Repsonse 3

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Ellis 1

Ja’Niayah Ellis

Professor Diehl

Human Experience

19 February 2024

The painting I want to discuss for my reading response will be The Almond Tree

precisely because it caught my eye and was one of the most beautiful works we looked at in

class. I loved implementing the light blue sky with the white blooming flowers. The colors

represent such a vibrant matter versus other paintings we discussed. It has a brighter and more

positive energy, making it lively. In class, we examined how the painting was a gift to his

newest-born nephew. Nature was used as a source of inspiration for it. The story that Vincent

was trying to tell was his interpretation of New Beginnings with Progress to be still made. The

painting is very detailed.

One thing that stood out to me was the flowers. When you look closely, you can see little specs

of red/pinkish color on the flowers that haven’t wholly bloomed to their fullest potential as fully

grown flowers. To me, the whiteness of the flowers is also a form of purity. The painting tries to

tell a story about how a new life is forming, which could be in honor of his nephew and himself.

But there are little symbols, such as the unbloomed flowers and the structure of the branches, that

show that growth is still needed ahead and we aren’t at our best selves just yet. The picture

depicts hope and happiness in a new life but is also a reminder that we have to continue to move

forward to see the final results. The character that I think of in this painting is Vincent himself. It

is a symbiotic form of him participating in the art. As most of his paintings discuss or display his

feelings, this one explains and visualizes where he wants to end up and solemnly become. I don’t
Ellis 2

think he is heartbroken; I feel he is pleased overall. The painting is celebrating so much new life

and certainty. This was also a turning point in his life, being free to go out in nature while

suffering from his illness. But at the same time, I think there is a bit of doubt within the branches

and the blooming flowers in progress. Overall, my depiction of the painting just represents so

much renewal and hope.

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