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Isaiah Allen

Professor Diehl

HUMN 2010

Analog Project

The Nick Adams story was able to porduce heartbreak in many ways. After reading the Nick

Adams stories, you can clearly see through the stories that the unique way heartbreak was

presented. I feel that the most impactful heartbreak that Nick Adam suffered was the breakup,

Marjorie. Nick Adams instantly regrets breaking you with Marjorie after the deed was done and

starts drinking to get rid of the feeling of regret of breaking up with her. While drowning himself

in liquor he feels that he did not do the right thing, and that he only did it because he had to do it.

While drinking Nick was with his friend Billy who try to help Nick see the breakup as a good

thing but this all could have been a trick to help Nick think that Marjorie was a bad partner to

Nick and that he had to leave because he was desperate to feel some type of happiness. With all

this happening this was a big changing point in Nick Adam like and it changes him as a person.

Nick breaking up with Marjorie, changes his life full 360 circle to the point where he joined a

war and then other life traumatic events happened along the way as well. During the war Nick

was a question on why he joined the war because you do not just join a war because you do not

know what else to do with life or for no purpose, so he was asked on why he joined but he

answered was “I don't know.” This could mean that Nick was lost in life that he didn't even have

a purpose in life nor joining the way, then when he was talking with his friend Billy he suddenly

mentions his life with Marjorie and how maybe they was thinking about getting married and
finally tying the knot together but when since Nick broke up with Marjorie he can no longer

peruse that dream of getting married. When he realized that he could no longer pursue that dream

of marrying Marjorie his first thought and reaction was to join the war.

Another heartbreaking moment for Nick was the dead of the husband of the women that gave

birth in the cabin. When someone is giving birth is could be the happiest moment to someone life

and could really bring everyone together and just enjoy the birth of new life, but for Nick it more

confusion on why the husband killed himself rather than focused on the birth of new life. This

could tell people that are confused about what is important when it comes to relationships and

how hard it can be. He sat there wondering why the husband killed himself if the meaning of

birthing new life is something that supposed to be exciting and happy, but the husband thought

otherwise. As a young child experiencing this would take on toll on someone mentally and

physically, and how you could look a relationship in correlation of giving birth; looking at it in a

way that is the husband going to kill themselves when women give birth.

Nick Adams experiences a lot of different heartbreaking moment throughout the stories to seeing

a man kill himself, breaking up with Marjorie, to joining a war, and experiencing the different

actions in war. This can take a toll on you meatily and physically if not handled currently and

could endanger future life experiences. These memories will always be in the back of Nick

Adams' mind, but it is a matter of how he deals with them rather than not dealing with them at


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