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Gawad HUWARAN (Mahuhusay, Wasto at

Responsableng Lingkod Bayani ng DSWD)

2019 Individual Award

Nomination Form and Supporting Documents Please place

 Updated CSC Form 212 or Personnel Data Sheet passport size ID
 Certified true copy of Special Order on the current designation, if picture here
 Certified true copy of 2016, 2017 and 2018 performance rating certificate
 Certification that nominee has not been found guilty of any administrative
or criminal case involving moral turpitude and does not have any pending
case filed against him/her
 Other documentary evidence/s that can support the nominee’s nomination, if any

Name of Nominee LEAH MYLEN L. LUCERO

Status of Employment PERMANENT
Designation (if any) CENTER HEAD, RRCY
Length of Service in the DSWD 21 YEARS
Length of Service in the Position 8 YEARS
Office DSWD Field Office I
Division Protective Services Division
Unit Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth
Contact Nos. 09184816151/09338156330
Email Address

Name of Nominator NELSON B. NISPEROS

Designation (if any) RRCY SUPPORT UNIT HEAD
Office/Division/Unit DSWD FO-I/Protective Services Division/RRCY
Contact Nos. 09292741804
Email Address
Date of Submission 05 August 2019

Additional information about the Nominee:

Were you a previous DSWD PRAISE  Yes  No What year: What award category:
CO/FO Nominee?
Were you a previous DSWD PRAISE  Yes  No What year: What award category:
CO/FO Winner?
Were you a previous DSWD PRAISE  Yes  No What year: What award category:
National Finalist?
Were you a previous DSWD PRAISE  Yes  No What year: What award category:

Nomination Form and Write-up:

 Each nomination requires the submission of one (1) original nomination packet containing the
fully accomplished DSWD PRAISE Nomination Form and other documentary requirements
neatly packaged; and one (1) scanned copy of the original nomination packet to be emailed to
the PRAISE National Secretariat;

 The write-up must highlight outstanding accomplishments or exemplary norms of conduct
manifested within the last three years;
 Presentation of accomplishments or norms manifested should be in order of significance,
complete with descriptions, justifications and should adhere to the following pointers:
o Use specific terms;
o State outstanding accomplishments or exemplary norms displayed and impact in brief
factual and in bullet form;
o Present Impact of accomplishments by indicating how it was sustained/adopted,
problems addressed, savings generated, people/office benefited and/or transactions
 The nomination write-up should only be for a maximum of 10 pages (A4 size bond paper,
Arial #12 font) to include the summary of accomplishments, impact and other information
except for documentary evidence

Name of Nominee: LEAH MYLEN L. LUCERO


I. Executive Summary

Ms. Leah Mylen L. Lucero is a duly licensed Social Worker and completed her college
education at Saint Louis University, Baguio City on March 1997 with the Degree on Bachelor
of Science in Social Work. She began her stint at the Department on 02 August 1998 as the
Regional Sub-Committee for the Welfare of Children (RSCWC) Coordinator under MOA
status. Because of her excellent performance and dedication, she was promoted as Human
Resource Management Officer II with a permanent status after a year. Since then, she
began to develop and exemplify her innate passion to her profession and rose from the
ranks. After being promoted as Social Welfare Officer II and Social Welfare Officer III
respectively in a span of eight years, she was eventually promoted as Social Welfare Officer
IV after over four (4) years more (can we include kung saan pa cia nag head na mga
units or sections) and is currently designated as the Center Head of the Regional
Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY). Her thirst for further development and education is
unquenchable. She is nearing the completion of her Master’s Degree in Social Work at the
University of Northern Philippines in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur.

II. Exemplary Ethical Behavior (The extent to which the extraordinary value and/or achievements/contributions of
the individual exemplify the eight (8) norms provided under RA 6713: commitment to public interest, professionalism, justness
and sincerity, political neutrality, responsiveness to the public, nationalism and patriotism, commitment to democracy, and
simple living)

Describe the nominee’s adherence to the following norms of conduct (RA 6713) of public servants:

1.) Commitment to Public Interest- Upholds the public interest over and above personal interest; uses all government resources
and powers efficiently, effectively and economically.

