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1. This is the foundation of all human resources activities.

A. job evaluation
B. job analysis
C. job description
D. job design

2. Personnel activities associated with human resource management most likely include all of the following EXCEPT
A. orienting and training new employees
B. appraising employee performance
C. building employee commitment
D. developing customer relationships

Human resource management involves numerous personnel-related activities, and HR managers are less likely to
interact with customers. Managing compensation, orienting new employees, appraising employee performance, and
developing employee commitment are typical aspects of the HR manager's job. (Dessler)

3. What is the type of interview which lists the questions ahead of time?
A. structured interview
B. unstructured interview
C. situational interview
D. behavioral interview

4. What is the first step in the ADDIE training process?

A. assessing the program's successes
B. appraising the program's budget
C. analyzing the training need
D. acquiring training materials

The gold standard of training programs is the basic analysis-design-develop-implement-evaluate (ADDIE) training
process model that training experts have used for years. (Dessler)

5. SMART goals are best described as ________.

A. specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely
B. strategic, meaningful, accessible, real, and tested
C. strategic, moderate, achievable, relevant, and timely
D. straightforward, meaningful, attainable, real, and timely

6. Employee performance appraisals are conducted by all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A. peers
B. competitors
C. subordinates
D. rating committees

Performance appraisals are primarily performed by supervisors. However, firms are increasingly using peers, rating
committees, and subordinates to conduct appraisals. Competitors are not used for performance appraisals. (Dessler)


7. Which of the following is an example of a humanistic organizational theory?

A. Scientific management
B. Contingency theory
C. Theory X and Theory Y
D. Bureaucratic model

8. This is also known as continuous improvement or quality management.

A. Total Quality Management
B. Six Sigma
C. Business process reengineering
D. Theory X and Theory Y

9. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

I. Turnover is the rate at which employees leave the firm – varies among industries
II. Promotions is the advancement to a position of increased responsibility
III. Transfer is the reassignments to different positions in other parts of the firm

A. Statement III only

B. Statement I only
C. Statement II only
D. All statements are true

III. Transfer is the reassignments to SIMILAR positions in other parts of the firm.

10. According to Article 282 of the Labor Code, an employer can terminate an employee for just causes. Which of the
following is not a just cause?
A. Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee
B. Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties
C. Fraud or willful breach by the employee
D. All are examples of just causes

There are two types of employment termination:

first is termination by employer and the second is voluntary resignation or termination by employee.

Employers can dismiss an employee based on just and authorized causes.

• Just causes are based on acts attributable to an employee’s own wrongful actions or negligence. (Employee
may kasalanan)
• Authorized causes refer to lawful grounds for termination which do not arise from fault or negligence of the
employee. (examples: installation of labor-saving devices; redundancy; retrenchment (reduction of costs) to
prevent losses; or the closing or cessation of operation.)


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