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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
1. The government hopes the new drug will prove beneficial to many people.
A. practical B. useful C. harmful D. healthy
2. Linda has a thoughtful approach to her work.
A. careless B. friendly C. polite D. attentive
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions
In most families, conflict is more likely to be about clothing, music, and leisure time than about
more serious matters such as religion and core values. Family conflict is rarely about such major issues as
adolescents’ drug use and delinquency. Nevertheless, it has been estimated that in about 5 million American
families (roughly 20 percent), parents and adolescents engage in intense, prolonged, unhealthy conflict. In
its most serious form, this highly stressful environment is associated with a number of negative outcomes,
including juvenile delinquency, moving away from home, increased school dropout rates, unplanned
pregnancy, membership in religious cults, and drug abuse (Steinberg & Morris, 2001).
Many of the changes that define adolescence can lead to conflict in parent - adolescent relationships.
Adolescents gain an increased capacity for logical reasoning, which leads them to demand reasons for
things they previously accepted without question, and the chance to argue the other side (Maccoby,1984).
Their growing critical-thinking skills make them less likely to conform to parents’ wishes the way they did
in childhood. Their increasing cognitive sophistication and sense of idealism may compel them to point out
logical flaws and inconsistencies in parents’ positions and actions. Adolescents no longer accept their
parents as unquestioned authorities. They recognize that other opinions also have merit and they are
learning how to form and state their own opinions. Adolescents also tend toward ego-centrism, and may,
as a result, be ultra-sensitive to a parent’s casual remark. The dramatic changes of puberty and adolescence
may make it difficult for parents to rely on their children’s preadolescent behavior to predict future behavior.
For example, adolescent children who were compliant in the past may become less willing to cooperate
without what they feel is a satisfactory explanation.
3. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The dramatic changes of puberty and adolescence.
B. How to solve conflict in family.
C. The conflict in parent-adolescent relationship.
D. A satisfactory explanation for family conflict.
4. According to the passage, what is probably TRUE about the conflict often arising in a family?
A. adolescents’ drug use and delinquency B. clothing, leisure time and music
C. religion and core values D. children’s behavior
5. The word “unplanned” the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. unintended B. designed C. developed D. shaped
6. Adolescents become less likely to comfort to their parents’ wishes the way they did in the past because _____.
A. the environment is highly stressful B. their critical-thinking skills is growing
C. it is related to drug abuse D. parent-adolescent relationships lead to conflicts
7. According to the passage, the word “they” may refer to _____.
A. changes B. adolescents C. reasons D. parents

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following
8. Michael: “Do you want to join us for a drink”
Sophia: “ _________, but I have a lot of work to do.”
A. I’d love to B. Never mind
C. I’m not so sure D. I don’t think so
9. Anna: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?”
Charles: “ _________. ”
A. Yes, please B. No way
C. There’s no doubt about it D. That’s very kind of you
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
10. I am not well now. I should have taken care of my health when I was young.
A. I wish I had taken better care of myself.
B. If only I hadn’t taken better care of myself.
C. If I took better care of myself, I would be young now.
D. Unless I had taken better care of myself, I wouldn’t have been ill.
11. I don’t know what to do with things he left. They are just useless stuff.
A. No sooner had he left than I didn’t know what to do with his stuff.
B. Little do I know what to do with his stuff.
C. No longer do I know what to do with his stuff.
D. It was not until he left that I didn’t know what to do with his stuff.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
12. A. housework B. training C. relevant D. important
13. A. session B. literature C. encourage D. healthy
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Those who work at home may find that the solitude can be a double-edged sword. It is, of course,
easier to (1) _____ when you’re in your own home with no co-workers coming by your desk to chat at
random times. But while this solitude can feel blissful at times, when we have no mandate for social
interaction during the workday - when we don’t automatically run across people outside of those we live
with - we can become lonely before we realize it.
Social media can feel like a lifeline to others, but this type of (2) _____ can sometimes feel isolating
as well, as these interactions can feel less personal than face-to-face encounters and conversations. (3)
_____ we may not need to resort to painting a face on a volleyball and talking to it, the feelings of isolation
can sneak up and we can feel (4) _____ alone than we expect. And given the research on loneliness, this
doesn’t always feel good. Social isolation was a factor mentioned in the UN study (5) _____ was related to
increased stress of home-based workers.
14. A. relax B. focus C. protect D. continue
15. A. introduction B. marketing C. community D. interaction
16. A. While B. Unless C. Because D. Despite
17. A. few B. less C. a few D. more
18. A. where B. whom C. that D. who

