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Edit parameters in

several drives Add-In

Using Startdrive Openness
interface to enter parameters
for drive groups

Edit parameters in several drives Add-In V16 Industry
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Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 2
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 5
1.2 Overview of the Application Example ................................................... 5
1.3 Components used ................................................................................ 6
2 Purpose............................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Problem description .............................................................................. 7
2.2 Requirements ....................................................................................... 7
2.3 Objectives ............................................................................................. 7
3 Requirements ..................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Required practical knowledge .............................................................. 8
3.2 System requirements ........................................................................... 8
4 Parameter lists ................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Direct access lists ................................................................................. 9
4.2 DFI Lists (only SINAMICS G) ............................................................... 9
4.3 Acyclic lists (optional) ........................................................................... 9
4.4 List files............................................................................................... 10
5 Installation ........................................................................................................ 11
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5.1 Installing add-in .................................................................................. 11

5.2 Enabling the add-in ............................................................................ 12
5.3 Starting add-in .................................................................................... 13
6 Structure of the user interface ....................................................................... 15
6.1 File menu ............................................................................................ 16
6.2 Add-in settings .................................................................................... 16
6.3 Drives ................................................................................................. 18
6.4 Parameter lists ................................................................................... 19
6.5 Parameter view .................................................................................. 22
6.6 Reading parameter values ................................................................. 24
6.7 Writing parameters ............................................................................. 25
6.8 Configuring motor and encoder .......................................................... 27
6.9 Parameter comparison ....................................................................... 28
6.10 Log...................................................................................................... 29
7 Acyclic lists ...................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Jobs .................................................................................................... 30
7.2 Creating a list with jobs ...................................................................... 30
7.3 Parameter data types ......................................................................... 32
7.4 Generating blocks .............................................................................. 33
7.5 Settings............................................................................................... 35
7.6 Diagnostics ......................................................................................... 35
7.7 Error codes ......................................................................................... 36
7.7.1 LAcycCom_ReadDriveParams diagnostics messages ...................... 36
7.7.2 LAcycCom_WriteDriveParams diagnostics messages ...................... 37
7.7.3 FB_AcycJobs Error Codes ................................................................. 39
8 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 40
8.1 Service and support ........................................................................... 40
8.2 Contact partners ................................................................................. 41
8.3 Links and Literature ............................................................................ 41

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 3
Table of Contents

8.4 Change Documentation...................................................................... 41

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Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 4
1 Overview

1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
By using the TIA Portal Openness interface, your own .NET applications can
integrate the TIA Portal in your development environment. Working from one
application, the programmer can perform TIA Portal functions, which entails
benefits such as:
• Increased efficiency, thanks to faster execution of the task
• Accuracy, thanks to the automation of consistent processes
• Short commissioning times, thanks to program-supported creation of
• Competitiveness, thanks to targeted use of resources

The following actions are possible with Openness:

• Open and close TIA Portal with or without user interface
• Open, save and close projects
• Compile hardware and software
• Export and import blocks
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Note More information on TIA Portal Openness can be found at the following link:

Using the Openness Startdrive interface, a user can access drive devices and
thereby read and write parameter values.

ATTENTION Improper use of the interfaces can result in data loss and production halt.

1.2 Overview of the Application Example

The aim of this Application Example is to facilitate the commissioning of similar
drives by copying an existing configuration from one drive object to other drive
objects. Parameter values can be written offline or online.

