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This Workbook has been specially prepared for the Self-

Management Course of Bahria Business Schools. The Workbook
text is a good summary of the original book. Students are strongly
advised to read the text of the Workbook which will clarify
concepts of “The 7 Habits” easily and concisely.
The Workbook consists of five assignments. The workload
varies from writing 250 words to 550 words each week. With
Workbooks 3 and 4 students need to fill in their Weekly Schedule
and Weekly Planner. At the end of Workbook 5, students should
write their refined “Personal Mission Statement”.
It is advisable that students complete Workbook Assignments
after week 5 of this Course. This way their learning will be
reinforced. It is up to the instructor whether he/she desires that
the students fill the printed Workbook on paper or the students can
fill in the MS Word file of the Assignment on a computer and
submit it online.
Please share your suggestions on the Workbook, and its
questions and point out any errors to
On what date:
What did you say to yourself:

1. Say appreciation for someone’s point of view. Say something like, “That’s a good

On what date:
What did you say:
To Whom:

2. Think of a limiting paradigm you might have of yourself, such as, “I’ll never be
sociable.” Now, do something that contradicts that paradigm.

What is your limiting paradigm:

What did you do to contradict this limiting paradigm:

3. Think of a close friend or a loved one who has been acting out of character lately.
Consider what might be causing them to act that way.
Who is acting out of character lately:

In your opinion why:

4. When you have nothing to do, what is it that occupies your thoughts? Remember,
whatever is most important to you will become your paradigm or life centre. What
occupies your time and energy?
When you are free, what occupies your thoughts?

Otherwise, what occupies your time and energy:

5. The Golden Rule rules! Begin today to treat others as you would want them to treat
you. Don’t be impatient, complain about what’s for dinner, or bad mouth someone,
unless you want the same treatment.
Give 2 examples, how did you use Golden Rule in your dealings:

6. Sometime soon, find a quiet place where you can be alone. Think about what
matters most to you.
Where were you alone:
What did you think is most important to you:

7. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the music (even religious music, hamd or na’at) you
listen to most frequently. Consider if they are in harmony with the principles, you
believe in.
What lyrics or music do you listen to most frequently:

What principle this music reminds you of:

8. When you do your chores at home or any work, try out the principle of hard work.
Go the extra mile and do more than expected.
On what date:
What chore or work:
How did you exceed expectations:

9. The next time you’re in a tough situation and don’t know what to do, ask yourself,
“What principle should I apply (i.e., honesty, love, loyalty, hard work, patience)?”
Follow that principle and don’t look back.
What is the principle or principles you apply when you are in a tough situation:

11. Name 3 habits you are proud of:
Good Habit 1:
Good Habit 2:
Good Habit 3:

12. Name 2 habits your parents, siblings or friends criticize mostly (for example poor
study habits, late coming …):
Bad Habit 1:
Bad Habit 2:
Habits have a tremendous pull - more than most people realize or will admit. Breaking a
deeply embedded habit involves significant effort and, oftentimes, major changes in our
Look back at what you wrote down about your bad habit.
Keep Promises to Yourself
13. Get up when your alarm goes off. Don't hit the snooze button or turn the alarm off.
What time do you set your alarm on working days:
Did you succeed:
For how many days:
14. Identify one easy task that needs to be done today, such as getting groceries, putting
in a batch of laundry, or finishing a course assignment. Decide when you will do it.
Then keep your word and do it.
What was the task:
Date and time:
Did you complete it at the appointed date and time:

Do Random Acts of Service

15. Sometimes this week, do a kind deed without a prompt, like taking out the trash,
fixing your sister's laptop, or making someone's bed.
What was the task:
16. Organize a "positive social media attack." Get your friends to attack someone via
social media with kind words and compliments.

What did you and your friends appreciate on social media:

Attach a screenshot:

Magnify Your Talents

17. List a talent you would like to develop this year. Write down specific steps to get

Talent I want to develop this year:

How do I get there:

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
18. Make a list of the talents you most admire in other people.
Person: Talents I admire:

Be Gentle with Yourself

19. Think about an area of life you feel inferior in. Now breathe deeply and remind
yourself, "It's not the end of the world."
Where you feel inferior:

How do you tell yourself, "It's not the end of the world.":
20. Go an entire day without negative self-talk. Each time you catch yourself putting
yourself down, you must replace it with three positive thoughts about yourself. Try
Explain how you fought your negative self-talk:

Renew Yourself
21. Decide on a fun activity that will lift your spirits and do it ASP. For example, turn up
the music and dance.

What was your fun activity:

22. Feeling lethargic? Get up right now and go for a fast walk in your area.
Where you did your run/fast walk:
Be Honest
23. The next time someone asks you about what you're up to, or what you're feeling,
share the complete story. Don't leave out information meant to mislead or deceive.
Write the complete story you shared:
24. For one day, try not to exaggerate or embellish! Good luck!
Did you succeed in not exaggerating everything for 1 day:

What was it?

25. Which task from the above list was most difficult and what did I learn?
Look at Questions 1-24. Which was the most difficult question to answer:


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