Her commitment to public interest over her own personal interest is irrefutable. As the former head of the Standards Section
responsible for the assessment and accreditation of Social Welfare and Development Agencies, Day Care Workers, and Child
Development Centers, she has consistently helped and assisted numerous non-government organizations and faith-based
organizations in their accreditation to operate more efficiently. She was able to forged partnerships with various civic
organizations as evidenced by the signing of MOA or MOUs. She worked beyond office hours just to ensure that the goals and
objectives of her Section are met. At the RRCY alone, in barely four (4) months after her designation as Center Head, she was
able to conduct a Partnership Forum attended by 10 different NGOs and Faith Based Organizations on 03 December 2018
(ano po ang naitulong ng partnership sa operation ng RRCY?). Her eagerness and proactive approach to public service makes
her a valuable asset of the Department.

2.) Professionalism – Performs and discharges one’s duties with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence
and skills

She is judicious and tactful in all her dealings with her colleagues as well as subordinates. She shows respect and high regard
to other workers yet cautious and thorough in all her transactions. She personifies the “Vigor and Rigor” mantra. She has plenty
of initiatives in her armory and in every challenges she encounters, she, almost always, has solutions ready up her sleeves.

Personally, I have never had any information nor witness that she laxed or settled with mediocre results. She was never frayed
in her focus and very resolute in finding ways and means to accomplish her goals.

3.) Justness and Sincerity – Remains true to the people at all times; does not discriminate; respects the rights of others; and
refrains from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety and public interest

As her supervisee, I am a personal witness that she is truly just and sincere in her dealings. She does not listen to hearsays but
weighs matters carefully by hearing all concerned parties their side of the story. She is not easily swayed by undue influence or
insinuations. She is frank and straightforward. She discourages sugar coating but presents facts as they are. She obliges and
upholds duly issued memoranda, official orders, or instructions without hesitation and to the letter. She has initiated the crafting
of internal policies to provide a clear guidance to all workers.

4.) Political Neutrality – Provides service to everyone without unfair discrimination and regardless of party affiliation or

Indeed, our nominee was never a respecter of persons in terms of affiliations, status, religion, or whatsoever. She serves
without favor and leaning. She always provides her assistance and services based on need. In fact, she welcomes all religious
denominations to offer spiritual services to the clients of the Center as far as they are responsive to the policies laid out. When
we conducted the sports fest of our clients on May to June 2019, I proposed to her if she would permit us to solicit trophies,
medals, and other items to some local political figures in the area, because such has been a practice in the previous years, but
she declined. She said that it is not right to be associated with any political person especially when election is fast approaching.
We sought other means with her assistance.

5.) Responsiveness to the Public – Extends prompt, courteous, and adequate service to the public; provides information on
their policies and procedures in clear and understandable language; ensures openness of information and consultations
whenever appropriate; simplifies and systematizes policy, rules and procedures

Her initiative to respond to this ethical norm was another milestone in the history of operating the RRCY. She launched the start
of so-called “Executive Duty” or skeletal duty of social workers during weekends and holidays to ensure that all concerns,
queries, and/or untoward incidents are responded the soonest. She also assured all workers on active duty that her contact
number is always ready to receive calls whenever necessary. Her cellphone was restless ever since.

6.) Nationalism and Patriotism – Promotes the use of locally produced goods, resources and technology; encourages
appreciation and pride of country and people

Actually, our nominee promotes the products and expertise of our beneficiaries whenever possible. During our stress
management activity, our AVRC clients were invited to provide training and services on massage, and foot spa. Also during the
conduct of our skills training on Haircutting, two (2) Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries who were trained and accredited by TESDA
were hired as trainers. Moreover, she did not only provide support to our Blood Letting Program partnership with the Philippine
Red Cross but she herself donated a bag of blood to the program. Her nationalism and patriotism is beyond question.