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1 Overview

1.3 Components used

This Application Example was created using these software components:
Table 1-1: Software components
TIA Portal V16
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

Online functions were created and tested using the following hardware:

Table 1-2: Hardware components

SINAMICS G120 demo kit
SINAMICS S120 demo kit
SINAMICS G110 demo kit
SINAMICS S210 demo kit

This Application Example consists of the following components:

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Table 1-3
Components File name
Manual 109777633_EditParametersInSeveralDrivesAddIn_DOC_v10_en.pdf
TIA Portal add-in 109777633_EditParametersInSeveralDrivesAddIn_ADDIN_v10.zip
Visual Studio

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 6
2 Purpose

2 Purpose
2.1 Problem description
In applications such as logistics systems or in the automobile industry, oftentimes
more than 100 drives are controlled by one PLC. In materials handling applications,
for instance, drive settings are often standardized for various conveyor elements. In
such cases, the configurations are the same, or they differ only with respect to
parameters that are not performance-related.
When commissioning such a system it is repeatedly the case that settings
parameters have to be adjusted in order to achieve the desired drive
characteristics. These changes then have to be carried out for a great number of
drives (10 to 50). Although these are simple changes, they take considerable time.
To support the commissioning technician, the intention is to create a tool which can
be used to automate such changes.

2.2 Requirements
The application will use the Openness interface in order to access TIA Portal. The
tool should be implemented as a TIA Portal add-in. The following functionality
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should be provided to the user:

• Display the drives in the project
• Support for drives from the S120, S210, G120 and G110 series
• Read and write drive parameters offline and online
• Compare parameter values of multiple drives offline and online
• Support for hardware parameters (DFI: Drive Function Interface)

2.3 Objectives
By using the TIA Portal add-in EditParametersInSeveralDrives, the following
should be achieved:
• Reduce commissioning time
• Change parameters even without knowledge of TIA Portal
• Prevent errors with the help of automatic processing

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 7
3 Requirements

3 Requirements
3.1 Required practical knowledge
To work with the tool you will need:
• Working knowledge of TIA Portal
• Working knowledge of SINAMICS drives

In order to extend or customize the tool, you will also need:

• C# programming skills
• Knowledge of the TIA Portal Openness interface

3.2 System requirements

The following requirements must be met in order to run the tool on a computer:
• TIA Portal V16 installation
• SINAMICS Startdrive V16 installation
• TIA Portal Openness V16 installation

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Windows user is a member of the local group "Siemens TIA Openness"

Note Refer to the Openness documentation in chapter 4.2.2 (see \3\) for how to add a
user to the user group "Siemens TIA Openness".

If the application will be modified or extended, you will also need:

• Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 8
4 Parameter lists

4 Parameter lists
In the add-in you have the ability to create parameter lists in order to read, write
and compare parameter values.
The add-in supports two types of list.

4.1 Direct access lists

These lists allow direct access to drive parameters. This is only possible for drives
that are supported by Startdrive. Parameter values can be read and written from
the project (offline) or directly from the device (online).
Please note that it is not possible to access all parameters using this method.
Access to drive parameters with the Openness interface is regulated with the
whitelist concept. Only parameters on the whitelist can be accessed. The lists are
predefined and differ based on drive type and firmware version.
With the add-in, you can create a list with all accessible parameters (whitelist).

4.2 DFI Lists (only SINAMICS G)

DFI stands for Drive Function Interface. Motor and encoder parameters can be
read and written using these lists. In this case as well, only Startdrive drives can be
handled; offline and online access is supported. The DFI parameters of a drive
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depend on the underlying hardware, e.g. asynchronous motor or synchronous

motor. If one changes the motor types, one also changes the relevant parameters.
A DFI list can typically consist of three parameter groups:
• Required motor parameters: These are absolutely required for writing. An
error will result if one parameter is missing.
• Optional motor parameters: If these parameters are not present for writing,
they will be ignored and no error will occur.
• Required encoder parameters: These are the parameters that are needed if
an encoder will be parameterized.

The add-in will support you when creating the lists and will give tips about missing

4.3 Acyclic lists (optional)

You have the option of requesting an add-in version (see chapter 8.2) that also
supports acyclic lists.
Acyclic lists can be employed in cases where parameters need to be written that
are not supported by the other two list types or if the drive device is not supported
by Startdrive (GSD). With these lists, the read/write commands from a PLC can be
executed using DPV1 services. The add-in creates all necessary blocks from the
lists and adds them to the project.

