Lumbofemoral Rhythm During Active Hip Flexion in Standing in Healthy Older Adults

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Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 88–92

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Original Article

Lumbofemoral rhythm during active hip flexion in standing in healthy

older adults
Yi-Liang Kuo a, c, Elizabeth A. Tully b, *, Mary P. Galea b
Department of Physical Therapy, Tzu Chi University, Hualien 97004, Taiwan
School of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia
Department of Physical Therapy, Tzu Chi College of Technology, Hualien 97005, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The 2D PEAK Motus motion analysis system was used to measure the sagittal lumbofemoral rhythm
Received 3 February 2009 during active hip (knee) flexion in standing in 34 healthy older adults whose movement may be influ-
Received in revised form enced by age-related changes in the neuromusculoskeletal system. When the thigh was raised, the
14 July 2009
lumbar spine moved concurrently with the hip joint throughout the movement. Approximately 5! of
Accepted 6 August 2009
initial hip flexion occurred before 1! of lumbar flexion. Overall, the lumbar spine contributed 26.6%
(29.3! ) of the total thigh movement (pelvis þ hip joint) during the upward (110.2! ) movement phase.
Compared to children and young adults, older adults demonstrated some age-related differences in
Hip sagittal lumbofemoral rhythm, including decreased hip flexion and a large variation in the hip-to-lumbar
Motion analysis movement ratio. Clinicians and exercise instructors need to be aware of the concurrent movement
Ageing interaction between the hip joint and lumbar spine when measuring hip flexion range or when
instructing abdominal, hip, or lumbar exercises. The potential influence of limited range of motion of
either hip or lumbar component on the movement should also be addressed.
! 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction 2002) and lumbar flexion (Tully et al., 2002) during hip (knee)
flexion in supine and standing. Tully et al. (2002) used two-
Scapulohumeral rhythm, or the concurrent movement of the dimensional (2D) analysis to investigate the effect of age on lum-
scapula with the humerus during arm elevation is well documented bofemoral rhythm and reported a similar pattern of hip-to-lumbar
in the literature and understood by clinicians. However, this is not interaction in healthy children and young adults, with concurrent
the case with regard to the kinematic contribution of the hip joint, lumbar flexion providing approximately 1/3 of the upward move-
pelvis and lumbar spine as the thigh is flexed towards the chest. The ment of the thigh. Although statistical analyses showed no
current understanding is that the hip joint and pelvis move significant difference between children and young adults, the
sequentially, with the hip joint being flexed first, and the pelvis phase-angle plots indicated delayed lumbar flexion in some
commencing to rotate posteriorly once the hip joint has completed subjects as they commenced lifting the thigh, and a delay in lumbar
its full range. This is evidenced by the attempt to limit pelvic extension in most subjects as the thigh was lowered.
movement during the straight leg raising test (Fisk, 1979; Gajdosik Hip (knee) flexion in standing is a more functional task than hip
et al., 1993) or to detect the onset of pelvic rotation when flexion in supine, being similar to the activities of stair climbing, and
measuring hip flexion range (Norkin and White, 2003), and appears putting on pants or shoes in standing. It is unclear whether age-
to indicate that clinicians and researchers believe that ‘thigh related decline, such as muscle weakness (Skelton et al., 1994) and
flexion’ occurs solely at the hip joint. Posterior pelvic rotation, decreased range of motion (Roach and Miles, 1991; McGill et al.,
indicative of lumbar flexion in this instance, is considered a ‘trick’ or 1999;Van Herp et al., 2000), may influence neuromuscular control
compensatory movement. and alter the kinematic interaction between the hip joint and lumbar
Using image-based analysis with skin reference markers on spine as the thigh is raised in older adults. In a review article, Enoka
bony landmarks, previous researchers have demonstrated concur- (1996) reported that older adults experience less age-related decline
rent posterior pelvic rotation (Bohannon et al., 1985a; Murray et al., in the maximum force for eccentric contractions compared with
concentric contractions. As it has been suggested that the previously
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61 3 8344 4171; fax: þ61 3 8344 4188.
observed delay in lumbar extension as the thigh was lowered,
E-mail address: (E.A. Tully). especially in children (Tully et al., 2002), may be related to the

1356-689X/$ – see front matter ! 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Y.-L. Kuo et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 88–92 89

eccentric nature of muscle control, it is possible that this delay may

not be present in older adults. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
quantify the lumbofemoral rhythm during hip (knee) flexion in
standing in healthy older adults whose movement may be influ-
enced by age-related changes in the neuromusculoskeletal system.