7.) Commitment to Democracy – Commits to democratic way of life and values; maintains the principle of public accountability

She advocates transparency and accountability especially in terms of financial responsibility. She encourages all staff with
financial accountabilities to use duly issued forms and templates in registering all manners of financial transactions. Although
she is a little strict on policies yet workers can freely express their thought and opinions because she is a good listener. She
does not dispute nor divert questions or inquiries thrown at her. She even assured members of the Rehabilitation Team that no
decision shall be made or enforced unless it is unanimously agreed upon.

8.) Simple living - Leads modest lives appropriate to one’s position and income; not indulging in extravagant or ostentatious
display of wealth in any form

Indeed, she never wears flashy jewelries or fancy clothes. She adheres to duly issued official attire or uniform. She is modest
not only in dressing but in her lifestyle as well.

III. Quality and Consistency of Behavioral Performance (The level of consistency to which the
nominee has manifested exemplary conduct and noteworthiness of behavioral performance in adherence to the three (3) core
values of DSWD: maagap at mapagkalingang serbisyo, serbisyong walang puwang sa katiwalian and patas na pagtrato sa

Describe nominee’s adherence to the three core values of DSWD and how he/she was able to consistently demonstrate an
enabling work attitude, as follows:

1.) Maagap at Mapagkalingang Serbisyo

 She initiated the “Executive on Duty” of case managers to provide immediate response during weekends and holidays;
 She encouraged the crafting of internal policy governing calls and text messages of clients to their immediate families
and relatives;
 She supported the diversion of goat raising project to low salaried employees of the Center to augment their livelihood.
The project is dubbed as “Sa Goat sa Kabuhayan”;
 She pushed for the retention of 17 CRCF funded workers who are about to be pre-terminated by reviewing and re-
allocating funds from the RRCY’s WFP;

2.) Serbisyong Walang puwang sa Katiwalian

 She promotes transparency and accountability in the workplace. All issues are discussed in a proper forum.

 She always ensures that all transactions, activities, and other events are properly documented, recorded and reviewed.
 She abhors bribery in any form.

3.) Patas na Pagtrato sa Komunidad

 She supports and promotes the quarterly meeting with parents of clients held every last Friday of the last month of
the quarter. She believed that parents have an important role in the client’s holistic rehabilitation.
 She does not only believed that other members of the community such as NGOs, Faith based organizations, Civic
groups, academe and private individuals can help but she provides opportunities for these groups to become
partners in the implementation of the Center’s programs and services through the “Bantay, Tulay, and Kaagapay” for
social protection initiatives of the Department. She has continuously coordinated with various groups and
organizations for partnerships thru MOA signing.
IV. Exemplary Work Performance (The degree to which the individual rendered excellent work performance and
overall display of competence, translated into unique, concrete, verifiable outputs)

a.) Cite incidents displaying nominee’s demonstration of excellence in his/her delivery of work; performance of assigned tasks
in a timely, consistent and orderly manner or Complete Staff Work (CSW) every time; application of his/her knowledge and
expertise in troubleshooting/solving problems quickly; nominee’s capacity for self-management such as through finishing
his/her tasks even with minimum description, direction or supervision:

Immediately after being installed as Center Head of the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY) on __ August 2018,
and while some former staff of the Center were undergoing fact finding investigation, she wastes no time putting order and
organization to the Center’s operation. She called for an immediate meeting with all concerned staff to cascade instructions and

b.) Cite the nominee’s superior accomplishments/ achievements; how she/he handled multiple workload effectively and
delivered excellent results in a timely fashion, showed technical competence on areas of expertise and are able to
teach/mentor/share this to others in the workplace. As applicable, indicate why the nominee’s accomplishments are considered
exemplary; also indicate whether or not accomplishments are part of the nominee’s regular functions/mandated of the office or
of his/her own initiative:

