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Create the Azure-side resources

Run the following command in Azure Cloud Shell to create the Azure-VNet-1 virtual network and
the Services subnet.

Azure CLI

az network vnet create --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --name Azure-VNet-1 --address-

prefixes --subnet-name Services --subnet-prefixes
Run the following command in Cloud Shell to add the GatewaySubnet subnet to Azure-VNet-1.

az network vnet subnet create --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --vnet-name Azure-VNet-

1 --address-prefixes --name GatewaySubnet

Run the following command in Cloud Shell to create the LNG-HQ-Network local network gateway.

Azure CLI
az network local-gateway create --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --gateway-ip-address --name LNG-HQ-Network --local-address-prefixes

This gateway represents the on-premises network that you're connecting to. The IP address specified as the
remote gateway (which is the simulated on-premises network) must be updated later because it doesn't exist yet
in our scenario.

Create the simulated on-premises network and supporting

Run the following command in Cloud Shell to create the HQ-Network virtual network and
the Applications subnet.

Azure CLI

az network vnet create --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --name HQ-Network --address-

prefixes --subnet-name Applications --subnet-prefixes
Run the following command in Cloud Shell to add GatewaySubnet to HQ-Network.

Azure CLI
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --address-prefixes --name GatewaySubnet --vnet-name HQ-Network

Run the following command in Cloud Shell to create the LNG-Azure-VNet-1 local network gateway.

Azure CLI
az network local-gateway create --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --gateway-ip-address --name LNG-Azure-VNet-1 --local-address-prefixes
Verify the topology
1. Run the following command in Cloud Shell to verify that the virtual networks have been
successfully created.

Azure CLI
az network vnet list --output tsv

vu [ ~ ]$ az network vnet list --output tsv

False W/"9baef492-d6de-428f-9025-6ccb8b792302"
d441b5318722/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/Azure-VNet-1 westus Azure-VNet-1 Succeeded
learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 39721fa3-4696-4bd6-aca0-3f6ec9eb2225 2
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 0

False W/"b2bbebfd-1e89-48b8-b12b-03dfabab4f74"
d441b5318722/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/HQ-Network westus HQ-Network Succeeded
learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 4f5d47a0-c2be-4e6f-b978-0a105cc8e538 2
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks 0

vu [ ~ ]$

Run the following command in Cloud Shell to verify that the local network gateways have been
successfully created.

Azure CLI
az network local-gateway list --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --output table

vu [ ~ ]$ az network local-gateway list --resource-group learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 --output table

Name Location ResourceGroup ProvisioningState GatewayIpAddress AddressPrefixes

---------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------ -----------------

LNG-Azure-VNet-1 westus learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 Succeeded

LNG-HQ-Network westus learn-d0f06a92-b129-4d9f-9178-d441b5318722 Succeeded

vu [ ~ ]$

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