2. Materials and methods

Thirty-four healthy community-dwelling older adults aged over

60 years volunteered for this study (Table 1). Volunteers were
screened to exclude those with significant scoliosis, identifiable
movement dysfunction, pain or pathology in the spine or lower
extremities requiring treatment during the preceding 6 months.
Prior to participating in this study, subjects were informed of the
details of this project and signed a written consent form. This study
was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the
The 2D PEAK Motus motion analysis system (PEAK Performance
Technologies, Englewood, CO, USA) was used to investigate the
movement of hip (knee) flexion. Details of camera and lighting set-
up have been reported previously (Tully et al., 2002). Fig. 1 indicates
the placement of the six spherical reflective markers (B&L Engi- Fig. 1. Marker placement and angle calculation. Positive/negative lumbar spine and
hip angles denote flexion/extension.
neering, Tustin, CA, USA) attached to the midline spine, pelvis and
lateral aspect of the right thigh in standing (Tully et al., 2005; Kuo
(20–80%) and late (80–100%) stages (Tully et al., 2002). Then, the
et al., 2008). Good intra-rater reliability of marker placement in
total hip and lumbar spine range (maximum angle minus minimum
standing was established in a pilot study (ICC1,1 (intraclass corre-
angle) and the hip-to-lumbar movement ratios were calculated for
lation coefficient) ¼ 0.85–0.92).
the entire upward and downward movement phases and for each
To ensure safety, participants were instructed to place their
selected movement stage.
hands lightly on a stable support (at waist height) in front of them
The group ensemble average hip joint and lumbar spine angles
while performing the test movement. Participants initiated the
were plotted against time to examine the lumbofemoral rhythm
movement from erect standing, actively flexing the right knee as far
over time, and the group ensemble average angle–angle plot was
as possible towards the chest at their own comfortable speed, and
used to examine the movement interaction between the hip joint
avoiding any forward (transverse) rotation of the pelvis. As soon as
and lumbar spine. Prior to data analysis, normality of the data was
the right knee reached its highest point, participants immediately
examined, and data were summarised accordingly. A paired t-test
lowered the leg to the ground, distributing the weight equally on
was used to compare the total hip and lumbar spine ranges during
both feet before starting the next trial. Following two practise
the entire upward and downward phases. Two-way repeated
attempts, three trials were recorded.
measures analysis of variance was used to investigate the effect of
The best trial was chosen for analysis, based on a combination of
movement phase and movement stage on the angular range. The
(i) the smoothness of the movement, (ii) the largest range achieved,
statistical significance level was set at P < 0.05.
and (iii) the absence of any out-of-plane movement. The location of
each marker was automatically digitised at a frequency of
50 frames/s using the 2D PEAK Motus software program, and 3. Results
smoothed using a fourth order Butterworth (high cut-off) filter
(Winter, 2005) at an optimum cut-off frequency determined by the During hip (knee) flexion in standing, upward movement of the
computer (Jackson, 1979). Then, the video image was converted to thigh was comprised of concurrent hip and lumbar flexion that
kinematic data based on the angle definition illustrated in Fig. 1. reversed as the thigh moved downward to return the lumbar spine
For ease of analysis, the movement of hip (knee) flexion was and hip to their starting position (Fig. 2). Table 2 summarises the
divided into upward and downward phases based on thigh move-
ment. The ‘start’ and ‘end’ events of both movement phases were
defined when the resultant linear velocity of the distal thigh marker
(1/4th) was greater and less than 10 cm/s, respectively. Subse-
quently, the angular data for each movement phase were normal-
ised to 100% total phase duration using KaleidaGraph version 4.0
(Synergy Software, Reading, PA, USA) (Tully et al., 2002), and each
movement phase was further divided into early (0–20%), middle

Table 1
Descriptive information for participants (n ¼ 34).

