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(Outstanding Public Officials and Employees or (passport size)

Dangal ng Bayan Award)
Photo here

Name(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name): LEAH MYLEN L. LUCERO Signature:
Position(per Service Record): SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICER IV Gender: FEMALE Age:
Status of Appointment (per Service Record): PERMANENT Date of Birth:
Residence Address: Place of Birth:

Telephone/Cellphone Nos. 09184816151/09338156330

Name of Agency: DSWD Field Office I Level of Position: 1st Level
Agency Address: Quezon Ave., City of San Fernando, 2nd Level (Executive Managerial)
La Union 2500 2nd Level 3rd Level (Presidential Appointee)
Region: 1 Military Elective
Agency Telephone Nos. (Active Contact Details): (072) 687-8000 Email Add:
FORMTEXT (072) 705-2161 FORMTEXT
Telephone / Cellphone Nos. (Active Contact Details): (072) 687-8000
Email address:
(see Item VII, A, no. 3 of 2019 Search Guidelines for proper endorsement)


Agency Address: IBP Road, Batasan Pambansa Complex, Constitution Hills, Quezon City
Telephone/Cellphone Nos. (Active Contact Details): (02) 931 8101
Email address:
Agency: DSWD Field Office I Telephone/Cellphone Nos.: 09292741804
Agency Address: Quezon Ave., City of San FORMTEXT (072) 619-2670
Fernando, La Union Email add:

Additional Information about the Nominee:

Were you a previous HAP Nominee? Yes No What year: _____ What Award Category: _____
Were you a previous HAP Semi-finalist? Yes No What year: _____ What Award Category: _____
Were you a previous HAP Awardee? Yes No What year: _____ What Award Category: _____
Nomination Write-up:
(Maximum of 10 pages, A4 size bond paper, Arial #12 font, including executive summary)
Name of Nominee: LEAH MYLEN L. LUCERO Agency: DSWD FIELD OFFICE I Division/Unit: Statutory
Position: Social Welfare Officer IV Protective Div./RRCY
Length of Service in the Position: 8 years In Government: 20 years

I. Executive Summary
Ms. Leah Mylen L. Lucero is a duly licensed Social Worker and has completed her college education at Saint Louis University, Baguio City on March 1997 with the Degree
on Bachelor of Science in Social Work. She began her stint at the Department on 02 August 1998 as the Regional Sub-Committee for the Welfare of Children (RSCWC)
Coordinator under MOA status. Her unwavering zeal, passion, excellent performance, and dedication to her work caught the attention of her supervisors and was soon
promoted as Human Resource Management Officer II with a permanent status after a year. Since then, she continued to develop and exemplify her passion for her
profession and rose from the ranks.

After her lateral transfer as Social Welfare Officer II, she was assigned as Community Based Social Worker in Western Pangasinan for a year and as a Focal Person on
Family and Youth. She was promoted as Social Welfare Officer III in 2007 and steered the Retained Community Based Services Unit (RCBS) and Crisis Intervention and
Disaster Management Unit under the Operations Division in July 2008. She also headed the Standards Unit under the Technical Assistance Division (TAD) until she was
again promoted to Social Welfare Officer IV in January 2011. Appended to the position was her designation as the Regional Focal Person in managing the engagement of
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the implementation of the agency's core social protection programs and bossting the public-private partnership in the region.

She is currently designated as the Center Head of the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY). Her progressive career successes did not form any degree of
complacency but rather inspired her more to flex further. Her thirst for further development and education is unquenchable. Capturing every possible time and
opportunity in between her hectic and immense responsibility of managing the largest residential care facility in the region, notwithdstanding her equally important
responsibility as a mother and a wife, she literally burns her brows to meet the demands and requirements of a post graduate study. After hurdling the seemingly
insurmountable challenges amidst her tears, sweat, and flexed nerves for a span of two (2) years, she completed her Master’s Degree in Social Work at the University of
Northern Philippines in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, last 25 March 2020.

II. Exemplary Behavior/Conduct Displayed within the last 3 years (Describe nominee’s adherence to one or more of the following norms: Commitment to Public
Interest, Professionalism, Justness and Sincerity, Political Neutrality, Responsiveness to Public, Nationalism and Patriotism, Commitment to Democracy and Simple Living. Cite circumstances providing
such norms, risks involved and problems encountered.)

1.) Commitment to Public Interest

Her commitment to public interest over her own personal interest is irrefutable. As the former head of the Standards Section (SS), she was responsible for the assessment
and evaluation prior to the registration, licensing, and accreditation of Social Welfare and Development Agencies (SWDAs), Child Development Workers/Centers (CDW/C),
Civil Society Organizations, Pre-Marriage Counselors, Social Workers Managing Court Related Cases, and issuance of public solicitation permits. she had consistently
helped and assist numerous non-government organizations and faith based organizations in their registration/licensing/accreditation to operate more efficiently within
the standard requirements. She stood firm in implementing the regulatory parameters of the Department without fear or favor.

