Green Beige Modern Minimal Food Marketing Proposal Presentation

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In French table setting, eating utensils are placed in the order in which
they are to be used. The utensils furthest from the plate are the ones you
will use first. The forks are placed to the left of the plate but here's the
trick, point the tines down for a French setting.

French service is a style of dining that emphasizes the

elegance and precision of the interaction between the server
and the guest
Formal or Russian SERVICE
In Russian service, the guest's place is set with great attention to
detail, and the food is presented and served by the waiter directly
from the kitchen. The waiter brings each course to the table on a
platter, then proceeds to carve and serve the meat, fish, or other
main course items to each guest

Foods are cooked tableside, just like cart French service, but
instead, servers put the foods on platters and then pass the
platters at tableside. Guests help themselves to the foods and
assemble their own plates.
English Service
English Service is a unique and highly personalized style
of dining. It is characterized by impeccable table service
and a sense of grandeur. In this style, dishes are
presented in a manner that allows the host or a
designated server to serve each guest individually.
Family or Compromise Service
-type of meal service wherein the diners serve the different courses
and only two courses are planned main dish and dessert. Used for a
small group/family. main course in an appropriate container, and
stacked dinner plates are placed at the cover of the host.
-American table service. Today this is a commonly used table service and
is characterised by the food being prepared and plated in the kitchen and
brought to you at the table by serving staff. This is the most common type
of service in restaurants the world over as it allows a lot of people to be
served quickly.
Apartment or blue plate service
The entrée and side dishes are all served together on one plate. When
the blue plate service is used, sometimes referred to as the blue plate
special, a salad or dessert may sometimes be included but served on a
separate plate than the main dish.
Buffet service
- allows guests to serve
themselves from a variety of
dishes arranged on a table. It
offers flexibility and a diverse
dining experience, often seen in
events and restaurants.
Tray service
- involves serving meals
or drinks on trays
directly to the guests.
It's often used in casual
or fast-food settings,
allowing for efficient
service and mobility.
Meals without waiters on the table:

Filipino Style
FAMILY SERVICE - Is informal and is
used in many Filipino homes. Food is
served in bowls or platters placed at
the center of the dining table. Guest
serve themselves and pass the dishes
to the others. Serving begins with the
soup or appetizers and ends with the
Thank you for
your time!

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