Characteristics Mean $ SD or median (IQR) Range

Age (year) 64 (6) 60–75
Weight (kg) 74.1 $ 12.6 52–109
Height (cm) 167.7 (11.7) 159–187.5
BMI (kg/m2) 25.5 $ 3.2 18.8–31.4
Fig. 2. Group ensemble average sagittal angles of the hip joint and lumbar spine
Values are mean $ standard deviation for normally distributed data or median during the upward (0–100%) and downward (100–200%) phases of hip (knee) flexion
(interquartile range) for skewed data. BMI ¼ body mass index. in standing. Grey area indicates $1 standard deviation of the mean.
90 Y.-L. Kuo et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 88–92

hip and lumbar spine ranges during the entire movement and at
each selected movement stage.

3.1. Hip joint

The hip joint started from 1.5! of flexion in upright standing

(Fig. 2), and as the thigh moved upward, flexed to a maximum of
82.4! . On reaching the highest thigh position, the hip joint reversed
the direction of movement and extended to 1.0! of flexion at the
end of the downward phase. Because the hip joint started and
finished in a similar position (Fig. 3), no significant difference was
found in the total hip joint range during both movement phases
(t33 ¼ 0.62, 95% CI ¼ %1.0 to 1.8, P ¼ 0.5).
Movement of the hip joint (Table 2) was affected by the main
effect of movement stage (F2,41 ¼1073.92, P < 0.001) and the
interaction effect of movement phase and stage (F2,54 ¼ 16.2,
P < 0.001). The hip joint range used during the early upward phase
was significantly greater than that in the late downward phase
(t33 ¼ 4.72, 95% CI ¼ 2.0–5.1, P < 0.001), and that in the late upward
phase was significantly smaller than that during the early down-
ward phase (t33 ¼ %6.82, 95% CI ¼ %3.6 to %2.0, P < 0.001). This
finding was reflected in the slope of the hip trajectory (Fig. 3),
which was steeper in the middle movement stages, and in the
discrepancy between the movement trajectories in both phases. No
significant difference was found in the hip joint range at the middle
stage during both upward and downward phases (t33 ¼ %0.31, 95%
CI ¼ %1.9 to 1.4, P ¼ 0.8).

3.2. Lumbar spine

At the start of hip (knee) flexion the lumbar spine was in 12.7! of
extension. As the hip flexed, the lumbar spine started to flex (Fig. 2).
On average, approximately 5! of initial hip flexion occurred before
1! of lumbar flexion. At the end of the upward phase, the lumbar
spine reached its maximum flexion angle of 16.6! . During the
downward phase, the lumbar spine returned to 10.4! of extension. Fig. 3. Group ensemble average angle–time plots of the hip joint (top) and lumbar
Compared to the consistent start and end positions of the hip joint, spine (bottom) during the upward and downward phases of hip (knee) flexion in
the lumbar spine did not return to its starting position and
remained slightly flexed by 2.3! (Fig. 3). Therefore, the total lumbar
spine range during the upward phase was significantly greater than P ¼ 0.002). During the other movement stages, the lumbar spine
that during the downward phase by 3.5! (t33 ¼ 4.44, 95% CI ¼ 1.9– range during the upward phase was significantly greater than that
5.1, P < 0.001). during the downward phase (P & 0.001).
Further analyses showed that the lumbar spine range was
affected by the main effects of movement phase (F1,33 ¼ 37.45, 3.3. Hip-and-lumbar spine movement interaction
P < 0.001) and movement stage (F2,40 ¼ 240.23, P < 0.001) and the
interaction effect (F2,66 ¼ 15.94, P < 0.001). The lumbar spine range Positive slopes of the trajectory in the hip-lumbar spine angle–
during the early upward phase was significantly smaller than that angle plot (Fig. 4) indicate that the hip joint and lumbar spine
during the late downward phase (t33 ¼ %3.38, 95% CI ¼ %2.0 to %0.5, moved concurrently and towards the same direction during hip

Table 2
Range (degrees) and movement ratio during the entire upward and downward phases and at each selective movement stages.

