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Hút nước

Mẫu Số lần lặp Trung bình Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 3 87.391988 2.7202643 1.5705454 80.634477 94.149499 85.3540 90.4810

2 3 82.429824 1.7930036 1.0351911 77.975756 86.883892 80.3648 83.5913
Total 6 84.910906 3.4106894 1.3924081 81.331607 88.490205 80.3648 90.4810

Độ ẩm

Độ ẩm

Mẫu Số lần lặp Trung bình Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 3 33.867844 .8572593 .4949389 31.738294 35.997394 33.1313 34.8089

2 3 33.597579 1.6185856 .9344908 29.576789 37.618368 32.0866 35.3057
Total 6 33.732712 1.1678177 .4767596 32.507162 34.958261 32.0866 35.3057

Độ ẩm

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups .110 1 .110 .065 .811

Within Groups 6.709 4 1.677
Total 6.819 5

Pasta is traditionally made with semolina. Including other ‘nontraditional’ ingredients into pasta is done
to create culinary diversity, improve nutritional quality of pasta products and use local crops (Marconi &
Carcea, 2001). Nontraditional (NT) ingredients are often associated with changes in the physical and
cooking qualities of pasta products (Manthey et al., 2004; Kaur et al., 2012) which can compromise the
acceptability of these products by consumers. Some ingredients, particularly those rich in bran or fibre,
are associated with decreased cooked firmness and increased cooking loss as bran/fibre remains intact
during dough formation and extrusion and can cause disruption in gluten matrix (Manthey & Schorno,
2002). Some ingredients, such as flours from legume grains, have proven to improve the cooked pasta
firmness due to their high levels of protein (Zhao et al., 2005). The cooking process depends on the
hydration of pasta macromolecules, particularly protein matrix and starch granules, on the specific heat
capacity of the cooking water and the pasta and on the amount of heat transferred to macromolecules
found in the pasta (De La Pena~ et al., 2014). Specific heat capacity refers to the heat required to raise a
unit mass of a substance by a unit temperature interval, and it is inherent to the water, starch, lipid and
protein content of a food material (Andrieu et al., 1989; De Temmerman et al., 2007). The quicker the
hydration and the more heat transferred per second, the quicker the pasta should achieve its cooked point.
When NT ingredients are present in a pasta product, the physical disruption of the gluten matrix can
provide a path for water diffusion resulting in accelerated water diffusion and shorter cooking times
(Manthey et al., 2004; Chillo et al., 2008). Pasta hydration process during cooking consists of three main
phenomena: water diffusion, relaxation of the macromolecular matrix and the starch gelatinisation
process (Cafieri et al., 2008). Water hydrates the gluten matrix causing it to expand and become flexible
as compared to the rigidity of the dry product. Heat of the cooking water eventually denatures the
protein, forming a protective matrix around starch granules (Sozer & Kaya, 2003). € Initially, only the
surface of starch granules is hydrated, but as temperature increases, gelatinisation occurs where the water
penetrates the amorphous regions of the granule resulting in swelling and eventual disruption of the
granule structure (Thomas & Atwell, 1999). Fibre, lipid, protein, starch and nonstarch *Correspondent:
E-mail: polysaccharides present in NT pasta ingredients affect the water
hydration properties of the pasta (Yalla & Manthey, 2006). Fibre, protein and nonstarch polysaccharides
generally are hydrophilic and readily absorb water, whereas lipid is hydrophobic and reduces the amount
of material capable of hydration. Starch gelatinisation is essential for pasta cooking (Dexter et al., 1978).
Starch gelatinisation is affected by its composition, particularly its amylopectin:amylose ratio. Having
low levels of amylose in the starch composition increased the gelatinisation temperature (Fredriksson et
al., 1998). Traditionally, cookbooks recommend cooking pasta in ‘abundant’ water to avoid pasta pieces
stick to each other. Pasta:water ratio varies from cookbook to cookbook and can vary depending on the
type of pasta being cooked (Urvater, 1995). Cooking instructions found on boxes of spaghetti from
different manufacturers indicate a pasta:water ratio of 24–36 g 300 mL1 . AACC International Approved
Method 66-50.01 for pasta and noodle cooking quality suggests the use of 25 g pasta in 300 mL of
boiling water; however, many researchers do not follow it as noted by Sissons et al. (2008). Information
concerning the impact of different pasta:water ratios on the cooked quality of pasta is limited (AACC
International, 2013). The NT ingredients used in this research were corn flour, flaxseed flour, lentil flour,
oat flour, pinto bean flour and soybean flour, all of which are commonly grown in North Dakota, USA.
These ingredients enhance the nutritional properties of pasta by increasing its content in protein (lentil,
pinto bean and soybean flour) (Comai et al., 2007), omega-3 fatty acids (flaxseed flour) (Daun et al.,
2003), fibre (flaxseed and oat flour) (Daun et al., 2003; Wood, 2010) and carotenoids (corn) (Ndolo &
Beta, 2013). Because of their differing macromolecular composition, it was anticipated that these NT
ingredients would affect cooking time and cooking quality of pasta. The objective of the current research
was to determine whether the pasta:water ratio and the specific heat capacity of the cooking system
would relate to the cooking time and cooking quality of pasta containing NT ingredients.
Ingredients Semolina and whole grain flours of corn, flaxseed, lentil, oat, pinto bean and soybean were
obtained commercially. Whole grain flours were blended with semolina at 20:80 w/w, respectively.
Ingredient mixtures were blended for 5 min using a cross-flow blender. Spaghetti made only with
semolina is referred to as the control spaghetti throughout this article.
Results and discussion Proximate analysis of the raw ingredients is presented in Table 1. The results were
typical for each ingredient. In comparison with semolina, corn and oat flours had similar carbohydrate
content (>75%), lentil and pinto flours were intermediate (>60%), and soybean flour and flaxseed flour
were low in carbohydrate (both 32%). Flaxseed and soybean flours were high in lipid (44.6% and 25.2%,
respectively), compared to the other ingredients that had 20%), in comparison with corn, oat and
semolina that had

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