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
19. The doctor advised me to take it easy for the next couple of days.
A. do exercises B. relax C. eat D. sleep
20. That name rings a bell but I cannot recall where I have heard it before.
A. sound strange B. sound great C. sound familiar D. sound weird
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest meaning to each of the following
21. My cousin began to learn Spanish five years ago.
A. My cousin didn’t learn Spanish in 5 years. B. My cousin has learned Spanish for 5 years.
C. My cousin stops learning Spanish now. D. My cousin doesn’t learn Spanish now.
22. “Remember to call me when you get there,” said my friend.
A. My friend apologized for not calling me when I got there.
B. My friend refused to call him when I got there.
C. My friend reminded me to call him when I got there.
D. My friend insisted on calling me when he got there.
23. It’s very unlikely that my boss will accept his application.
A. My boss ought to accept his application.
B. My boss should accept his application.
C. My boss must not accept his application.
D. My boss might not accept his application.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
24. Some people choose to _____ with a career counselor who can help them navigate this process.
A. work B. agree C. compete D. provide
25. _____ still in college, take advantage of the career resources your college or university may offer.
A. Were you B. If you are C. If you were D. If you had been
26. I was surprised to receive a _____ puppy for my birthday.
A. little cute eight-week-old B. cute eight-week-old little
C. eight-week-old cute little D. cute little eight-week-old
27. Any kind of learning helps _____ the more creative part of the brain.
A. open up B. come over C. take off D. give up
28. _____ students are turning to AI to help them write their essays.
A. the more and more B. the most and most
C. more and more D. more and much
29. The boy became popular among teenagers _____.
A. as long as he made his debut on the screen. B. before he made his debut on the screen.
C. by the time he made his debut on the screen. D. as soon as he made his debut on the screen.
30. Group working is used at university _____ it can be a powerful way to learn and is also relevant to the
A. otherwise B. unless C. because D. although
31. The purpose of trade is not to make the poor rich or to feed the hungry, but to _____ money out of it.
A. take B. have C. do D. make
32. There has been so much death and destruction across the _____.
A. globe B. globalization C. globally D. globalize
33. He didn’t enjoy his journeys, _____?
A. hadn’t he B. did he C. does he D. wasn’t it

34. You should find any occupations on your lists _____ appeal to you.
A. who B. that C. when D. whom
35. Dolphins have a reputation _____ being friendly.
A. on B. with C. for D. at
36. Over the past five years, more than 11,000 wild animals _____ put up for sale on the Internet
A. have been B. were C. will have been D. will be
37. A person who wishes to raise wild birds and mammals must _____ registration procedures at the
A. destroy B. complete C. ignore D. resign
38. My parents _____ for joy when they discovered I was pregnant with twins.
A. kicked B. screamed D. fell D. jumped
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
39. We need to protect the natural environment that wildlife needs for its unique survival.
40. Your fitness level along with a positive attitude and a healthy diet play a major role in how you feel.
41. My sister always asked me for help when she has difficulty with her homework.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the words whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
42. A. shortlist B. temporary C. afford D. accordingly
43. A. added B. decided C. breathed D. visited
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.
No sooner had the first intrepid male aviators safely returned to Earth than it seemed that women,
too, had been smitten by an urge to fly. From mere spectators, they became willing passengers and finally
pilots in their own right, plotting their skills and daring line against the hazards of the air and the skepticism
of their male counterparts. In doing so they enlarged the traditional bounds of a women’s world, won for
their sex a new sense of competence and achievement, and contributed handsomely to the progress of
But recognition of their abilities did not come easily. “Men do not believe us capable.” The famed
aviator Amelia Earhart once remarked to a friend. “Because we are women, seldom are we trusted to do an
efficient job.” Indeed old attitudes died hard: when Charles Lindbergh visited the Soviet Union in 1938
with his wife, Anne - herself a pilot and gifted proponent of aviation - he was astonished to discover both
men and women flying in the Soviet Air Force.
Such conventional wisdom made it difficult for women to raise money for the up - to - date
equipment they needed to compete on an equal basis with men. Yet they did compete, and often they
triumphed finally despite the odds.
Ruth Law, whose 590 - mile flight from Chicago to Hornell, New York, set a new nonstop distance
record in 1916, exemplified the resourcefulness and grit demanded of any woman who wanted to fly. And
when she addressed the Aero Club of America after completing her historic journey, her plainspoken words
testified to a universal human motivation that was unaffected by gender: “My flight was done with no
expectation of reward,” she declared, “just purely for the love of accomplishment.”
44. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A. Women Spectators B. A Long Flight
C. Dangers Faced by Pilots D. Women in Aviation History

45. What can be inferred from the passage about the United States Air Force in 1938?
A. It had no women pilots. B. It gave pilots handsome salaries.
C. It had old planes that were in need of repair. D. It could not be trusted to do an efficient job.
46. The word “counterparts” refers to _____.
A. passengers B. skills C. hazards D. pilots
47. In their efforts to compete with men, early women pilots had difficulty in _____.
A. addressing clubs B. setting records C. flying nonstop D. raising money
48. The word “skepticism” is closest in meaning to _____.
A. doubt B. surprise C. hatred D. support
49. According to the passage, women pilots were successful in all of the following EXCEPT _____.
A. winning universal recognition from men B. challenging the conventional role of women
C. building the confidence of women D. contributing to the science of aviation
50. The word “addressed” can be best replaced by _____.
A. consulted B. came back to C. spoke to D. mailed

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