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Learning Theory Behaviorism Innatism Constructivism

Main Proponents Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Noam Chomsky, Eric Jean Piaget, Lev
Skinner, John B. Lenneberg, David Vygotsky
Watson McNeil
Years Ivan Pavlov (1849- Around 1950 Jean Piaget (1896-
1936) studied innatism was 1980), Swiss
classical conditioning, defended by the psychologist who
a type of learning in linguist Noam developed a theory
which a neutral Chomsky, who of cognitive
stimulus is associated proposed the theory development in
with a stimulus that of generative which he postulated
provokes a natural grammar, according the existence of
response. to which human innate mental
B.F. Skinner (1904- beings are born with structures that guide
1990), developed an innate device for the learning process.
operant conditioning, language. Lev Vygotsky (1896-
a type of learning in 1934), Russian
which behavior is psychologist who
reinforced or highlighted the
punished to increase importance of social
or decrease its context in learning.
probability of
ohn B. Watson, who
in his article
"Psychology as the
Behaviorist Sees It"
(1913) proposed that
psychology should
focus on the study of
observable behavior,
and not on internal
mental processes.
Language acquisition It is based on the Chomsky argued that It is based on the
idea that language is children do not learn idea that children
a behavior that is language through construct their own
learned through simple exposure to it. knowledge about
reinforcement and On the contrary, language through
punishment. children have a series interaction with the
of innate knowledge world around them.
According to this about language,
view, children learn which allows them to According to this
language through decipher the rules view, children are not
interaction with their tabula rasa, but come
environment. Parents that govern the into the world with a
and other caregivers linguistic system. series of
provide positive predispositions that
reinforcement, such allow them to learn
as attention and language.
affection, when
children produce
correct linguistic
forms. Children can
also be punished for
producing incorrect
linguistic forms.

Behaviorism focuses
on the observation of
observable behavior,
and not on internal
mental processes.
Experiments/evidence ABC’s of Skinner B.F. The Wug Test is a Bloom (1971) argued
Skinner conducted a classic experiment that the relationships
series of experiments in developmental between words in
using animals to psycholinguistics, telegraphic
investigate operant designed by Jean utterances are only
conditioning in the Berko in 1958. It superficial. She found
learning of verbal aimed to investigate that children learn
behaviors. Skinner children's ability to underlying
developed what he apply linguistic structures, not
called "teaching rules and generate superficial word
machines," devices novel forms order. This means
that allowed test ("creative" way in that the same
subjects to learn to which young utterance can mean
associate verbal children "play"), different things
responses with providing empirical depending on the
rewards (reinforcers). support for context. Bloom's
Chomsky's innatist research helped to
-Pavlov fed a group theory. shift the focus of
of dogs food. Dogs child language
salivated in response research to the
to food as it is a relationship between
natural reflex. Pavlov cognitive
then began ringing a development and L1
bell before feeding acquisition.
the dogs. After
several repetitions,
the dogs began to
salivate in response
to the sound of the
bell, even if they
were not given food.

Pavlov called this

Methods/techniques ABC’s of Skinner B.F. Nativist studies of Vygotsky emphasized
in teaching Skinner conducted a child language social interaction and
series of experiments acquisition guided learning in
using animals to constructed language
investigate operant hypothetical development. ZPD
conditioning in the grammars of child suggests that
learning of verbal language, based on children learn best
behaviors. Skinner empirical data. They when assisted by
developed what he approached the data more knowledgeable
called "teaching with few others. Scaffolding is
machines," devices preconceived a teaching technique
that allowed test notions, and probed inspired by Vygotsky,
subjects to learn to for internally which provides
associate verbal consistent systems. support and guidance
responses with A generative to learners as they
rewards (reinforcers). framework was ideal work on tasks within
for describing such their ZPD.
-Pavlov fed a group processes. The early
of dogs food. Dogs grammars of child
salivated in response language were
to food as it is a referred to as pivot
natural reflex. Pavlov grammars.
then began ringing a
bell before feeding
the dogs. After
several repetitions,
the dogs began to
salivate in response
to the sound of the
bell, even if they
were not given food.

Pavlov called this

Challenges The experiment has -Nativists argue that Constructivism has
also been criticized the theory is been criticized for
by some researchers. supported by lacking solid
These researchers empirical evidence, empirical evidence,
argue that the such as the rapidity clarity, and
experiment is not an with which children consistency in its
accurate reflection of acquire language. application. It has
human language However, critics also been criticized
acquisition. They argue that the for its excessive
argue that children evidence is reliance on indirect
learn language insufficient. instruction, difficulty
through social -The LAD is a in assessing learning
interaction, not just universal device that outcomes, potential
through allows children to exclusion of
reinforcement. learn any human fundamental
language. However, content, concerns
children are exposed about time and
to a limited amount efficiency, and equity
of linguistic data, in education.
making it difficult to
learn the complex
rules of a specific
-The nativist theory
holds that children
learn language
innately, without any
external input.
However, empirical
studies have shown
that children learn
language through
interaction with

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