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4 Parameter lists

4.4 List files

The parameter lists are simple XML files. The following code snippet shows the
essential structure of a direct access list with two parameters:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<JobList Type="DirectAccess" Description="">
<SinParameterJob Type="ReadWrite" Description="">
<Parameter Number="r206[0]"
Description="Rated power unit power, Rated value"
Max="" />
<Parameter Number="p2000"
Description="Reference speed reference frequency"
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

Max="" />

Attention If you have worked with older versions of the tool and already created lists in the
old format, you can convert them with the Import button.
You can also copy the old lists in the list folder. Then they will be converted
automatically upon start. Please note that the lists will be overwritten in the
process and will no longer be available in the old format.

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5 Installation

5 Installation
5.1 Installing add-in
The add-in must be copied in the AddIns folder in the installation directory for TIA
Portal so that TIA Portal recognizes the add-in. You can do this by hand, but you
must store the included library and the example lists either in the default directory
or in the settings (see chapter 6.2).
Figure 5-1 AddIns folder
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You can also run the included batch file run_as_admin_to_install.bat to copy the
add-in. The batch file also copies the example lists and the library for the acyclic
communication into the appropriate folder. Please close TIA Portal before starting
the installation.

Attention You must run the batch file as an Admin because you need administrator
privileges in order to copy files to the installation folder of TIA Portal.

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 11
5 Installation

Figure 5-2 install.bat

5.2 Enabling the add-in

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Before you can use the add-in you must enable it in the "Add-ins" task card.
Figure 5-3 Enabling the add-in

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 12
5 Installation

After you have enabled the add-in, you must accept the permissions.
Figure 5-4 Enabled add-in
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5.3 Starting add-in

Open a project with drives in order to start the add-in. The add-in can be started in
the project tree by right-clicking on the following objects:
• Project: All drive devices in the project will be loaded. The add-in will be started
even if the project contains no drive devices.
• Group: All drive devices in the group will be loaded. In this case as well, the
add-in will be started regardless of whether the group contains drive devices.
• Device: The selected device will be loaded in the add-in. The add-in can only
be started if the selection contains a drive device.

Note You can select multiple groups or drive devices using the ctrl key and then
load with a right click.

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5 Installation

The following figure shows the add-in start for three drive devices.
Figure 5-5: Starting add-in
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6 Structure of the user interface

6 Structure of the user interface

The user interface of the add-in EditParametersInSeveralDrives is divided into
multiple areas as shown in the figure below:
1. The drive devices and groups are displayed in the device area once a
project is opened.
2. Existing lists are displayed in the parameter lists area and can be edited
3. The parameters of the selected list are displayed in the parameter area
and can be edited there.
4. In the parameter search area, you can search for parameters in the
selected drive and add them to a list or read the values of the active
parameter list from the selected drive. You can compare the parameter
values with the Compare buttons.
5. In this area, you can write the values of the active parameter list to
selected drive objects either offline or online. There you can also write
motor type and encoder data.
6. Messages from the tool are output in this area.
7. Parameter lists can be saved using the File menu. You can also access
the settings with it. The About menu shows the version and disclaimer
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Figure 6-1 User interface areas


Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 15
6 Structure of the user interface

6.1 File menu

Using the File menu, you can save the TIA project and all parameter lists. A list of
the recently opened projects is also displayed here. You can access the add-in
settings with Settings.

