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-Use Newton’s law of gravitation to infer gravitational force, weight, and acceleration due to gravity
-Discuss the physical significance of gravitational field
-Apply the concept of gravitational potential energy in physics problems
-Calculate quantities related to planetary or satellite motion

What’s In
Gravitational Force – is one of the microscopic forces that involve interactions between elementary particles.
It is the force of attraction between any two bodies. It is the same force that makes objects come down when thrown
upward. It is also the force that makes the moon revolve around our planet. It is so universal that Isaac Newton
proposed a law known as Universal Law of Gravitation.
Gm 1 m2
F= 2
where: m1 and m2 are the masses of the two particles, r is the distance of
separation of their centers of mass, and G is the universal constant, whose value is equal to G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 /
kg2. An example is weight. Can you tell why?

Gravitational Force – is also a non-contact force, which occurs from a distance. Here, forces act on an object without
direct physical contact with a second object. These forces are called action-at-a-distance forces. Thus, the
gravitational force is defined also as the force acting between objects due to presence of matter.

What’s New
Direction: Explain the given the situation.
A falling body exerts force on the Earth equal to its weight. Why does it accelerate greatly compared
to the Earth? Should the Earth accelerate also?

What is It
Mass - is the quantity of matter or the amount of stuff of a body. It is constant wherever the object is.
Weight – the force of gravity or the pull of the Earth on any object. It varies according to location.

We have studied gravitational interaction in two related manners. First, we studied it in terms of force and then
in terms of energy. There is yet another way to look at gravitational interactions. We can study it in terms of
gravitational field.

In the simplest form, we define a gravitational field as a region in which gravitational force can be
experienced. We should, however, be aware that the concept of force field has deeper meaning. Forces like
gravitational force and electromagnetic force work with “action at a distance”. As bodies are not in contact, it is
conceptualized that force is communicated to bodies through a force field, which operates on the entities brought in its
region of influence.

Electromagnetic interaction, which also abides inverse square law like gravitational force, is completely
described in terms of field concept. Theoretical conception of gravitational force field, however, is not complete yet.
For this reason, we would restrict treatment of gravitational force field to the extent it is in agreement with well-
established known facts. In particular, we would not conceptualize about physical existence of gravitational field
unless we refer “general relativity”.

A body experiences gravitational force in the presence of another mass. This fact can be thought to be the
result of a process in which presence of a one mass modifies the characteristics of the region around itself. In other
words, it creates a gravitational field around itself. When another mass enters the region of influence, it experiences
gravitational force, which is given by Newton’s law of gravitation.

Field strength

Field strength (E) is equal to gravitational force experienced by unit mass in a gravitational field. Mathematically,


Its unit is N/kg. Field strength is a vector quantity and abides by the rules of vector algebra, including superposition
principle. Hence, if there are number of bodies, then resultant or net gravitational field due to them at a given point is
vector sum of individual fields,
E=E1 + E2 + E3 +… ⇒ E=Σ Ei

Significance of field strength

An inspection of the expression of gravitational field reveals that its expression is exactly same as that of acceleration
of a body of mass, “m”, acted upon by an external force, “F”. Clearly,


For this reason, gravitational field strength is dimensionally same as acceleration. Now, dropping vector notation for
action in a particular direction of force,

⇒ E=a=

We can test this assertion. For example, Earth’s gravitational field strength can be obtained, by substituting for
gravitational force between Earth of mass,"M", and a particle of mass, "m" :

F G Mm = G M =g
⇒ E= = 2 2
m r m r

Thus, Earth’s gravitational field strength is equal to gravitational acceleration, “g”.

Field strength, apart from its interpretation for the action at a distance, is a convenient tool to map a region and
thereby find the force on a body brought in the field. It is something like knowing “unit rate”. Suppose if we are selling
pens and if we know its unit selling price, then it is easy to calculate price of any numbers of pens that we sale. We
need not compute the unit selling price incorporating purchase cost, overheads, profit margins etc every time we make
a sale.

Similar is the situation here. Once gravitational field strength in a region is mapped (known), we need not be
concerned about the bodies which are responsible for the gravitational field. We can compute gravitational force on
any mass that enters the region by simply multiplying the mass with the unit rate of gravitational force i.e. field


In accordance with this interpretation, we determine gravitational force on a body brought in the gravitational field of
Earth by multiplying the mass with the gravitational field strength,


This approach has following advantages :

1: We can measure gravitational force on a body without reference to other body responsible for gravitational field. In
the context of Earth, for example, we compute gravitational force without any reference to the mass of Earth. The
concept of field strength allows us to study gravitational field in terms of the mass of one body and as such relieves us
from considering it always in terms of two body system. The effect of one of two bodies is actually represented by its
gravitational field strength.

2: It simplifies mathematical calculation for gravitational force. Again referring to the context of Earth’s gravity, we see
that we hardly ever use Newton’s gravitational law. We find gravitational force by just multiplying mass with
gravitational field strength (acceleration). Imagine if we have to compute gravitational force every time, making
calculation with masses of Earth and the body and the squared distance between them!
What I Have Learned

I. Directions: Answer each question briefly & with the most appropriate response. Please work
independently, copying is never allowed.
1. The acceleration of objects on the surface of the moon is only 1/6 of the 9.8 m/s2. From this fact is it correct to
conclude that the mass of the moon is therefore 1/6 the mass of the Earth?
2. Explain how gravitational attraction happens in the occurrence of tides. Why is not there one tide everyday
instead of two tides everyday?
3. From a point of view at the sun, does the moon circle Earth, or does Earth circle the moon?
4. We can think of a force field as a kind of extended aura that surrounds a body, spreading its influence to affect
things. As an electric field affects electric charges, and a magnetic field affects magnetic poles, what does a
gravitational field affect?
5. Where is your weight greatest, at the surface of Earth, deep below the surface, or above the surface? Explain

II. PROBLEM SOLVING: Write the given, required, formula, and the solution to each problem, then box your final
answer in ball pen.
1. If two balls of mass 0.3kg each has a distance 0.3m distance between them, determine the gravitational
2. Find the force a 67.5kg man would experience while standing on the surface of each of the following planets.
Show your solutions!
Planets Mass Distance Force (N)
Earth 5.98 x 10 24 kg 6.337 x 105 m
Mars 6.34 x 10 23 kg 3.43 x 105 m
Pluto 5 x 10 kg 4 x105 m
3. A 500g metal ball is brought to the moon. What is its weight on Earth? on the moon? What is its mass on
Earth? on the moon?


*Conceptual Physics by Paul Hewitt

*College Physics by Weber

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