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Think about how my teaching compares to your other classes and

teachers. What is one thing you like from another class that I
Timestamp should start doing? What is one thing I do differently from your other classes that I should keep doing?

It was fun and helpful when needed. One thing you should try to
5/3/2023 10:22:12 do is fun stuff to make people want to participate. going around to everyone and asking them if they need any help.
Think about how my teaching compares to your other classes and teachers. What is one
Timestamp thing you like from another class that I should start doing? What is one thing I do differently from your other classes that I should keep doing?

I think you should start getting people to bring books from home to do 10 minutes of reading
5/2/2023 10:09:23 before class I think you should keep on doing interactive activities

Honestly, nothing. I hate the way all my other teachers are, but I loved how you teach and
5/2/2023 12:13:03 we’ll all miss you. Everythingggggg
Think about how my teaching compares to your other classes and
teachers. What is one thing you like from another class that I should
Timestamp start doing? What is one thing I do differently from your other classes that I should keep doing?

You include and consider everyone in the class and provide a flexible way of letting
students do the things they are comfortable with. You are also able to keep students
5/2/2023 9:13:46 engaged in the lesson without being pushy and boring about it.

your humour,
giving out candy
you guys are all relatable in your teaching, although you’re recommendation’s for breathing when anxious
5/2/2023 13:27:09 u did bring a-lot of joy to english class so Thankyou for that. and your honest opinions on unfinished/finished assignments

I like your teaching style, it's more reasonable and honest, it's also more
comfortable to speak to you like I struggle to ask questions from other teachers so
the fact that I'm comfortable with asking you questions is really good!. I also like the
fact that your more upbeat? And more interactive with the class that your teaching,
most teachers that I have have there own style of teaching and I think you have
found yours! And I'm so glad that you have! I truly wish the best for you and your
career! And again I would like to thank you for teaching me and my class you were
truly so kind to us. Just seeing you now I know you'll be great!

5/2/2023 15:16:22 I don't have any complaints from me! -Kayla Roy.

I wouldn't change anything about your way of teaching, sir. I really

5/2/2023 17:22:52 enjoyed being in your class You are very calm and know how to explain so that we all understand.:)

OKAY SO first of all youre just an amazing teacher and ur rlly chill ion
think theres any problem, but id say js talk a little bit louder because
some students at the back had trouble hearing, but aside from that
5/3/2023 12:48:31 youre literally my fav :) being you 😭😭
Think about how my teaching compares to your other classes and
teachers. What is one thing you like from another class that I should
Timestamp start doing? What is one thing I do differently from your other classes that I should keep doing?

You are so niceeeee I misss youuu but I think you also need to make
sure that you’re not tooo nice that people start taking advantages of
that have your boundaries set for the people. But overall it was so fun
5/3/2023 18:55:47 to have you as our teacher do come backkk Be true to yourself laugh and smile everyday

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