Figure 6-2 File menu

6.2 Add-in settings

The settings of the application can be adjusted in this dialog:
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General Settings
Here the following settings can be modified:
• Save location of all parameter lists. The add-in loads all lists in this
directory. New lists and lists imported by the user are saved there. This
change is taken into account on the next restart.
• Automatic saving of the TIA Portal project.
• Automatic saving of parameter lists
• Confirmation before deleting parameter lists or list items (parameters or
• Delete lists from the file system or simply hide them in the add-in. List will
be displayed again after the next restart.
• Number of projects that are displayed in the "Recently opened" list.
• Reset settings to default values
• Delete list of the recently opened projects

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6 Structure of the user interface

Figure 6-3 General Settings

Parameter lists
The following settings can be modified in this dialog:
• Allow only whitelist parameters to be added to direct access lists.
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• Confirmation of RAM to ROM saving when writing parameters online

• Automatic RAM to ROM
• Establish drive online state after online operations, or stay online.
• Automatic scrolling when reading and comparing parameters.
• Select default view when comparing drives. Either with parameter columns
and drive rows (good for comparing many drives and few parameters) or
drive columns and parameter rows (good for comparing many parameters
and few drives).

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 17
6 Structure of the user interface

Figure 6-4 Parameter Lists settings

6.3 Drives
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The drives are displayed in the tree view after starting. If the drives are divided into
groups, these are also displayed. Please note that only groups with SINAMICS
drives will be displayed.

Figure 6-5 Drives

The check boxes are for selecting drives that will be affected by batch actions
(writing parameters offline or writing motor and encoder data online and comparing
parameters). Using the Show all and Show selected buttons you can either show
all or only the selected drives.

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6 Structure of the user interface

Creating whitelist
Using the context menu of a drive object and the Create whitelist option, you have
the ability to create a parameter list with all authorized parameters of the drive
object. Please note that this operation can be time-consuming.

Figure 6-6 Creating whitelist

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DFI lists

Using the same menu, you can also create a list with all DFI parameters of a

6.4 Parameter lists

All existing parameter lists are displayed in this area. The parameter lists are
stored by default in the folder
rivesAddIn\Parameter Lists".
If it does not exist, this folder will be created when the tool is run for the first time. If
you install the add-in with the supplied batch file, the folder will be created during
the installation.

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6 Structure of the user interface

Figure 6-7 Parameter lists

The list types are distinguished by different icon colors. If the name is changed, the
file name will be changed too. Right click on a list to delete, save or duplicate it.
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You can also add copied parameters.

Creating parameter lists

A new list can be created with the Add New button. The new lists will be saved in
the default lists directory.
Figure 6-8 Creating a new parameter list

When creating the list, the name must be specified and an optional description can
be entered. The file path is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. If only a file exists
with the same name, the name will be changed by appending a number. The name
and description can be modified in the application. Parameter lists can also be

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 20
6 Structure of the user interface

created manually with a text editor. When doing so, however, attention must be
paid to the structure of the XML files. The parameter list can be saved in the default
list directory so that it is loaded automatically when the application starts; or it can
be imported in the application.

Saving parameter lists

Changes in the selected list can be saved with the Save button. You can set up
the tool such that the lists are saved automatically upon exit.

Importing parameter lists

Using Import, a parameter list can be imported from any save location into the
default directory for lists.
You have the option of importing a parameter list in tool format (*.xml) or a user-
defined list (udl) exported from TIA Portal Startdrive in csv format.
You can also import parameter lists from older versions of the application with this
Figure 6-9 Importing udl
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Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 21
6 Structure of the user interface

6.5 Parameter view

If a list is clicked, the parameters it contains are displayed in the parameter area.
The parameter list displays the name of the current list and the number of
parameters it contains. The values can be edited by clicking the individual cells.

Figure 6-10 Parameters

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Multiple parameters can be selected; they can be copied or deleted using the
context menu. You can also reorder the parameters by dragging them with the
mouse and letting go at the desired position.

Adding parameters to a list

New parameters can be added either manually by editing the XML file, with the
context menu, or by using the search function. You can also copy parameters from
another list.

Searching parameters
You can use this function to search for a parameter in the selected drive object. If
found, the parameter's description and value will be displayed, otherwise an error
message will appear.
You can input the complete parameter name or only the number. If you are
searching for a parameter with an index, enter the number and the index separated
by a comma. Index zero does not have to be entered. Use a period for bits.

