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• Study of the structure, behavior, and interactions of natural and engineered computational
• Studies the representation, processing, and communication of information in natural and
engineered systems
• Has computational, cognitive and social aspects.

Health Informatics
interdisciplinary study of the design, development, adoption, and application of IT-based
innovations in healthcare services delivery, management, & planning.

Nursing informatics
practice & science of integrating nursing information & knowledge with technology to manage
& integrate health information

Goal of nursing informatics is to improve the health of people and communities while reducing

specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to
Identify, define, manage and communicate dota, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing

Field of nursing that incorporates nursing, computer, & information sciences to maintain &
develop health data and systems to support the practice of nursing, and to improve patient

Nurse Informatics

Career focuses on how to boost the management of information ond communications in the field
of nursing
• Specialists focilitate data

integration, information and knowledge so that they provide better support to patients, nurses and
other health care providers.

Why the TRENDS towards Informatics?

increasingly present in our profession due to rapidly changing technologic advances
Healthcare systems are assimilating technology into daily practice at a quick pace
Security and patient privacy must be upheld while achieving the goal of transforming data into
useful knowledge.

The Role of Informatics in Nursing

helg identify potential problems earlier identifying changes in patient status can

Information is readily available

date are interpreted, systematized & arranged

formalize an appropriate plan of action

Algra Nursing Best Practice with Clinical workflows & care

Improves clinical policies, protocols processes & procedures.

• Standardizing nursing language

Use of a template can remind you of important information required in the documentation of
patient care

⚫strengthen nurses' clinical decision- making skills

enhance nursing practice

quicker access to patient information

improve overall efficiency

reduction in potential errors

nursing informatics has the potential to change nursing practice for the better patient care

• Provides training & learning based on objective data

• Selects and tests new health devices

Reduces health care errors & costs

Enhances end-to-end treatment and continuity of care

Evolution of Nursing Informatics

Informatics French word "informatique"

→Medical Informatics (late 1970's)

→ Nursing (1980's)

• ANA designated nursing informatics as specialty practice (1992)

⚫ written scope and standards for practice (1994-1995) Written certification examination (1995)

• Post 2000: Exponential growth

• Florence Nightingale

⚫one of the first informatics nurses

⚫ always seeking better patient data to guide her work

Philippine Evolution of NI

1999: development of Standards for Health Information in the Philippines (SHIP)

2005: formation of Master of Science in Health Informatics

2009: CMO No. 14

⚫2010: formation of the Philippine Nursing Informatics

• Sub-specialty organization of PNA for nursing informatics

• 2017: CMO No. 15

CMO No. 14 E Series of 2009

• Informatics (IT)

⚫2 units lecture, 1 unit SL

• Use of IT system and data standards based on nursing informatics principles and theories

CMO No. 15

Series of 2017

• Nursing Informatics (NCM 110)

•3 units

Advantages of Nursing Informatics


⚫ shared data

centralized control

⚫ disadvantages of redundancy control

⚫ improved data integrity

⚫ improved data security, & database systems

• flexible conceptual design

Disadvantages of Nursing Informatics

⚫ a complex conceptual design process

• the need for multiple external databases

• the need to hire database-related employees

⚫ high DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (DBMS) acquisition costs

⚫ a more complex programmer environment

⚫ potentially catastrophic program failures

⚫ a longer running time for individual applications

⚫ highly dependent DBMS operations

Nurse Informatics VS. Health Informatics

Nursing Informatics

• Focused on patient care

• Optimizing the technology used by nurses

Health Informatics

• Focused on administration concerns

• Examples: Data security, technology compliance reports

Ways NI will have better results

• Policy writing

• Training & supporting systems users

• Designing systems

• Quality control

• Project management

• Choosing & implementing systems

Traits of a Nurse informatics

• Analytical

• Problem solving skills

• Great listener

• Excellent communication skills

• Active learner

• Curious mind; inquisitive

• Original thinker

• Generate fresh ideas

• Organized

• Structured approach to work

• Initiator

• Readiness to identify problems & suggest solutions

Ethical Principles in Nursing Informatics

• Beneficence

• Non-maleficence

• Respect for autonomy

• Informed consent

• Privacy & confidentiality

• Justice

• Risks to benefit ratio

• Veracity


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