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The Silver Economy in Mazatlán, Sinaloa: A Critical

Inquiry into Retiree Migration

Resumen. La migración implica el traslado de personas, Capitalism, driven by insatiable profit-seeking,

fenómeno que se ha intensificado en la era de la globalización, undergoes continual accumulation, now through
con un aumento sin precedentes en la movilidad humana. La financialization (1). This process integrates profitable agents
migración de jubilados del Norte económico hacia destinos como while expelling unprofitable ones, creating a dichotomy
Mazatlán, en el Sur económico, es relevante y poco estudiada. between the included and the marginalized. Labor migrants
Estos jubilados buscan un clima cálido, menor costo de vida y from economically unproductive countries represent the
mejor calidad de vida. Sin embargo, surgen preguntas sobre si marginalized, seeking opportunities elsewhere. (2) suggests
estas decisiones son solo por placer o influidas por factores
that the excluded in capitalism epitomize a paradoxical form
económicos como el capitalismo financiarizado y la crisis del
of inclusion, where integration and expulsion highlight the
2007. Esta migración ejemplifica la fluidez de las sociedades
contemporáneas y el papel crucial de la tecnología. Además, excess of a universalizing power dynamic. Retired migrants,
destaca la complejidad de los procesos migratorios en un initially excluded within their home countries, assume an
contexto globalizado, donde las motivaciones individuales se inclusive role upon migrating and integrating into recipient
entrelazan con fuerzas económicas y sociales más amplias. societies.
The 2007 crisis, linked to personal income
Palabras clave: migración en Mazatlán, Sinaloa, turismo de
financialization and savings, particularly through toxic
jubilados, migración de pensionados, turismo residencial en
mortgage loans, undermined the interests and quality of life
of many retirees. Consequently, many chose to liquidate
Abstract. Migration, at its core, entails the displacement of debts and migrate to countries with lower living costs,
individuals from one place to another, bringing with it new extending their pensions. Between 2005 and 2010, over 13.3
experiences and significant changes. In the current era of million foreclosure notices were issued, leading to
globalization, this phenomenon has intensified, with an approximately 9.3 million evictions, affecting around 35
unprecedented increase in human mobility and global million individuals (3). This intensified capital extraction
interconnectedness. In this context, the migration of retirees coincided with the collapse of personal savings in the United
from economically affluent countries to economically less States, indicating underlying weaknesses in real
advantaged countries, such as in the case of Mazatlán, stands accumulation (4).
out as a particularly relevant and understudied phenomenon.
Under global capitalism, capital commodifies objectives,
These retirees often seek in destinations like Mazatlán a warmer values, and narratives, exploiting well-being for
climate, lower cost of living, and overall better quality of life. accumulation (5). Retirees construct a social imaginary
However, this movement also raises questions about whether influenced by information received through various channels.
these decisions are purely for pleasure or if they are influenced They choose destinations based on attainable quality of life
by broader economic factors, such as financialized capitalism and marketing narratives. Some are driven by a desire for
and the 2007 global crisis. The migration of foreign retirees to authentic intercultural encounters or off-the-beaten-path
Mazatlán exemplifies the fluidity and mobility of contemporary tourism (6).
societies, as well as the crucial role of technology in facilitating
these displacements. At the same time, it highlights the Studies on retired migrants highlight factors pushing
complexity of migratory processes in a globalized context, where migration, including political and economic considerations
individual motivations intertwine with broader economic and and the high costs of living on a pension in the United States.
social forces. The choice of countries such as Ecuador, Costa Rica,
Panama, and Mexico is influenced by proximity, English
Keywords: Migration in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, retired tourism, speakers, political stability, and existing infrastructure (7);
pensioner migration, residential tourism in Mazatlán. (8).