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6 Structure of the user interface

The table below shows a handful of examples.

Table 6-1
Input Result
1. Parameter name

2. Parameter number

3. Name with index

4. Number and index

5. Name with bit


6. Number and bit

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7. Name with index

and bit number

8. Number with index

and bit number

9. Parameter cannot
be found

Add Only White List Parameters

This setting is only relevant for direct access lists. Using the settings, you can
select whether only parameters that were found (parameter exists and is allowed in
the whitelist) can be added to a list. If you choose this setting (default), then you
must always select a drive object. The description of the searched parameter will
be displayed if the parameter is found. Only then can the parameter be added to
the list with the enter key. The new parameter is added to the end of the list.
If the parameter does not exist of is not in the whitelist of the selected drive, a
message will indicate this.

If the setting Add Only White List Parameters is not selected, then you can add
any parameter without selecting a drive object. In this case only the syntax is
checked for correctness.

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 23
6 Structure of the user interface

6.6 Reading parameter values

After clicking on the buttons in Update list from selected drive the values of the
active parameter list will be read offline or online from the selected drive object.
The same operation can be started with the context menu of a drive object.
Figure 6-11 Reading parameters
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You can set which parameters will be read using the check box in the Action
column. Using the buttons in the search area, only the active parameters are read.
You can enable or disable all parameters using the context menu. In order to read
all parameters regardless of the check boxes, click the option Update list from
selected drive→ Offline All or Online All in the context menu of the parameter
view or of the drive.

It is possible to see from the color of the icons which parameters were read
successfully. The colors can be reset using the context menu with the option Reset

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 24
6 Structure of the user interface

Figure 6-12 Context menu of the parameter view

6.7 Writing parameters

The values from the active list can be transmitted to the drive devices marked with
the check boxes. Using the Active check box, you can determine which
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parameters will be written.

Note You can only select drive objects of the same SINAMICS family with the check

Figure 6-13 Writing parameters

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 25
6 Structure of the user interface

Writing offline
The CHANGE PARAMETERS OFFLINE button writes the values offline. The
values are written only in the project and must be transmitted to the device
manually in order to become effective.

Writing online
The CHANGE PARAMETERS ONLINE button writes the values online directly on
the device. A connection is established to all selected devices. The project
connection settings will be used, meaning that you first have to configure and
establish a connection to the devices in TIA Portal before you can use this function.
Recommendation: Use central setting for the offline access path.
See main menu "Extras / Settings / Online & Diagnostics / Preconfigured
connection path for online access"
Before the data are written, you will be asked whether the changes should be
saved in network failsafe mode (RAM to ROM).

Please note that writing parameters online can cause dangerous


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Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 26
6 Structure of the user interface

6.8 Configuring motor and encoder

You can modify the motor type and encoder data for all selected SINAMICS G
drives with the SET MOTOR & ENCODER button.

Figure 6-14 Motor & encoder configuration

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Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 27
6 Structure of the user interface

6.9 Parameter comparison

You can compare the parameter values of multiple drive objects from the same
SINAMICS family with each other offline or online by clicking the Compare drives
buttons. You can also compare the offline and online values of a drive. To do this,
select using the check box and click the Online comparison.
Figure 6-15 Comparing parameters
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The results are displayed in a separate window. You can open multiple windows at
the same time. The results of the comparison are shown in the following colors:
• Green: All values are the same
• Red: At least one difference in the values

Figure 6-16 Comparison results

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 28
6 Structure of the user interface

The Switch View button will change the view such that the columns are changed
to rows and the rows to columns.The results can be saved to a csv file with the
Save button.