She also initiated the mobilization of five (5) Administrative Staff at the Field Office I who were trained and issued Regional Special Orders (RSO) as CDC/W accreditors that
addressed the limited manpower of the SS which resulted to an increased number of accredited CDC/Ws. The development of the staff in their career was evident
because all of them are now promoted as Technical Staff. Two of whom are now Registered Social Workers and one of them became Section Head. This effort was also
recognized by the Standards Bureau at the Central Office as Good Practice in Region 1. She was instrumental in the establishment and strenghtening of four (4) Area-
Based Standards Network (ABSNet) and the Regional ABSNet Federation as partners in providing assistance in the registration/licensing of SWDAs to ensure that all
private social welfare agencies in the region are legitimate and are able to provide quality services to their respective clientele. She optimizes the conduct of trainings,
seminars, forums and orientation meetings by introducing or including topics and lectures that are beneficial to target beneficiaries such as the conduct of Donors Forum
during the ABSNet General Assembly to connect the members to various resource agencies and stakeholders.

She was able to initiate forging of more than 100 partnerships with various Civil Society Organizations as evidenced by execution of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
for the purpose of engaging them in the implementation of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) as facilitators and Learning Service Providers of the Family
Development Sessions, livelihood programs, and assist in the validation of selected beneficiaries. This initiative put DSWD Field Office I in second place with the most
number of CSOs mobilized. Her invaluable contribution in the effective management of CSO's engagement was recognized during the National CSOs Focal Persons
Evaluation and Planning in Antipolo City.

At the RRCY alone, in barely four (4) months after her designation as Center Head, she was able to conduct a Partnership Forum attended by different Civil Society
Organizations on 03 December 2018 to encourage these groups to share their time and resources to complement the various programs and services of the Center for
better services to the residents. Through this partnership, the Center was able to generate cash and in kind donations amounting to Php 57,218.00 for the 4th quarter of
2018 and PhP 185,174.90 for the 1st semester of 2019. Aside from these, the partners also conducts worship services every Sunday, provide tutorial lessons in playing
musical instruments, sponsored a spacious and convinient venue for the Spiritual Recollection of clients for 2 days, conducted 4-day sessions of group dynamics and play
therapy focusing on Self-Awareness, Significant Others, Self-Concept, and Decision Making; conduct of orientation and demo on construction painting NC I, quarterly
medical and dental missions, boodle fight, Basketbal Clinics, and kwentuhan at kamustahan with the residents, all for free and volunteer services.

Moreover, she initiated the engagement of City/Municipal Links to attend the Case Conferences of Pantawid Pamilya residents who are admitted at the Center to ensure
the holistic provision of services to them and their family in preparation to their eventual reintegration to their respective community. She also facilitated the training of
19 houseparents (who were hired but no prior trainings obtained related to their functions) on Surrogate Parenting of Children in Need of Special Protection in Residential
Care Setting, to ensure that they can deliver their functions more effectively and efficiently. The Nominator was mobilized as the Learning Service Provider considering his
experience, expertise, and training on the subject matter.

2.) Professionalism

She is judicious, thorough, and tactful in all her dealings with clients, partners, colleagues, as well as subordinates. She is cordial and was never reported for any disrespect
or discourteous act. She shows respect and high regards yet assertive and straightforward in sharing her thought and ideas. She personifies the “Vigor and Rigor” mantra.

She has plenty of initiatives in her armory as stressed in her exemplary work performance and in every challenges she encounters, she, almost always, has solutions ready
up her sleeves. Personally, I have never had any information nor witness that she laxed or settled with mediocre results. She was never frayed in her focus and very
resolute in finding ways and means to accomplish her goals.

3.) Justness and Sincerity

As her supervisee, I have a personal witness that she is truly just and sincere in her dealings. She does not listen to hearsays but weighs matters carefully by hearing all
concerned parties their side of the story. She is not easily swayed by undue influence or insinuations. She is frank and straightforward. She discourages sugar coating but
presents facts as they are. She obliges and upholds duly issued memoranda, official orders or instructions without hesitation and to the letter. She initiated the crafting of
internal policies to provide a clear guidance to all workers.
The policy governing residents' proper behavior and good conduct called "Gabay sa Residente" and "Patakaran sa Pagbisita" were consulted not only to the staff but
especially to the residents every now and then whenever there are changes and amendments prior to its approval and implementation. These changes and agreements
are also disseminated to the parents/guardians of residents for uniformity. There are also ten (10) selected residents who were oriented and mobilized during the monthly
preparation of food menu or Menu Planning taking into consideration those with special dietary requirements such as muslim residents, Iglesia ni Cristo, medical
restrictions such as those with allergies and nutrient defficiences with the help and guidance of the Houseparent II.

