Summative Test in English 9

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S.Y. 2023-2024
Directions: Read the text below. Answer the following questions. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
Ella had always been fascinated by the ancient civilizations that once thrived in the heart of the
Amazon rainforest. She had read countless books about the mysterious ruins hidden within the dense
foliage and dreamed of one day exploring them herself. Finally, after years of anticipation, she
embarked on an expedition with a team of archaeologists to uncover the secrets of the past. As they
hacked their way through the thick vegetation, Ella couldn't contain her excitement. Suddenly, they
stumbled upon an overgrown pathway leading to what appeared to be a crumbling temple. The air
was thick with anticipation as they cautiously made their way inside, their eyes widening in awe at the
intricate carvings and artifacts that adorned the walls. It was a moment Ella would never forget, as she
realized that she was standing on the threshold of history itself.
1. What was Ella fascinated by?
A) Modern technology B) Ancient civilizations in the Amazon rainforest
C) Famous landmarks around the world D) Marine life in the ocean
2. Why did Ella embark on an expedition with archaeologists?
A) To study modern architecture B) To uncover the secrets of the past
C) To explore outer space D) To learn about contemporary art
3. What did Ella and the team stumble upon during their expedition?
A) An abandoned city B) A hidden pathway
C) A modern shopping mall D) A deserted island
Luna loved to explore the old abandoned mansion at the edge of town. She had heard stories about
its haunted halls and mysterious past. One day, while wandering through the dusty rooms, Luna stumbled
upon an ancient diary hidden beneath a floorboard. The diary belonged to a girl named Isabella, who
lived in the mansion over a century ago. As Luna read through the pages, she uncovered tales of secret
passages, lost treasures, and tragic love stories. With each entry, Luna felt more connected to Isabella
and the mansion's history. She realized that sometimes the most exciting adventures are found in the

4. Why did Luna enjoy exploring the old mansion?

A) She wanted to find lost treasures. B) She heard it was haunted.
C) She liked to read ancient diaries. D) She found it exciting and mysterious.
5. What did Luna find hidden beneath a floorboard in the mansion?
A) A ghost B) A lost treasure
C) An ancient diary D) A map of secret passages
6. How did Luna feel as she read through Isabella's diary?
A) Bored B) Afraid
C) Connected to Isabella and the mansion's history D) Excited to explore more


A. Directions: Choose the letter of the underlined word’s best definition.
7. The protagonist's perspicacious observations led him to unravel the intricate web of deceit woven
by the antagonist.
A) inattentive B) dull
C) sharp D) unintellectual
8. The arduous trek through the rugged terrain tested the endurance of the explorers, but their
tenacity drove them to persevere until they reached their destination.
A) easy B) requiring effort
C) effortless D) unnecessary

B. Directions: Fill in the blank with a word formed from the word in the parenthesis.
9. The sun shines _________ in the sky during the day.
A) bright B) brightly C) brighteners D) brightness
10. Dogs love to _________ fetch with their owners.
A) play B) playfully C) playing D) player

III. Differentiating bias from prejudice:

Directions: Read each sentence, then determine whether it defines bias or prejudice. Write A for bias and B
for prejudice.
11. The politician's policies are clearly the best choice for our country's future.
12. I don't trust him because he's from a different cultural background.
13. The new restaurant in town is far superior to any other dining option nearby.
IV. Identifying main ideas and supporting details:
Directions: Read the paragraph, then answer the questions that follow.
(A) The weather can have a significant impact on our daily lives. (B) Extreme weather events can disrupt
daily routines and activities. (C) For example, heavy rainstorms may lead to flooding, causing road
closures and making it difficult to travel to work or school. (D) Different seasons bring about changes in
weather patterns, affecting our clothing choices and outdoor activities. (E) During the summer, people
often seek relief from the heat by spending time at the beach or enjoying cold treats like ice cream. (F)
Weather forecasts help us prepare for upcoming conditions, allowing us to plan accordingly. (G) For
instance, if a snowstorm is predicted, individuals may stock up on groceries and ensure their homes are
equipped with necessary supplies such as shovels and salt for clearing sidewalks.

14. What is the main topic of the paragraph?

a. impact of weather b. daily lives c. summer d. heavy rainstorms
15. What is the main idea presented in the paragraph?
a. Sentence A b. Sentence B c. Sentence C d. Sentence D
16 – 18. Identify at least three (3) sentences from the paragraph that support the main idea. Write the
letter that corresponds to your chosen sentences in their proper order in the paragraph.
Choices: A. Sentence B B. Sentence C C. Sentence D D. Sentence E E. Sentence F
16. sentence _____ 17. sentence _____ 18. sentence _____

V. Agreement and disagreement:

Directions: Read the following sentences and tell whether the underlined phrases are expression of
(A) AGREEMENT or (B) DISAGREEMENT. Write only the letter of your answer.
19. I am with you on that decision to invest in renewable energy. It's crucial for a sustainable future.
20. I think otherwise about the proposal to increase taxes. I believe it could negatively impact small
21. On the contrary, I don't agree with the idea of extending the school day. I believe it could overwhelm
students and disrupt their work-life balance.
22. I couldn't agree with you more about the importance of exercise for maintaining good health. It's
essential for overall well-being.

VI. Types of evidence:

Directions: Read and identify the type of evidence given in each item.
A. facts B. Quotes C. Statistics D. Anecdotes
23. The human body contains about 206 bones at birth, but as we age, some of these bones fuse
together. The final count for an adult human is typically 206 bones.
24. During a mountain hike, my friend shivered uncontrollably in the cold, illustrating the body's natural
response to generate heat through muscle contractions.
25. The human body is an incredible machine, as Dr. Jane Goodall noted, 'with many remarkable systems
working together seamlessly to sustain life.
26. The surface area of the human lungs, if spread out flat, could cover an entire tennis court.

VI. Relevance, Accuracy, Bias or Reliability:

Directions: Read each situation carefully. Identify the element of material quality emphasized in each of the
given situations. tell whether it is RELEVANCE, ACCURACY, BIAS or RELIABILITY. Choose the letter of the correct

27. Pia background checks the author of the research paper he will be using in his work.
28. Anna confirms if all the information that she has are related and serves its purpose to her essay.
29. Stephen makes sure that both sides of the issue were presented and elaborated properly.
30. Sophia checks if the historical timeline provided in the textbook is aligned with all the other historical

VII. Subject-verb agreement:

Directions: Read the following sentences carefully and select the correct form of the verb inside the
31. Seventy pesos (a. is, b. are) the amount we have to pay to the seller.
32. Either my mom or my sisters (a. is, b. are) going to the mall with me.
33. We, who (a. is, b. are) the winning team, should perform on stage.
34. Shiela, together with Anna, (a. is, b. are) joining the contest tomorrow.
35. The jury (a. is, b. are) deciding quietly outside the court.

--------------------------------------- Trust yourself; you know more than you think you do. --------------------------------------

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