Figure 6-17 Swapping data

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6.10 Log
Messages are output in the lower area of the application. They are divided into
three categories: Info, warning and error. The output can be filtered with the
appropriate icons.
The messages can be saved to the computer with the Export button. The filters are
active when exporting, i.e. only the active message types will be exported.
Figure 6-18 Log

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7 Acyclic lists

7 Acyclic lists
Acyclic lists can be employed in cases where parameters need to be written that
are not supported by the other two list types or if the drive device is not supported
by Startdrive. With these lists, the read/write commands from a PLC can be
Reading and writing is carried out by a function block which uses the LAcycCom

Note You can find the LAcycCom library in SIOS at the following link:

The add-in creates all blocks necessary from your lists. All necessary blocks are
contained in the supplied library.

7.1 Jobs
Acyclic lists can consist of the following jobs:
• Read Job: List of parameters to be read. Up to 39 parameters can be read per
job. The values are then in the corresponding data block.
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• Write Job: List of parameters to be written. Up to 19 parameters can be written

per job.
• Check Job: List of parameters to be checked for the specified value before the
PLC proceeds with the next job. Up to 39 parameters can be checked per job.
You can also enter a maximum wait time. An error is generated if this time
expires without the parameters reaching the expected values.
• Pause Job: Here you can specify a time to pause between two jobs.

7.2 Creating a list with jobs

Click Add New to create an acyclic list. Enter the name for the list in the dialog and
select the type Acyclic. As an option, you can enter a description. Click Ok to
create the list.

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7 Acyclic lists

Figure 7-1 Creating a new acyclic list

In order to create jobs, right click on the Jobs area and select Add New, then the
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

desired job. You can also use the keyboard shortcut to add jobs. Before you do
this, though, click on the Job area so that it is in focus and can accept keyboard
Figure 7-2 Adding jobs

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7 Acyclic lists

Once you have added a job, you can add parameters. The figure below shows a
list for rapid commissioning of a G120X.
The parameters are added in the parameter area of the job with Right click >>
Add New or with Ctrl+Shift+N.
Figure 7-3 Example list
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7.3 Parameter data types

When writing parameters it is crucial to distinguish between Integer and Real
values. The Real values must be written strictly in floating point form, i.e. 1360.0
and not 1360. Integer values must not contain a decimal place. The values will be
coded incorrectly if this rule is not observed. The data type of a parameter can be
referenced in the TIA Portal Help.
For a BiCo interconnection with 1 or 100%, enter r1.
Figure 7-4 Parameter data type

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7 Acyclic lists

7.4 Generating blocks

In order to generate the blocks needed to write the parameters, you must select the
desired drives with the check boxes and then click GENERATE BLOCKS.
Figure 7-5 Generating blocks
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During generation the supplied library will be opened and all blocks will be copied
into the project. The blocks are stored in a group, AcycJobsGroup. A total of three
groups are created.

Figure 7-6 Groups

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7 Acyclic lists

Besides the general blocks, two data blocks will be created for each selected axis:
• DbAcycInst_xxx is an instance DB from FB_AcycJobs and serves to call the
• DbAcycCtrl_xxx represents the acyclic list and contains the jobs as well as
the tags which are linked with the inputs and outputs of the FB. This DB also
contains the values during reading of parameters.

Figure 7-7 Control DB

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

In addition to the data blocks, a cycle OB (OB_AcycJobs_xxx) will be created.

The LAcycCom Resource Manager, and for each axis the FB_AcycJobs will be
called in this OB. The following figure shows the OB for an example with one axis

Figure 7-8 OB_AcycJobs_xxx

As seen in the figure, the instance DB is used for the call. The inputs and outputs
are linked with the control DB. Once the loading is complete, the writing and
reading can be started by setting Execute in the control DB.

Data loss
Please note that the groups are deleted upon each generation event. Do not
store your own blocks there.

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7 Acyclic lists

7.5 Settings
You can set the following in File >> settings >> Acyclic Lists:
• Save location of the supplied library
• Enable auto-numbering of blocks or assign start numbers
• Don't generate errors if the HW_ID cannot be found.

