship some VSD’s with high harmonic distortion are connected to the installation.
To prevent the occurrence of high voltage distortion active filtering of the harmonic current is
used. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A An active filter has to be installated at each VSD

B Harmonic currents should be prevented to flow in the generator(s)

C Impedances of the conductors are less important compared to the impedance of the

Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)


2 Voltage dips / calculating dip profile (10 points)

In the factory connected to the POC there are sensitive devices which will fail when there is a
voltage dip at the POC. To get some information of the possible number of dips (including
duration and remaining voltage) calculations in the network has to be made.

… 4 more MV rings

… 4 more MV rings

The following information is available:

• The failure rate of the network is 0.025/km cable/year

• The amount of ring structures as drawn in the system is 5 for each transformer
• The distances between all stations is 2 km (make calculations at end of all cables)
• The NOP (Normally open point) is in the middle of each ring
• The disconnection time of the circuit breakers is 0.3s
• The given short circuit powers given are the same for all ring structures


a) The reliability of the MV-system for the customer at the POC

b) The amount of dips at the POC due to short circuits in the MV-grid (S open)
c) The total amount of dips at the POC when transformer 1 is out of operation (S closed)
d) Could the NOP be re-positioned to improve the reliability of the customer connected to
the POC and what is the impact on dips for the customer when the NOP is replaced?

Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)


3 Harmonics / calculating (10 points)

A 10 kV/400 V substation has a short-circuit power of 1000 MVA on the MV side. A

Measurement indicates that approximately 40 A of the 5th harmonic current and 20A of the 7th
harmonic current is injected into the substation by the converter, as shown below. An
emergency generator is used when the public network is disconnected.

A switchable 250 kvar capacitor bank is installed at the substation (LV-side)

a) Draw an equivalent circuit looking into the substation at the 7th harmonic (connected to
the public network)
b) Determine the parallel resonance frequency, when connected to the public network, and
the capacitor bank switched on.
c) What is the system impedance seen from the non-linear load at the resonance
d) What will be the effect when the public network is disconnected and the installation is
supplied by the generator? Describe in general terms.
e) What will be the effect of switching off the 400 kW linear load? Recalculate point c) with
this change. Should the resulting distortion levels become greater or lower (or stay the

Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)


4 Unbalance (10 points)

Two similar loads (400 V, Resistant of 10Ω) are connected to the Scott-transformer. At the
primary 3 phase side of the transformer the load is seen as a balanced three phase load.

a) Calculate the currents at the secondary side of the transformer

b) Draw the vector diagram of the voltages and currents at the secondary side of the
c) Calculate the currents and voltages at the primary side of the transformer (transformer
losses can be neglected)
d) Draw the vector diagram of the voltages and currents at the primary side of the
e) What is the total amount of power used at the secondary side of the transformer?

Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)


5 Voltage level/losses / (10 points)

Solar systems and EV-loads are connected to a MV-substation (10 kV line to line) using cables
between every station with the following impedances: (R=200mΩ/km, X=100mΩ/km). Each
cable section is 2 km long. The two feeders are operated as radial systems, but could be
connected, to operate as a ring system.

Every PV-system has a maximum power of 2 MW. Every EV-load is 3 MW. (PF can be assumed to
be 1).

a) Calculate the currents (I1, I2) and the voltages at each connection point when NOP is
open. Assume the voltage at the MV side of the transformer to be 10 kV (and constant in
all conditions).

b) What is the best setting of the transformer to get the average voltage at each customer
the closest to the nominal voltage of 10 kV. Assume available settings as 10 kV ± 5 %,
with steps of 1 % in both directions.

c) Calculate the power losses in the cables when NOP is open

d) Calculate the currents (I1, I2) and the voltages at each connection point when NOP is

e) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of closing the NOP.

Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)


HDh (%) = ⋅100%  e  I1  hmax  q  I h  
2 2 2
I1 K = 1 +   ∑ h   
 e + 1  I  h = 2   I1  

 
THDI 1 (%) = ⋅100%
I1 2
h = hmax
I 
∞ K= ∑ h  h
h h=2  I 
THDIrms (%) = ⋅100%
I rms
S = ∑U h • I h • 3
h =1
P = ∑ (U h • I h • 3 • cos ϕ h )
h =1
D = ∑ (U h • I h • 3 • sin ϕ h )

Q = S 2 − P2 − D2

∆U = U − U i = I ( RA + Rn ) cos ϕ + I ( X A + X n ) sin ϕ

𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 0.337 ∙ 𝐹𝐹 ∙
∙ 100 ∙ 𝑟𝑟 3.2 PQ1+ 2 = β PQ1β + PQ2β

1 12 3
Plt = 3 ∑ Pst ,tot ,i
12 i =1 Sx
Vdipx = 1 −
Pst ,tot = 3 ∑P
i =1
st ,i

Gedownload door Adnan Ahmed (ahqradnan5@gmail.com)

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