T.P D'anglais

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 It Is good to cut tree or not ? Justify your answer.

It isn’t good to cut trees often, because cutting down one or more trees
could trigger several natural disasters in the environment in which they reside.
Trees play an important role in life on earth.
Theys participate in Most of the phenomena favoring life on earth such
as : the respiration of living beings through the production of oxygen, the
solidification of soils thanks to their roots and they can serve as refuges for
various animals, etc. .

By this we mean that felling trees could contribute to the extinction of

many living beings including us human beings.
The felling of trees can cause several natural disasters, such as :
★Erosions : which are due to the absence of trees and roots in the soil
and which subsequently causes instability of the soil.
Houses or dwellings that are built along mountainous areas where there
are no trees risk sooner or later collapsing due to the instability of the ground.
★Lack of habitat : felling of trees or deforestation can cause a massive
and precipitous migration of populations living in forests (e.g. pygmies) and
animals that live mainly in wooded areas (e.g. forest, jungle).
★Global warming : most of the gases found in the atmosphere, most of
which are harmful in very large quantities to humans and are assimilated by
trees such as N (nitrogen), C (carbon ) etc…
If trees disappeared from an area, it would have a negative impact on the
ecosystem of that area.
Especially since if trees were to disappear following excessive

exploitation, the gaseous elements (CO2, Nitrogen etc.) and certain gases
that the trees assimilate and synthesize as best they can in their organisms will

accumulate in the atmosphere and conceive what is called « Greenhouse

effect » which will have the consequence of increasing the temperature on

★ Flooding : floods are caused by several factors such as : river overflow,

storms, dam failures, etc.
But the factor that interests us most is deforestation.
Trees play a crucial role in regulating rainfall, absorbing water and
preventing soil erosion. Removing trees can increase rainwater runoff,
decrease soil infiltration, and increase the risk of flooding, particularly in areas
where the soil is already unstable or poorly permeable.

The purpose of deforestation or felling of trees is often to make way for

agriculture, urbanization, mining or other human activities. This results in the
permanent loss of forest cover and associated biodiversity, as wel

l as impacts on local climate, soil, water and ecosystems.


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