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Midterm/Final Evaluation and Reflection of Intern Progress: Level 2

Intern Name Nathan Colon_________________________ Date 2/18/24___________

INTERN (for FEAPs 1-4):

 Please place a * next to FEAPs that reflect areas of growth or strength in your practice.
 Please circle FEAPs that reflect areas in need of development
 Place comments and goals in the box provided below each FEAP
 DO NOT circle a selection for “Performance Evaluation”. This will be completed in collaboration
with supervisor and CT.

1*. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning
theories, the effective educator consistently:
a. Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor;



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

I will continue to demonstrate this FEAP by
For each of my lesson plans, I aligned them using the appropriate standards provided by the
with the Florida standards on CPALMS. state as I develop more lesson plans.
Doing this has allowed me to teach at the
appropriate level when conducting my lesson Update: I have met this goal by using state
plans. standards in the following lesson plans I created.
I also made sure each lesson was at the
appropriate level of rigor for each student by
splitting some students into small group so they
could receive additional support.

2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student-centered learning environment that is safe, organized,
equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator consistently:
a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention;
b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system;
c. Conveys high expectations to all students;
d. Respects students’ cultural and family background
e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;
f. Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support
h. Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

I try to demonstrate each of these FEAPs on a My main goals are to improve differentiating for
daily basis. For example, when we line up for the needs of different students and managing
lunch the students know that the expectation classroom behaviors. I can look to my resources
is to be quiet in order to walk to lunch. I feel provided in my internship and other classes to
like I have gotten better at each of these help me with this.
FEAPs as I get more experience in the field.
Update: I was able to differentiate for my focus
student through giving him the verbal
accommodations he needed and extra support in
math. I hope to become better at differentiation
in level 3 and hope I can expand differentiation
to more than one student. For managing
classroom behaviors, I introduced the use of
ringing a bell which helped me grab the attention
of the students better compared to previous

3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation: The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and
comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to:

a. Deliver engaging and challenging lessons;

g. Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to teach for
student understanding
h. Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of
individual differences in students;



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

I deliver engaging and challenging lessons

through using the appropriate standards. I My goal for this FEAP is to continue to find
also encourage participation from the ways to engage students and provide
students to get more engagement. I could challenging lessons that meet student needs.
work on including appropriate technology Another goal is to find different ways to vary
for the students to use. I also plan to use my instruction in order to find the best methods
more differentiation strategies with my focus that fit the students. I also want to find ways to
student. differentiate for more students.

Update: I was able to provide challenging

lessons for my students based on the standards
aligned with a lesson. I also varied instruction
through modeling multiple methods of solving
a problem on the front board during whole
group as well as providing varied instruction
for students in small group based on students
needs. Mastering differentiation will still be a
work in progress for level 3.
5. Continuous Professional Improvement. The effective educator consistently:
a. Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students’
e. Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

I demonstrate this FEAP by reflecting on my
performance with my CT and supervisor. I My goal for this FEAP is to continue to have
also create goals based on FEAPs in order to goals that help me improve as a teacher and to
strengthen my teaching practices. set goals that support my students.

Update: Using the final conference form and

actionable feedback from my CT and
supervisor have allowed me to form goals
based on my strengths and weaknesses in the
field. I will continue to do this as a student
teacher in the next internship levels.

6*. Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct. Understanding that educators are held to a high
moral standard in a community, the effective educator adheres to the Code of Ethics and the Principles of
Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida, pursuant to State Board of Education Rules
6B-1.001 and 6B-1.006, F.A.C, and fulfills the expected obligations to students, the public and the
education profession.



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

I have demonstrated this FEAP by following
the Code of Ethics and respecting everyone My goal for this FEAP is to continue to follow
at the school. the Code of Ethics and make sure that every
student is respected.

Update: I have continued to follow the Code of

Ethics and will continue to respect everyone
within the school and university.

Interns: Please circle the boxes that reflect your participation, performance, and professional obligations
and then answer the questions below.

Category Exemplary Proficient Requires Action

1.Placement No absences One absence More than one absence

Attendance (not made up) (not made up) (not made up)
2.Punctuality Never late Late once Late more than once

3.Placement Communicates ● Adequate ● Limited communication w/ CT

Participation effectively w/ CT about communication w/ CT about teaching assignments
teaching assignments about teaching
● assignments
● __________________ _________________ ● _________________________
● Exemplary initiative ● Satisfactory initiative ● Inadequate initiative displayed in
displayed in placement displayed in placement placement
● ___________________ ● ___________________ ● ________________________
● Actively involved in ● Moderately involved in ● Minimally involved in lesson
lesson planning and lesson planning and planning and implementing
implementing implementing instruction
instruction instruction
Seminar Punctuality/ No absences, always One absence, or once More than one absence or tardy.
Attendance punctual, professional, tardy. Usually Not always professional and
and present professional and present.
Assignment submission Always on time Once turned in late Late more than once
Comments Goals related to participation, performance and
I need to strengthen my initiative within the professional obligations
classroom. I have improved at this since I My goal is to continue to find more ways to take
started in the field, but I have room for more more initiative within the classroom in order to
improvement. help my students. Doing this will help me feel
more comfortable with the increasing
responsibility of a student teacher.

Update: I feel more comfortable with whole-

group lessons now as I have done it multiple
times now.

__________________________________________ Intern Signature/Date:

__________________________________________ CT Signature/Date

___________________________________________ Supervisor Signature/Date:

Final Evaluation and Reflection of Intern Progress: Level 2
*Attach to mid-term feedback form

Intern Name ______________________________ Date ______________________

Read mid-term evaluation and make notes in the goals’ boxes about progression of goals since
mid-term. We suggest creating this as a google document or one-drive where CT, intern, and
supervisor can add information.
Level 1 & 2 FEAPs
1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning
a. Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor
2. The Learning Environment
a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention;
b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system;
c. Conveys high expectations to all students;
d. Respects students’ cultural and family background
e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;
f. Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support
h. Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of
3. Instructional Delivery
a. Deliver engaging and challenging lessons;
g. Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to
teach for student understanding
h. Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition
of individual differences in students;
5. Continuous Improvement
a.Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based
on students’ needs;
e. Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices

Overall Summary:

What were some of the key goals from the midterm conference? What has been the intern’s progress on
those goals?

My main goals involved finding better ways to manage classroom behaviors and finding ways to
differentiate in the classroom. For classroom management, I was able to improve this skill by teaching
students to lower their voices when they heard ring a bell. This made it so that I did not need to rely on my
quieter voice as much and helped students refocus when they started to get too loud. In regard to
differentiation, I still have a lot to improve as I was only able to focus on one student during the semester. I
learned multiple ways of differentiation during seminar and just need to focus on my execution of it in the
classroom. Some other goals included taking more initiative in the classroom and I have gotten better at this
by being more involved in whole group. I feel more comfortable in a whole group setting now than I did at
the mid-term conference.
Based on the progress toward the mid-term goals, what would be some overall goals for level
3 internship?

 Keep working on projecting my voice more

 Become more familiar with subjects outside of STEM
 Time management during lessons
 Improving differentiation
 Create more engaging lessons

__________________________________________ Intern Signature/Date:

__________________________________________ CT Signature/Date

___________________________________________ Supervisor Signature/Date:

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