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PE Kindergarten 30 minute Lesson Plan: “Push & Pull”

By the end of the lesson, students will:

1) Practice/Use teamwork to achieve a goal

2) Listen to and follow directions given by a teacher
3) Have a chance to build muscle strength by engaging core, leg and arm
4) Have a chance to practice motor skills


● Alaska PE Standard B: Apply movement concepts to the learning and

performance of physical activities
● Alaska PE Standard C: Participate regularly in physical activity
● Alaska PE Standard E: Exhibit personal and social behavior that respects self
and others in physical activity settings.
● Alaska PE Standard F: Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge,
self-expression, and/or social interaction

K-PS2-1: Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different

strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.

K-PS2-2: Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to

change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull.

HOOK: Place 6 blue and 6 yellow foam balls in the middle of the gym. Have upbeat
music playing as students enter. Play “Get Up to Get Down” by Jack Hartmann
(available on YouTube or Spotify).

TOOLS/MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT: 7 blue and 7 yellow foam balls (pictured below) 1

tug of war rope (pictured below), Masking Tape, Speaker with Bluetooth capability
and/or aux cord.

Time Have students sit in a circle. Welcome them to class. Ask the following
2 min ice breaker question: “Would you rather push a cart full of bricks for
(Ice $100 or pull a wagon full of cotton candy for $2?”.
Breaker Designate the left of the gym for one answer and the right of the gym for
) the other. After you've asked your ice breaker, instruct students to think
for a moment and then when you say “go” they will jump up and run to
the side designated for their answer. Ask a few more questions like
this if you need to fill time at the beginning or end of P.E.

Time After the ice breaker question, explain the warm up (see below) and
2 min workout activity (see below).

Time For warmup students will jog around the gym for 2 minutes. Next they
6 min will choose a partner and then take one foam ball and line up opposite
(WARM- their partners. They will finish their warm up by lightly kicking their ball
UP) back and forth until the warm up time has ended.
Choose 1-2 popular Disney songs such as “Hakuna Matata”, “Let it Go”,
“How Far I’ll Go”, or your favorite upbeat children's song to play during
the warm up time.
Participate in the warm up if possible by jogging with students.

-After the warm up, tell students they will return their foam balls to the
ball cart and then go to the right of the gym if they and their partner had
a blue ball and to the left of the gym if they had a yellow ball, this will be
how teams are formed.

Time -Position the middle of the tug of war rope over a piece of tape on the
15 min gym floor.
(WORKO -Have teams grasp the rope on opposite sides of the tape and verify all
UT) students remember the rules (see rules listed below).
-When you say “go”, teams will pull on the rope until one team has
pulled hard enough to force the opposing team over the tape, thus
“winning” the war.
-Repeat as time allows. If the initial teams chosen by polyspot colors
seem obviously unfair, use this time to reassign teams as needed
-End with a tug of war battle with all the students on one side against
the teacher on the other

-Students may only begin pulling after they hear the teacher say
-Students must all stop pulling immediately if they hear the
teacher say “Stop”
-A win is accomplished when one team has pulled hard enough to
pull the other teams side of the rope to their side
-Students must behave with good sportsmanship (No negative
yelling, curse words, inappropriate conversation/comments, etc)
-Students are expected to participate fully to the best of their
ability in all aspects of P.E. Class

If students are misbehaving/acting out, they may take a lap

around the gym to try to cool down and may return to the activity
only after discussing/reinforcing with the teacher what the
behavior expectations are.

Time Lead students in a few walking laps around the gym and some arm
5 min stretches as pictured below. As you cool down and stretch, ask
(COOL-D students what they observed about force and pushing/pulling during
OWN) class.

● Student may walk around the gym during warm up instead of jogging
● Students may toss their foam balls during warm up if they are not able to kick it in
a controlled manner or if they have a physical constraint and are unable to kick
the ball
● Have a special rope with a loop on the end for a student who may need extra
help/an easier place to hold
● If a student can nor participate in group tug of war, they may perform a set of
exercises (see below) given by the teacher and appropriate for the student’s
needs (this should be a last resort as students should participate in planned
activities if at all possible)

Alternative exercises to assign if student can not participate in Tug of War:

Perform sets of 10 of each of the following exercises and then walk a lap around the
gym. Repeat this cycle until the rest of the class is finished with Tug Of War and then
rejoin the class for cool down.

● Jumping Jacks
● Sit Ups
● Frog Jumps
● Super Man
● Toe Touches
● Calf Raises (Up on Tiptoes then back down)

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