4.) Political Neutrality

Indeed, our nominee was never a respecter of persons in terms of affiliations, status, religion or whatsoever. She serves without favor and leaning. She always provides
her assistance and services based on need. In fact, she welcomes all religious denominations to offer spiritual services to the clients of the Center as far as they are
responsive to the policies laid out.

When we conducted the sports fest of our clients on May to June 2019, I proposed to her if she would permit us to solicit trophies, medals, and other items to some local
political figures in the area, because such has been a practice in the previous years, but she declined. She said that it is not right to be associated with any political person
especially when election is fast approaching. We sought other means with her assistance through the DSWD FO I Employees Credit Cooperative, the Social Welfare
Employees Association of the Philippines , Inc. (SWEAP) Region I Chapter, and other private but generous individuals whose generous contributions have sufficiently met
the lacking funds for prizes, tokens, and awards.

5.) Responsiveness to the Public

Her initiative to respond to this ethical norm was another milestone in the history of operating the RRCY. She launched the start of so-called “Executive Duty” or skeletal
duty of social workers during weekends and holidays to ensure that all concerns, queries, and/or untoward incidents are responded immediately. The augmentation of the
houseparents to the Security Guards during visiting days was also strenghtened to ensure that visitors are provided prompt and appropriate service.

She also assured all workers on active duty that her contact number is always ready to receive calls whenever necessary. Her cellphone was restless ever since and she
maintains her own logbook of calls and alerts to record incidents and actions taken especially during weekends and holidays.

The use of Satisfaction Survey for Residents and Visitors was also launched in Novemebr 2018 to assess the quality of services provided at the Center and evaluate the
performance of each staff providing such services. The results and in depth analysis of the survey is presented and discussed during meetings and used as basis to improve
the quality and delivery of services.

6.) Nationalism and Patriotism – Promotes the use of locally produced goods, resources and technology; encourages appreciation and pride of country and people

Actually, our nominee promotes the products and expertise of our beneficiaries whenever possible. During our Stress Debriefing Activity in July 2019, our Area I Vocational
Rehabiltation Center (AVRC I) clients were invited to provide massage services, while three (3) Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) beneficiaries also provided service on
Pedicure and Foot Spa. In this way, the beneficiaries were given opportunities to apply their skills and generate additional income.

****Also during the conduct of our skills training on Haircutting, two (2) pantawid pamilya beneficiaries trained and accredited by TESDA were hired as trainers.
Moreover, she did not only provided support to our Blood Letting Program partnership with the Philippine Red Cross but she herself donated a bag of blood to the
program. Her Nationalism and patriotism is beyond question.
7.) Commitment to Democracy – Commits to democratic way of life and values; maintains the principle of public accountability

She advocates transparency and accountability especially in terms of financial responsibility. She encourages all staff with financial accountabilities to use duly issued
forms and templates in registering all manners of financial transactions. Although she is a little strict on policies yet workers can freely express their thought and opinions
because she is a good listener. She does not dispute nor divert questions or inquiries thrown at her. She even assured members of the Rehabilitation Team that no
decision shall be made or enforced unless it is unanimously agreed upon.

8.) Simple living - Leads modest lives appropriate to one’s position and income; not indulging in extravagant or ostentatious display of wealth in any form

Indeed, she never wears flashy jewelries or fancy clothes. She adheres to duly issued official attire or uniform. She is modest not only in dressing but in her lifestyle as well.

III. Impact of Accomplishments (Indicate problems addressed, savings generated, people/office benefited and transactions facilitated. Indicate whether or not the accomplishments are
part of the nominee’s regular functions/mandated or the product of his/her/their own initiative. If part of nominee’s regular duties or mandated, justify why the accomplishments are considered
exemplary or extraordinary)

IV. Other Information (Major Awards/Citations Received/Membership in the Organization)

The nominee is a multi-awarded staff of the Department. In 2004 and in her capacity as Social Welfare Officer II, she was already awarded as Best Technical Staff for the regional level

We attest to all facts contained herein and authorize the use of these information for publication. We understand that the Committee on Awards will validate the accuracy of
the information contained in this form and grant our consent to the conduct of a background investigation. Any misrepresentation made by the signatories shall be a ground
for disciplinary action pursuant to applicable Civil Service laws and rules.

Printed Name and Signature:

Nominee Nominator PRAISE Committee/Highest HRMO Regional Office Head

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