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This article was listed in Forest Nursery Notes, Summer 2007

138. Core facts about coir. Newman, J. Greenhouse Management and Production
27(2):57. 2007.
with other components such as peat
to reap the benefits of other elements
in combination. For example, when
mixed with peat, coir can improve the
medium by allowing water to be
taken up more readily without the
need of a wetting agent. Peat mixes
can also improve the consistency of
coir so that there are fewer clumps of
"coir fur ball."

Core facts about coir Coir disadvantages

The most common problem with
coir is that it can have high salt con-

C oir is made from the fiber found

between the husk and the outer
shell of coconuts. It is a relatively
new growing medium that is
as is the case with sphagnum peat
moss. Coir also maintains greater
oxygen levels than rockwool.
Coir decomposes slowly over time
tent, especially lower-grade supplies.
The electrical conductivity of coir
has been reported to range from 0.3
to 2.9 micromhos per centimeter.
becoming popular throughout the due to its composition of more than Coir with a high salt concentration
world in growing mixes and as a 45 percent woody lignin. Though the needs to be leached before use.
substrate for hydroponics. resiliency of coir is impressive, it varies Chloride levels of 400 to 700 parts
depending on age and form, generally per million are not uncommon in
Coir processing lasting to four years. Precomposted coir. However, these chloride levels
Coir is produced primarily in Sri coconut can last four years without typically do not present a problem
Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, shrinkage or compaction. Non-com- as long as the electrical conductivity
Mexico and parts of the Caribbean posted husks usually last two years. is in an acceptable range.
and South America. The fibrous Coir with a lower amount of fiber, Coir with a high salt level is usually
coconut husks are stripped, shred- containing more pulp, also has a the result of suppliers washing the
ded and screened into long fibers shorter lifespan. The finer the coir, coconut husks with salt water instead
and pith. The pith (cocopeat and the faster it decomposes; the coarser of fresh water. The problem can be
coco dust) accounts for two-thirds it is, the longer it lasts. resolved by buying from a reputable
of the coconut pulp by weight and Slow decomposition and limited dealer. Cheaper coir with a high elec-
was long considered a waste prod- shrinkage and compaction results in trical conductivity may be more
uct. Millions of tons still sit in huge a stable open substrate structure expensive than higher-priced coir
piles in India and Sri Lanka due to its that air can penetrate. This encour- with an acceptable electrical conduc-
slow decomposition rate of 20 years, ages larger, healthier roots. tivity level once the additional leach-
During the last half of the 1980s, Adding lime is not necessary ing labor costs and water are added in.
researchers successfully developed when using coir as it is when using With a cation-exchange capacity
processing techniques to transform sphagnum peat. The pH of coir can of 39 to 60 milliequivalents per 100
coir into a mulching amendment range from 5.6 to 6.9, but most com- gallons, coir provides for nutrient-
and hydroponic medium. The pro- mercially available sources range holding capacity in the medium, but
cessing of coir pith involves washing, from 5.8 to 6.5. its cation-exchange capacity is lower
composting, screening and grading. Coir is environmentally sound than that of sphagnum peat moss.
and reusable after it's sanitized. Growers switching from sphagnum
Coir uses Since coir is completely natural, peat to coir will have to change their
Coconut fiber has long been used there are no biohazard or disposal fertilization practices. Because coir
for manufacturing rope, mats and problems. However, the coir fiber has better wettability, growers who
carpeting. The trend toward using industry, which produces this waste are used to watering growing mixes
cocopeat in growing media for plane product, does contribute to signifi- containing peat will also have to
production began in the Far Easi cant water pollution. At least one modify their irrigation practices
and quickly made its way to the coir manufacturing company claims when switching to or adding coir.
Netherlands and Canada. Over the to be treating its effluent water. A disadvantage of coir is its
past decade, its use in the United Some research has also shown clumpy form, which may not move
States began as a replacement for that coir might have insect-repelling smoothly through automated mix-
rockwool in hydroponic rose pro- abilities. Coir can deter fungus gnats ing and filling equipment, although
duction. Today, coir pith and coil and algae growth by keeping the top some forms are less likely to clump.
chips are used by greenhouse growers, surface of the growing medium dry. Good communication with your
in container mixes. In this way, coir acts like a mulch on supplier can avoid importing coir
the medium surface, distributing that is too salty, chunky or fresh.
Coir advantages moisture evenly with its natural wick- Cost often depends on how the
Composed of strong cellulose ing action. How well fungus gnats product is shipped. Stringy, ropelike
fiber with high lignin content, coil and algae are controlled with coir coir is more expensive because it is
has a significantly higher water- depends on the grower's watering ready for use immediately. Coir that
holding capacity than rockwool preferences and the environment. is compressed into bricks or a pallet
Additionally, coir readily absorb In spite of its advantages, the trend is cheaper but needs to be expanded
water; a wetting agent is not needed with growing mixes is to combine coir before use. GM PRO

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