Seasons of The Year

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Seasons of the Year

Good morning my dear audience, this is the weather reporter José Manuel, next we will talk about
the weather on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I will also give you a couple of activities that
you can do according to the weather forecast and some recommendations that wear,
remembering we're in New York city.

We start with Monday:

* In the morning it will be very sunny, I recommend you go to the park, drink something cold, put
on not so warm clothes and enjoy the morning.

*in the afternoon it won't be so sunny, but I still recommend using sunscreen and not so warm

* and finally at night it will be a little cloudy, it will not be so hot so it is advisable to go out for a
while and enjoy the beautiful city of new york.
Now we continue with Tuesday:

* it will be a completely cloudy morning, I recommend you bring an umbrella and clothes that
cover everything.

*in the afternoon there are heavy rains, I recommend not going out and staying at home, it can be
drinking a hot drink or playing something with the family.

* strong storms open at night, be careful, do not go out, stay home and protect yourself, you can
stay home reading a book or talking with the family.
And finally on Wednesday:

* in the morning it will be very cold, it is advisable to wear warm clothes and drink hot drinks and
go out for a while, remembering that we are in the snow season, go out and if it starts to snow

* In the afternoon it will start to snow, it will be very cold, but go out and enjoy the snow, take the
children out to play, be with your family.

* At night, be careful that there will be strong snow storms, it will not let anyone out and if you are
on the street, do not move from that place, it is very dangerous to go out.

Thank you very much, that was all for today, you know, be very careful and enjoy these climatic
changes these days.


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