Age group Movement phase/stage Upward Downward

Range Ratio Range Ratio

Hip Lumbar H/L Hip Lumbar H/L

Childrena Overall 79.9 $ 7.2 29.1 $ 9.8 3.0 $ 2.0 80.2 $ 8.2 20.9 $ 10.7 4.7 $ 3.5
Young adultsa Overall 94.0 $ 7.3 33.8 $ 7.3 3.0 $ 1.9 95.5 $ 8.1 29.6 $ 8.2 3.2 $ 1.3

Older adults Early 12.2 $ 4.6 2.0 (2.2) 6.3 (7.3) 6.2 $ 2.6 3.7 (3.4) 1.5 (2.2)
Middle 65.8 $ 10.6 21.3 $ 6.5 3.0 (1.6) 66.0 $ 9.8 18.1 $ 7.1 3.7 (2.7)
Late 3.4 $ 2.1 6.2 $ 2.9 0.5 (1.2) 8.6 $ 3.3 3.1 (4.1) 2.9 (2.5)
Overall 81.2 $ 11.3 29.6 $ 9.6 2.7 (1.7) 80.8 $ 11.5 25.8 $ 9.1 3.1 (1.7)

Values are mean $ standard deviations for normally distributed data or median (interquartile range) for skewed data.
H/L are hip-to-lumbar movement ratios.
Data for children and young adults are based on the study of Tully et al. (2002).
Y.-L. Kuo et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 88–92 91

of Health and Ageing), many of these older adults were observed to

have a bulging lower abdomen that could have limited upward
movement of the thigh and thus affected the maximal hip flexion
angle. However, despite the limitation in the hip joint, the available
range of active thigh flexion in this group of older adults remained
adequate for daily activities.