Figure 7-9
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7.6 Diagnostics
If an error occurs, the error output will be set and the error number will be
displayed in status. You can find the index of the current job in the tag
CurrentJobIndex in the static region of the instance DB.
If an error occurs during reading or writing of a parameter, the error number is
found under errorValue in the current job in the control DB for the affected
parameter (JobValue).

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7 Acyclic lists

Figure 7-10 Control DB error number

The FB error is displayed in the status output. Errors from the write/read blocks of
the LAcycCom library are also copied to the status output. Using the type of the
current job and error number, you can find the error in the Error Code Tables in the
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• Read or Check Job: LAcycCom_ReadDriveParams diagnostics messages
• Write Job: LAcycCom_WriteDriveParams diagnostics messages

7.7 Error codes

7.7.1 LAcycCom_ReadDriveParams diagnostics messages

Status Meaning Comment

16#0000 STATUS_EXECUTION_FINISH Execution finished without
ED errors
16#7000 STATUS_NO_CALL No call of FB
16#7001 STATUS_ALLOCATE FB is currently allocating a
request element
16#7002 STATUS_GET_RESOURCE FB is waiting until it has
“speaking rights”
16#7003 STATUS_BUSY FB is currently in processing
16#7004 STATUS_RELEASE FB is releasing the allocated
16#7100 WARN_EXECUTE Execute input set during silent
operation mode
16#7101 WARN_EXECUTE_SET_DURI Execute input set during
NG_PROCESSING processing
16#8001 ERR_NO_OF_PARAMETERS Invalid count of parameters
16#8002 ERR_INVALID_PRIORITY_CL FB is not called in OB1
16#8004 ERR_JOB_REJECTED Request rejected

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7 Acyclic lists

16#8005 ERR_RESOURCE_RELEASED Request is already released

16#8006 ERR_AMBIGUOUS_FB_CALL Execute input set during
processing (possible
inconsistent data at output)
16#8200 ERR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE Invalid PLC data type at the
input “dataset”
16#8201 ERR_INVALID_BUF_INDEX Buffer index is invalid
16#8600 ERR_COMMAND_TIMEOUT The assigned buffer element is
no longer available for the
16#8601 ERR_RDREC_TEMP_COUNT Counter for temporary errors
ER reached the maximum during
RDREC command
16#8602 ERR_WRREC_TEMP_COUNT Counter for temporary errors
ER reached the maximum during
WRREC command
16#8603 ERR_WRREC Error occurred during WRREC
16#8604 ERR_RDREC Error occurred during RDREC
16#8605 ERR_REFERENCE_NO Reference number of the
request does not match the
response reference number
16#8606 ERR_RESPONSE_ID Invalid response from the drive
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

16#8607 ERR_PARAMETER_NO The number of parameters
received does not match the
requested number of
16#8608 ERR_DRIVE_OBJECT_NO The drive object does not match
the responded drive object
16#8609 ERR_ALLOCATION_TIME The allocation time exceeded
the configured value
16#8610 ERR_MOVE_BLK_VARIANT Error occurred during
16#8611 ERR_UNDEFINED_STATE Error due to an undefined state
16#8612 ERR_UNDEFINED_SUBSTAT Error due to an undefined
E substate
16#8619 ERR_PARAMETER Error in at least one parameter
(see: errorValue in dataset)

7.7.2 LAcycCom_WriteDriveParams diagnostics messages

Status Meaning Comment

16#0000 STATUS_EXECUTION_FINISH Execution finished without
ED errors
16#7000 STATUS_NO_CALL No call of FB
16#7001 STATUS_ALLOCATE FB is currently allocating a
request element
16#7002 STATUS_GET_RESOURCE FB is waiting until it has
“speaking rights”
16#7003 STATUS_BUSY FB is currently in processing

