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Project Novum Intium

Purpose: We will be making a website that will be educational websites like 10-minute school and
other educational websites. We will aim to make it as much big as we can but obviously, we won’t
have a team to make courses like 10-minute school. So the features would be different. Our project
will help students. I haven’t decided yet which level of students we should target. But my initial
target right now is hsc ICT and programming-related topics. They are for dummy usage because our
focus on this project should be on features and other skill-related things.

Vision: This will be a professional or semi-professional website. So It will have a Front-end, Back-
end, database, security system, etc. And to make this happen we need features that we can
implement that require a backend and database. Also, I want to implement a very good design for
this website. This website will have many pages. So we can implement so much design, hover
effects, animation, pictures, and other creativity.

In the front end, this website will have two parts. One is the user part and the other is the admin
part. We will discuss it. For now, just understand that we will have a login page that will give access
to the admin part. So both parts will look different. You can relate to the admin part as our IP
project. We will have various options that can control the entire user part. And the user part as the
railway website of Bangladesh Railway. Users will see and control the only things that admin has
given them access.

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