4.2. Lumbar spine

The total lumbar spine range in this study was close to the value
reported for young adults during both movement phases and the
value for children during upward phase (Tully et al., 2002) (Table 2).
The finding of a similar lumbar flexion range rules out weak
abdominal action with active insufficiency of the hip flexors as
a possible mechanism for decreased hip flexion range. However,
Fig. 4. Group ensemble average angle–angle plot of the hip-and-lumbar spine during although not tested, the hip flexors may have been weaker in this
hip (knee) flexion in standing. age group. As a result of the decreased total hip joint range and
similar total lumbar spine range, the relative contribution from the
lumbar spine to the thigh movement became greater in older adults
(knee) flexion. On average, the lumbar spine contributed to 26.6% compared to young adults and children (Tully et al., 2002). The
(29.3! ) and 24.1% (25.6! ) of the total thigh movement (pelvis þ hip clinical implication of these findings is that mobility of the lumbar
joint) during the upward (110.2! ) and downward (106.4! ) phases. spine is important in this age group. Various scenarios emerge. For
The relative contribution from the hip joint and lumbar spine to example, older adults who have a stiff lumbar spine may experi-
the thigh movement varied throughout the total hip (knee) flexion ence difficulty placing the foot on a high step because they do not
duration, and was reflected in the hip-to-lumbar movement ratios have sufficient lumbar flexion to compensate for their decreased
(Table 2). The finding that the hip-to-lumbar movement ratio hip joint flexion. For elderly people with severe hip stiffness, for
continuously decreased throughout the upward phase shows that example hip osteoarthritis, the mobility of the lumbar spine
the hip joint was dominant in moving the thigh towards the chest becomes essential for maintenance of a reasonable level of func-
during the early and middle upward phases but the lumbar spine tional ability. Unfortunately, many elderly subjects likely have
became the prime contributor towards the end of the upward degenerative changes in both hip and lumbar spine with the result
phase. The lumbofemoral rhythm during the downward phase was that activities requiring significant thigh flexion, including stepping
not simply the reverse of what occurred during the upward phase. up or sitting on a low chair or toilet for example could be seriously
In the early downward phase, the hip joint and lumbar spine both impaired.
extended through a small range with a greater contribution from
the hip joint. Both joints, especially the hip joint, increased their 4.3. Hip-and-lumbar spine movement interaction
extension range during the middle downward phase, which
resulted in an increasing hip-to-lumbar movement ratio. In the late Age-related differences were observed in the hip-to-lumbar
downward phase, as the thigh returned to its starting position in movement ratios when compared to those of Tully et al. (2002).
standing the hip joint and lumbar spine decreased their extension Except during the early upward phase and middle downward
range. Although the hip joint remained the prime contributor, the phase, older adults had smaller hip-to-lumbar movement ratios,
hip extension movement decreased, and as a result the lumbar primarily due to their decreased hip movement. On the other hand,
spine increased its relative contribution during this movement the larger hip-to-lumbar movement ratio in older adults during the
stage. Therefore, the hip-to-lumbar movement ratio (2.9) at the late early upward phase indicates a possible delay in initiating lumbar
downward phase was smaller than that at the middle downward flexion. One explanation is poorer neuromuscular control between
phase (3.7). abdominals and hip flexors, a suggestion previously made by Tully
et al. (2002) with respect to some children. Not previously reported
for children and young adults was the large between-participant
4. Discussion variation in hip-to-lumbar movement ratio, especially at the early
and late movement stages, which may have been due to the diverse
4.1. Hip joint ageing process in older adults.
The delay observed in lumbar extension throughout the
The mean total hip joint range achieved by older adults during downward phase in children and young adults was also present in
hip (knee) flexion was similar to that used by children but smaller the older group. Previously, Tully et al. (2002) speculated that
by 13.1! and 14.8! than that reported for young adults during the delaying extension, or holding the lumbar spine in a relatively
upward and downward phases, respectively (Tully et al., 2002) flexed position during the downward phase may have been asso-
(Table 2). One possible explanation is decreased strength in the hip ciated with the challenge of eccentric contraction. As the maximum
flexor and abdominal muscles associated with ageing (Skelton force for eccentric contractions has been shown to be less affected
et al., 1994; Taaffe and Marcus, 2000). During active hip flexion in by ageing (Enoka, 1996), a similar finding of delayed extension in
healthy subjects, the abdominal muscles flex the lumbar spine and older adults, during the middle and late downward phases, was not
rotate the pelvis posteriorly, thereby maintaining an optimal anticipated. The reason for this phenomenon seen in the wide
length–tension relationship in the hip flexors (Kendall and range of age groups studied so far remains unclear.
McCreary, 1983). Thus, lack of abdominal strength may have The finding that the lumbar spine moved concurrently with the
contributed to the decline in active hip flexion range in these hip joint during hip (knee) flexion in standing is in agreement with
elderly subjects. Alternatively, although this group was not cat- the results for young adults reported by Tully et al. (2002), and is
egorised as ‘obese’ (BMI > 30) (Australian Government Department inferred by the results for pelvic rotation by previous researchers
92 Y.-L. Kuo et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 88–92

(Bohannon et al., 1985b; Murray et al., 2002; Dewberry et al., 2003). previously for children and young adults. As the thigh is lowered,
The cause of this posterior pelvic rotation/lumbar flexion is not the elderly similarly demonstrate a delay in lumbar extension. The
clear. On first thought, contraction of the abdominal muscles, acting large variability in the hip-to-lumbar movement ratio throughout
as lumbar flexors and stabilising synergists for the hip flexor the total hip (knee) flexion duration appears to reflect the diverse
muscles, would appear as the most likely cause during active ageing process. Clinicians and exercise instructors need to be aware
movement. However, Bohannon et al. (1985b) found that posterior of the concurrent lumbofemoral rhythm when measuring hip
pelvic rotation occurred in a similar manner during passive as well flexion range or instructing lumbar stabilisation exercises. As thigh
as active hip flexion. It is clear that the flexed knee removes flexion is dependent on hip-and-lumbar movement, older adults
hamstring muscle length as the cause of posterior pelvic rotation. In who have a stiff lumbar spine may experience difficulty in func-
support, Dewberry et al. (2003) reported that although the pelvis tional activities involving significant flexion. The potential influ-
rotated posteriorly during hip flexion with a flexed knee, the ence of limited range of motion of either hip or lumbar component
hamstrings significantly increased the amount of rotation when the on the movement should be addressed.
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