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7 Acyclic lists

16#7004 STATUS_RELEASE FB is releasing the allocated

16#7100 WARN_EXECUTE Execute input set during silent
operation mode
16#7101 WARN_EXECUTE_SET_DURI Execute input set during
NG_PROCESSING processing
16#8001 ERR_NO_OF_PARAMETERS Invalid count of parameters
16#8004 ERR_REQUEST_REJECTED Request rejected
16#8005 ERR_RESOURCE_RELEASED Request is already released
16#8006 ERR_AMBIGUOUS_FB_CALL Execute input set during
processing (possible
inconsistent data at output)
16#8200 ERR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE Invalid PLC data type at the
input “dataset”
16#8201 ERR_INVALID_BUF_INDEX Buffer index is invalid
16#8600 ERR_COMMAND_TIMEOUT The assigned buffer element is
no longer available for the
16#8601 ERR_RDREC_TEMP_COUNT Counter for temporary errors
ER reached the maximum during
RDREC command
16#8602 ERR_WRREC_TEMP_COUNT Counter for temporary errors
ER reached the maximum during
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

WRREC command
16#8603 ERR_WRREC Error occurred during WRREC
16#8604 ERR_RDREC Error occurred during RDREC
16#8605 ERR_REFERENCE_NO Reference number of the
request does not match the
response reference number
16#8606 ERR_RESPONSE_ID Invalid response from the drive
16#8607 ERR_PARAMETER_NO The number of parameters
received does not match the
requested number of
16#8608 ERR_DRIVE_OBJECT_NO The drive object does not match
the responded DO
16#8609 ERR_ALLOCATION_TIME The allocation time exceeded
the configured value
16#8610 ERR_MOVE_BLK_VARIANT Error occurred during
16#8611 ERR_UNDEFINED_STATE Error due to an undefined state
16#8612 ERR_UNDEFINED_SUBSTAT Error due to an undefined
E substate
16#8619 ERR_PARAMETER Error in at least one parameter
(see: errorValue in dataset)

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7 Acyclic lists

7.7.3 FB_AcycJobs Error Codes

Status Meaning Comment

while copying next job
16#9001 ERR_UNKNOWN_JOB Unknown job type
while copying read values
while copying write values
16#9004 ERR_CHECK_TIMEOUT Timeout error in check job.
Time elapsed without reaching
the expected values
while copying check values
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Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 39
8 Appendix

8 Appendix
8.1 Service and support
Industry Online Support
Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Siemens Industry Online Support offers round the clock access to our entire
service and support know-how and portfolio.
The Industry Online Support is the central address for information about our
products, solutions and services.
Product information, manuals, downloads, FAQs, application examples and videos
– all information is accessible with just a few mouse clicks: Fehler! Linkreferenz

Technical Support
The Technical Support of Siemens Industry provides you fast and competent
support regarding all technical queries with numerous tailor-made offers
– ranging from basic support to individual support contracts. Please send queries
to Technical Support via Web form:
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SITRAIN – Training for Industry

We support you with our globally available training courses for industry with
practical experience, innovative learning methods and a concept that’s tailored to
the customer’s specific needs.
For more information on our offered trainings and courses, as well as their
locations and dates, refer to our web page:

Service offer
Our range of services includes the following:
• Plant data services
• Spare parts services
• Repair services
• On-site and maintenance services
• Retrofitting and modernization services
• Service programs and contracts
You can find detailed information on our range of services in the service catalog
web page:
Fehler! Linkreferenz ungültig.

Industry Online Support app

You will receive optimum support wherever you are with the "Siemens Industry
Online Support" app. The app is available for iOS and Android:
Fehler! Linkreferenz ungültig.

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 40
8 Appendix

8.2 Contact partners

Siemens AG
Siemens Germany
Process Industries and Drives
Application Center
Franz-Geuer-Str. 10
50823 Cologne, Germany

mailto: applications.aud.koe.nrh.rd@siemens.com

8.3 Links and Literature

Table 8-1
No. Subject
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Link to the article page of the Application Example
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\3\ Openness Manual

8.4 Change Documentation

Table 8-2
Version Date Change
V1.0 01/2020 First edition

Article ID: 109777633, V1.0, 01/2020 41

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