I. INTRODUCTION Policy considerations on migration, taxes, and healthcare

impact retirees' decisions. Restrictions on healthcare
insurance portability abroad hinder access to healthcare
coverage. Some retirees aspire to maintain or avail of medical Therefore, as (17) comments, it is necessary to develop a
insurance in countries like Ecuador, where it's relatively less perspective that goes beyond the focus on rational choice and
expensive than in the United States. integrates structure and agency into the analysis, where there
is a thorough analysis of social processes. The migration of
Retirees' migration decisions stem from prior retirees has been understudied in our region, although it has
experiences, recommendations, or research through various been researched in other areas such as Spain and North Africa
channels, including the internet and publications like due to retirees from Northern Europe seeking a better quality
International Living. Articles on retirement destinations of life in the Mediterranean. Although this phenomenon is
further influence their choices (5). relatively recent, it has sparked interest in the social sciences.
II. RETIREE MIGRATION IN THE ERA OF Retiree migration, mostly from the Global North to the
GLOBALIZATION: EXPLORING PATTERNS, Global South, is poorly understood and has received little
PERSPECTIVES, AND IMPACTS MAZATLÁN, academic attention. However, in recent years, there has been
increased interest in understanding the economic, cultural,
and social impact of retiree migrants.
In the context of economic globalization over the past
thirty years, migrations have gained significant prominence This research delves into the migration of retirees from
worldwide, not only from regions of the South to the North the United States and Canada to Mazatlán, Sinaloa,
but also among regions within the South and, in recent years, conceptualizing the phenomenon through existing literature
from the North to the South, with specific migratory flows and qualitative interviews. Mazatlán, located in the state of
such as those of retirees seeking a higher quality of life at the Sinaloa in Mexico, emerges as a noteworthy destination for
end of their working lives. Radical changes in transportation pensioners due to its combination of cultural richness and
and information technologies, along with the aging natural beauty. With its privileged location along the Pacific
population in wealthy countries, negative impacts of Ocean, Mazatlán is renowned for its kilometers of golden
structural adjustment economic policies in the South leading sandy beaches and tropical climate. The city offers a wide
to mass migration outflows, the interdependence of North- range of activities for retirees, from relaxing on the beaches
South labor markets, and other factors have led Stephen to exploring the historic downtown with its colonial
Castles and his colleagues to characterize the current architecture, charming plazas, and the famous Mazatlán
migratory situation as the era of migrations (9). Cathedral. Additionally, Mazatlán boasts a vibrant culinary
scene where retirees can indulge in fresh seafood and
Every day, more elderly individuals from developed authentic Mexican cuisine. Therefore, Mazatlán represents a
countries decide to live in a country other than their country compelling case study for understanding retiree migration
of birth. This new dynamism and flow of migrants from the and its implications in the broader context of global mobility.
economic North settling in Southern countries require a
different theoretical analysis, as it is non-labor migration, III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
non-typical for economic and social studies. Regarding these This research employs a multifaceted approach to
retired migrants, they are considered residential tourists since investigate the phenomenon of migracion de jubilados o
they do not fit into the theoretical frameworks and archetypes turismo residencial en Mazatlan, Sinaloa. The preliminary
of migrant workers from underdeveloped countries migrating phases of the study employ snowball sampling, a method
to countries with better economic conditions. Nor are they invaluable for populations lacking a clear sampling
normal tourists, as their stays extend for months or even framework (18). This approach capitalizes on the social
years. This ambiguity and discrepancy in concepts mean that networks of participants to obtain referrals, thereby enabling
the typology of the migration they undertake is currently not the recruitment of new individuals (18). The research follows
well defined; some theorists define it as privileged migration a qualitative methodology, encompassing a range of data
(10), while others classify it as residential tourism (11). Other collection techniques (19). These methodologies encompass:
perspectives focus on "lifestyle migrations" or "life style
migration" (12), while others base their studies on the 1.- Participant Observation: Direct engagement with
comforts or amenities that host locations provide, using the the research setting allows for firsthand observations of the
term "amenities migration" (13); (14). Some researchers social environment (19).
study aging processes, "aging migration" or "aging in place," 2.-Semi-structured In-depth Interviews: In-depth
using the term to describe individuals who live in a place by interviews with key informants delve deeper into their
their own choice and with the intention of aging there for as experiences and perspectives (20).
long as life permits (15). Finally, others examine the link
between the place where older adults reside and the changes 3.- Documentary and Indirect Documentary
they bring to those communities (16). Approaches: Analysis of relevant documents and records
