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The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the

United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a

basic income.

The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution

in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or

providing a basic income. The Fiscal Redistribution in the United States requires a process of tax

and transfer of resources. Adopting a federal job guarantee would function as the de facto floor

in the labor market. To increase the Fiscal Redistribution, a federal job guarantee can continue to

give good paying jobs to people who suffered while both wages and opportunities have lagged.

Expanding Social Security provides a foundation of income on which workers can build to plan

for their retirement. Social Security benefits are based on the earning on which people pay Social

Security payroll taxes. The higher their earnings, the higher their benefit. Providing a basic

income would increase economic stability and opportunity for the less wealthy members of

society. It could help redistribute wealth and power more equitably and providing a more

balanced distribution of economic resources.

I want to begin by The United States federal government should consider in expanding

fiscal redistribution in the U. S by embracing a federal job guarantee. A federal job guarantee has

several benefits for the United States. Unemployment is a major predictor of poverty in the

United States, data indicates that’s simply having a job is an insufficient condition for the escape

of poverty. According to, “Although the federal government has established full

employment as a national goal in the past, it has failed to achieve their goals through

macroeconomic stabilization policies, monetary or fiscal. A federal job guarantee has several
benefits for the United States. Firstly, it creates stable employment opportunities for individuals,

which can help reduce unemployment rates and provide a sense of security. By providing stable

employment to all individuals who are willing and able to work, this ambition aims to address

income inequality and reduce poverty. Stable employment ensures a steady source of income,

allowing individuals and families to meet their basic needs and improve their living

standards. Implementing a federal job guarantee program would require substantial funding, but

it has the potential to be cost-effective in the long run. According to, “By providing

stable employment opportunities to those who would otherwise be unemployed, the program can

reduce the burden on existing welfare programs and stimulate economic growth.” Ensuring fair

and equitable access to job opportunities is a crucial aspect of implementing a Federal Job

Guarantee in the United States. This requires designing the program structure and eligibility

criteria in a way that enables individuals from diverse backgrounds to access these job

opportunities. It is necessary to consider factors such as education, skills, and geographical

location to ensure that all individuals have equal access to the benefits of the program.

The next thing I want to add is The United States federal government should consider in

expanding fiscal redistribution in the U.S by enlarging social security. Social Security provides

an income when you retire or if you cannot work due to a disability. Social Security is important

in the United Staes because it can contribute to the reduction of poverty and income inequality,

as well as improve healthcare access for vulnerable populations. Expanding social security

further strengthens the social safety net and ensures that a larger segment of society can benefit

from its provisions. states, “It is important to have an overview of the system to

understand its strengths and weaknesses. This section will examine the structure, components,

and funding mechanisms of the current social security system. By exploring the details of the
existing system, we can identify areas where expansion may be necessary to address the evolving

needs of the population.” Expanding social security can significantly contribute to the reduction

of poverty and income inequality in the United States. By providing a larger safety net for

individuals and families, social security programs can help lift people out of poverty and ensure a

more equitable distribution of resources. By increasing benefit levels and expanding eligibility

criteria, social security can provide a more comprehensive and effective solution to address these

societal challenges. Improved healthcare access for vulnerable populations is a crucial aspect of

expanding social security. By enhancing the existing social security system, vulnerable

populations, such as low-income individuals and those with pre-existing conditions, can gain

better access to healthcare services. According to, “This expansion would provide

necessary financial assistance for medical expenses, ensuring that individuals do not have to

choose between their health and financial stability. government can provide a stronger support

system for vulnerable populations and ensure greater financial security for all. This expansion

would not only benefit retirees by enhancing their financial security, but it would also help

reduce poverty and income inequality in society as a whole.

The last thing I want to end off with is The United States Federal Government should

substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by providing a basic income.

Basic income is a system in which all citizens or residents of a country receive a regular,

unconditional cash transfer from the government, regardless of their income or employment

status. It is a form of social welfare that aims to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality, and promote

social security. The idea behind basic income is that every individual should have access to a

minimum level of income to meet their basic needs and have the freedom to pursue their goals

and aspirations, states Funding mechanisms for implementing a basic income system
in the United States are crucial to ensure its viability. Various funding options have been

proposed, including taxation reforms and redirecting funds from existing welfare programs. One

potential mechanism is implementing a progressive tax system, where higher income individuals

and corporations contribute a larger percentage of their income towards funding the basic income


To Conclude, The United States federal government should consider in expanding fiscal

redistribution in the U.S by embracing a federal job guarantee, enlarge social security, and/or

providing a basic income. a federal job guarantee can continue to give good paying jobs to

people who suffered while both wages and opportunities have lagged. Expanding Social Security

provides a foundation of income on which workers can build to plan for their retirement.

Providing a basic income would increase economic stability and opportunity for the less wealthy

members of society.

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