During her leadership at the Standards Section, the Section was able to craft a compendium entitled Pagsanggiran: Stories of
Resilience, a compendium that details the success stories of social welfare and development agencies through the assistance
of DSWD Field Office 1. This compilation of stories is an undertaking that advocates the key messaging of the Department in
providing compassionate and prompt service and a support to the communication landscapes of the Department particularly in
the achievement of organizational outcome 4. More so, a community development project entitled Proyektong Kwaderno that
aims to provide school supplies, hygiene kits, among other to poor children to chosen communities. More than 200 children
benefitted the said project in Adams, Ilocos Norte and Brgy. Porporiket, Sudipen, La Union.

The Standards Section was also awarded as _____________ during the 67 th DSWD Anniversary celebration of the Field Office
in February 2018. This is a manifestation that her leadership exudes exemplary work performance.

To accelerate and improve the social marketing and strategies of RRCY, she has designated Vincent Paul Ruiz as the
Documentation Focal of the Center. This is in support to the Department needs to strengthened and broaden its communication
trends and processes by involving a greater number of communicators to collect extensive, real, sentimental, community-
based, and people-oriented information and stories. In so doing, RRCY has already published stories highlighting the provision
of transformational relationships and positive rebuilding practices of the Center. Enriched perspectives, improved values,
informed decisions, and inclusion are among the values and principles that were shared with the public relative to the
rehabilitation of the children and the efforts of RRCY.

V. Impact of Behavioral Performance (The extent to which extraordinary behavior has created a powerful
effect or impact within his/her own workplace, in the DSWD, and/or outside the Department)

a.) Briefly describe the task/project/s that best demonstrates the impact of the nominee’s behavioral performance using the
STAR Framework as guide for this portion:

Situation (Challenges/Situation the nominee faced)

Task (Tasks involved in the challenge/situation)

Action (Action s/he took and why; what were the alternatives)

Result (Outcome of his/her action; were the objectives met and did it contribute to the overall performance of DSWD

b.) Briefly describe how the nominee was able to:

1.) Demonstrate quality of character manifested in dealing with co-workers, internal and external partners

2.) Influence/motivate others (internal and external partners) towards doing the required deliverables and in attaining
the unit’s/office’s commitments.

VI. Other Information (Major awards/citations received, membership in other socio-civic organizations, etc.)

The nominee is a multi-awarded staff of the Department. In 2004 and in her capacity as Social Welfare Officer II, she was
already awarded as Best Technical Staff for the regional level. She was also a Character Awardee with the theme “Person of
Decisiveness” in 2011. She also became of the Best Technical Staff finalists for the regional level in 2013. In 2014, She was
again awarded the Best Technical Staff for the regional level and Top 3 Finalists in the National Level. As the head of her unit,
the Standards Unit was awarded as the Best Operations Office in 2017 and also awarded 1 st Runner-Up for DSWD-FO I Good
Practice, Mobilizing Administrative Staff in the Accreditation of Daycare Centers and Daycare Workers. She is also a promising
sportswoman for garnering the 1 st Runner-Up for the 3 kilometers run-female category during the Sillag Sunset Run for Hope in
2019 and also awarded Table Tennis Champion-female category during the DSWD-RRCY Sports fest 2019.

Ms. Leah Mylen L. Lucero is currently the Vice Chairperson of the DSWD-FO I Employees Credit Cooperative, Chapter
Secretary of the Association of DSWD Social Workers, Inc. (ADSWI) Region I, and member of the Social Welfare employees
Association of the Philippines (SWEAP) FO I Chapter.


We attest to all facts contained herein and authorize the use of this information for publication. We understand that the PRAISE
Committee will validate the accuracy of the information contained in this form and grant our consent to the conduct of a
background investigation. Any misrepresentation made by the signatories shall be a ground for disciplinary action pursuant to
applicable Civil Service laws and rules.

Printed Name and Signature:

________________________________ ___________________________________
Nominee Nominator

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