supplements the data collected (21).
Most of the literature on this topic does not delve into
elucidating the reasons why older adults decide to leave their The research begins with a case study approach,
country of origin. The reasons are overlooked under a dissecting the configuration of each case to illuminate
discourse of supply and the virtues that destination sites broader phenomena (22). This approach allows for in-depth
possess (beaches, low housing costs, good climate all year exploration of the Saraguro canton and its unique approach
round, tranquility, etc.), while the contexts of departure and to sustainable tourism. The ultimate goal is to generate
economic, political, and social structures are omitted. knowledge applicable to other contexts. This necessitates an
in-depth exploration of multiple cases within the broader The migration of retirees from North America and
study (21). Western Europe to Mazatlán over the past decades is
understood as a strategy adopted by retirees primarily from
As stated by (23), applied research addresses specific the United States and Canada, and subsequently from other
issues within particular circumstances. This study focuses on countries, seeking an improved quality of life in Mexico. This
the challenges and opportunities related to tourism movement has grown over time, now representing over 6.5%
development in Mazatlán, a location with growing tourist of the local population, thereby generating a local economy
potential. The research in Mazatlán leans towards descriptive focused on meeting the needs of these migrants, ranging from
research, characterized by a systematic description and tourist services to healthcare.
analysis of observed phenomena (19). This approach aims to
capture the current state of tourism development in Mazatlán. While this migration may have positive economic
impacts, such as job creation, it also entails inflationary
Combining direct and indirect observation allows for data effects and significant social, cultural, and political changes
collection through personal observation and analysis of in the receiving community. Local residents may feel
existing materials (19). This entails visiting Mazatlán and
displaced or lose control over their environment as the
engaging with both tourists and business owners to gain an influence of retired migrants becomes more evident. This
understanding of the local tourism environment. Indirect challenge underscores the need for inclusive public policies
observation includes the analysis of oral and written that promote harmonious coexistence between the new
testimonials from individuals who have interacted with migrant community and traditional residents.
Mazatlán tourists. Content analysis, a systematic approach
for interpreting communication products, is utilized to For many of the interviewed migrants, the decision to
analyze collected data (24). This method allows for objective, retire in Mazatlán is based on economic considerations, as it
systematic exploration of the manifest content of allows them to maintain or enhance their quality of life due
communication, aligning with Berelson's qualitative content to lower living costs and the ability to maximize their
analysis perspective (25). Non-probabilistic sampling is pensions. Additionally, the availability of quality healthcare
employed to select participants for in-depth interviews services and appropriate medical infrastructure are
exploring their perspectives on silver economy tourism in determining factors for those seeking adequate medical care
Mazatlán (19). These interviews, based on Allen-Perkins during their retirement.
approach, delve into the informants' experiences with tourism
However, migration is not limited solely to economic
or migrant perspectives (26).
aspects. It also entails cultural changes, where migrants adapt
IV. UTOPIAN ASPIRATIONS IN RETIREMENT their values and behaviors to those of the receiving
MIGRATION: community. Some migrants find a new quality of life by
integrating into communities that foster cultural and social
Thomas More's "Utopia" (1516) offers a vision of an activities different from those they were accustomed to in
equitable and just society, serving as a lens to understand the their countries of origin.
migration of retirees to Mazatlán, Sinaloa (27). In "Utopia,"
resources are shared equitably, resonating with retirees Further research is needed to fully understand the motives
seeking a better quality of life and lower living costs (28). and implications of this retiree migration. The lack of precise
However, retirement migration raises concerns about data hinders the accurate evaluation of its economic and
inequality and access to resources, reflecting broader societal social impact. However, factors such as social security,
disparities (29). Interaction between retirees and locals can financial crises, and low living costs influence the decision to
enrich culture but may also pose integration challenges (30). migrate. Ultimately, retiree migration to Mazatlán and other
southern destinations is a complex phenomenon that requires
Retirees' migration to Mazatlán embodies an imaginary of a holistic approach. It is essential to consider not only
an ideal retirement, where dreams of seaside living and economic aspects but also social, cultural, and political
socializing come true (31). They construct narratives linking factors to develop effective public policies that promote
new experiences with improved well-being, forming harmonious and beneficial integration for all parties
resilience strategies amidst adversity (32). In a context of involved.
global capitalism, retirement migration reflects complex
interactions between individual resources and societal REFERENCES
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