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World WAR 1
BY: Dahon And Daniela
The First World War began as a conflict
between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
Austria-Hungary, encouraged by its German
ally, declared war on Serbia on August 4,
1914, in retribution for the June 28 murder
of the Austrian heir to the throne by a
Serbian national.
July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918

World War I or the First World War (28 July

1914 – 11 November 1918) was a global
conflict between two coalitions, the Allies
and the Central Powers.
World War I was one of the great watersheds
of 20th-century geopolitical history. It led to
the fall of four great imperial dynasties (in
Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and
Turkey), resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution
in Russia, and, in its destabilization of
European society, laid the groundwork for
World War II.
WHO KILLED Though nearly thirty n
The assassination of Austri
n participated, the
Archduke Franz Ferdinand o of the United
of rep re s en ta tiv e s
28 June 1914 set off a chain The assassin –
Gavrilo Princip United
rly – Kingdom, France, the
events that led to war in ea was a member
of a Bosnian
a nd It a ly b e ca m e known
ination Serb nationalis State s,
A ug ust 1914. The assass t group seeking “Big
to unite territor as the “Big Four.” The
was traced to a Serbian ies containing
Four” dominated the
to ethnic Serbs un
extremist group that wanted der Serbia's
proceedings that led to
e control. Convin
increase Serbian power in th Serbian govern
ced that the
fo rm u latio n o f th e T reaty of
Balkans by breaking up the assisted Princip
ment had
Versailles, a treaty tha
t ended
Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austria-Hungar
's group, World War I.
y issued a serie
of harsh deman s
ds, most of
which the Serb
s accepted.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Winston Churchill John Pershing

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill General of the Armies John Joseph
was a British statesman, soldier, and Pershing GCB, nicknamed "Black Jack",
Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria was a senior American United States
writer who served as Prime Minister of
was the heir presumptive to the the United Kingdom twice, from 1940 to Army officer. He served most famously
throne of Austria-Hungary. 1945 during the Second World War, and as the commander of the American
again from 1951 to 1955. Expeditionary Forces during World War I
Douglas Haig Ferdinand Foch Woodrow Wilson
Douglas Haig (June 19, 1861 - January Ferdinand Foch (October 2, 1851- March 20,
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
29, 1928) was appointed commander 1929) was a Marshal of France and commander
(December 28, 1856 - February
in chief of the British Expeditionary of all Allied forces during the closing months of
3, 1924) was a professor at
Force (BEF) in 1915. In an attempt to World War I. Foch served as a commander
Princeton University (eventually
break the stalemate on the Western during the battle of the Marne and as Assistant
becoming president of that
Front and relieve the pressure on the Commander-in-Chief of France’s Northern Army
institution in 1902) and
French army at Verdun, Haig led the under General Joseph
Governor of New Jersey before
Somme offensive beginning on July 1,
being elected President in 1912.
Vladimir Lenin Tsar Nicolas II Kaiser Wilhelm II
Vladimir Lenin (April 22, 1870 - January Nicholas II (May 6, 1868 – July 16, 1918) Wilhelm II or William II (January
21, 1924) was a politician and was a member of the Romanov ruling 27, 1859 – June 4, 1941) was the
revolutionary who ultimately gained family and the last Russian Emperor, last German Emperor or “Kaiser”,
control of the Russian government in from 1894 to 1917. As head of state, ruling from June 15, 1888 until
1917. Lenin was decidedly opposed to Nicholas approved the Russian his abdication on November 9,
World War I, seeing the war as an mobilization in defense of Serbia against 1918.
imperialist-capitalist conflict. Austria-Hungary in late July 1914, which
led to Germany declaring war on Russia
on August 1.
Battle of Amiens
Battle of the Somme Third Ypres campaign The Battle of Amiens, known as the
opening attack of the Hundred Days
British launch Third Battle of Ypres Offensive in World War I, resulted in a
The Battle of the Somme, also known significant advance for the Allies. With
as the Somme offensive, was a major against the Germans. In the first two
the element of surprise on their side, the
battle of the First World War fought by weeks of battle, British artillery units fire Allies utilized a formidable force
the armies of the British Empire and 4,283,550 shells at German lines ... consisting of 2,000 guns, 1,900 planes,
and 500 tanks. This unexpected assault
the French Third Republic against the caused heavy German casualties and
German Empire. It took place between 1 dealt a severe blow to their morale,
July and 18 November 1916 on both eventually leading to a day referred to
as "the black day of the German Army"
sides of the upper reaches of the river
by General Erich Ludendorff.
Somme in France.
Gallipoli Battle of Verdun First Battle of the Marne
The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Battle of The Battle of Verdun was one of the The First Battle of the Marne was a
Gallipoli, was a significant military conflict between longest and most brutal battles of World battle of the First World War fought
the Allied Powers and the Ottoman Empire during from 5 to 12 September 1914. The
War I, fought between the German and
World War I. The campaign aimed to secure a sea German army invaded France with a
French armies on the Western Front plan for winning the war in 40 days by
route to Russia through the Dardanelles, but turned
into a stalemate due to fierce trench warfare and from February 21 to December 18, 1916. occupying Paris and destroying the
high casualties. The campaign resulted in the rise It is often referred to as the "Mincing French and British armies. The Germans
had initial successes in August.
of Mustafa Kemal as a national hero in Turkey and Machine" due to the enormous
the forging of a strong national identity for
casualties suffered by both sides.
Australia and New Zealand, known as Anzac Day.
The First World War saw the
Entente Powers, led by France,
Russia, the British Empire, and
later Italy (from 1915) and the
United States (from 1917), defeat
the Central Powers, led by the
German, Austro-Hungarian,
Bulgarian and Ottoman Empires.
the journey

Germany France
Austria-Hungary Japan (Later Joined)
Ottoman Empire (Turkey) US (Joined in 1917)
world war 1 September 9

Allied forces halt german

advance into france
June 28 1914
August 2-7 1914
Archduke Franz
Germany invades
Ferdinand was July 28 1914 Luxembourg and Belgium.
assassinated by
Austria and Hungary declare France invades Alsace.
Garvilo Princip,
war on Serbia British forces arrive in
France. Nations allied
against Germany were
eventually to include
Great Britain, Russia, Italy,
Australia, New Zealand,
and etc
The total number of military and
civilian casualties in World War I,
was around 40 million. There were
20 million deaths and 21 million
wounded. The total number of
deaths includes 9.7 million military
personnel and about 10 million
The First World War destroyed
The forests of Europe were
empires, created numerous new
significantly changed, going from
nation-states, encouraged being diverse ecosystems pre-war to
independence movements in monocultures after the war, dominated
Europe's colonies, forced the United by single species of trees. The soil
States to become a world power and was also affected, more heavily in
led directly to Soviet communism some places, becoming contaminated
and the rise of Hitler. with heavy metals, as well as
becoming entirely disturbed.
Four empires collapsed due to the war, old
countries were abolished, new ones were formed,
boundaries were redrawn, international
organizations were established, and many new
and old ideologies took a firm hold in people's

World war 1

Daniel and Dahon

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