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and its impact to the world.

Presented by:
Sean William M. Alvaran
The start of social media can be traced back to the early days of the
internet, with the emergence of platforms like Six Degrees and
Friendster in the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, it was the
advent of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the
mid-2000s that bloomed its wonderous growth.

In today's humungous world, social media has become a huge part of

our daily lives. From connecting with friends and family to staying
updated on global events, its influence passes through every aspect
of society. However, this presence prompts critical questions about
its impact on individuals and communities. How does social media
affect our identities? What are its effects on mental health? And how
has it transformed the dynamics of social interaction? These
questions go deep unto the complex body of social media, and on how
we react to it.
Imagine a world where every thought, every
emotion, and every experience is captured and
recorded in a digital realm, where likes and
shares dictate our sense of validation. This is
the landscape of social media, a virtual domain
that both unites and divides, empowers and
disempowers our society. As we go through its
terrain, we are to confront the nature of this
digital world.

We asked, How does social media shape our identities?

Social media serves as a digital mirror reflecting and
shaping our identities in profound ways. Through edited
profiles and carefully crafted posts, individuals
construct virtual personas that often diverge from their
authentic selves. The thirst for likes and followers
incentivizes self-presentation, leading to a attention
seeking personality, wherein users showcase only the
most positive aspects of their lives. Consequently, this
adapted self-image can miscommunicate ourselves from
our real self.

I also asked, what are its effects on mental health? The nature
of social media has raised concerns about its impact on mental
well-being. Studies have linked excessive social media use to
increased levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The
constant barrage of nitpicked content can create unrealistic
standards of beauty and success, fostering feelings of
inadequacy. Moreover, the phenomenon of cyberbullying has
become a pretty big issue, within the individuals facing
harassment and ostracization in the digital platform. While
social media can provide a sense of connection, its detrimental
effects on mental health highlights the need for mindful
consumption and our understanding upon many things.

Furthermore, How has it transformed the dynamics of

social interaction? Social media has fundamentally altered
the landscape of social interaction, reshaping the way we
communicate and relate to one another. The urgent nature
and accessibility of platforms like Facebook and Twitter have
democratized discourse, giving rise to movements like
hashtags, trends and so on. Furthermore, the rise of
influencer culture have modified relationships, blurring the
lines between authenticity. As social media continues to
evolve, it poses both opportunities and challenges for
fostering meaningful connections and dialogue.

To sum it all up, social media is like a two-faced friend. It

has its good side, helping us connect and share ideas, but it
also has a rogue side, spreading lies and invading our
privacy. It's like a swimming pool with two sides – one
crystal clear shiny and the other murky. As we use social
media, we need to be careful, knowing it can bring both
good and bad. We must learn to navigate its twists and
turns, using it wisely to build connections while protecting
ourselves from its darker aspects.

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