Including Coding Questions in Video Quizzes For A Flipped CS1

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Paper Session: CS1 #2 SIGCSE’18, February 21-24, 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA

Including Coding Questions in Video Quizzes for a Flipped CS1

Lisa L. Lacher Albert Jiang
University of Houston - Clear Lake Trinity University
Houston, Texas San Antonio, Texas

Yu Zhang Mark C. Lewis

Trinity University Trinity University
San Antonio, Texas San Antonio, Texas

ABSTRACT The basic idea behind flipped learning is that it reverses the learning
In an effort to improve student performance in a flipped classroom process from the traditional classroom. In a flipped class, students
environment, this paper explores the impact of including auto- review new content, often by watching videos which contain nor-
graded coding questions in gate check quizzes associated with mal lecture material, prior to class, and then use class time to work
videos for a flipped CS1 course. Previous work showed that having on problem solving exercises, projects, and homework assignments
students complete multiple choice questions that were intended in order to promote higher-order learning. Continuing advances in
to verify that they had done the preparation work did not have a technology make it easier than ever to create and post content for
statistically significant impact on outcomes as measured through students to view and interact with on many platforms and in many
written quizzes and exams. In an attempt to engage higher-level locations, which led to an increase in the use of flipped classrooms.
processing of learned information, this work builds on top of that New learning communities, such as SOPHIA and the Flipped Learn-
by adding questions that require students to write short segments ing Network, have been established to help interested educators
of code for most of the quizzes in addition to doing some multiple implement the flipped model by providing them with knowledge
choice questions. We found that students who were given these and resources. One indication of the growing interest in flipped
coding video quizzes performed better on written assessments, learning can be seen by membership surveys in these communities.
especially for the final exam. A survey conducted by both communities indicated a ten-fold in-
crease in membership. It also found that the number of educators
CCS CONCEPTS that flipped at least one lesson has almost doubled between 2012
and 2014, and that 96% of educators who have flipped a lesson
• Social and professional topics → Computer science educa-
would recommend the method to others [18].
tion; CS1;
The flipped classroom has certainly been gaining momentum
within higher education; especially within Computer Science, as
it allows students to spend more of the valuable class time doing
flipped classroom; inverted classroom; flipped learning; CS1; assess- hands-on activities instead of passively listening to a lecture[7].
ments; novice programming; video quizzes; active learning; blended This increased adoption is not surprising as research suggests that
learning; programming millennial students prefer the interactive learning that the flipped
ACM Reference Format: model provides [17]. Student engagement is just one of the benefits
Lisa L. Lacher, Albert Jiang, Yu Zhang, and Mark C. Lewis. 2018. Including touted by many flipped classroom researchers[15]. Many studies
Coding Questions in Video Quizzes for a Flipped CS1. In SIGCSE ’18: The show other promising benefits of the flipped model beyond student
49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, February engagement. Some of these benefits include students in the flipped
21–24, 2018, Baltimore , MD, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. https: classrooms outperforming students in lecture based classrooms[2,
8], more positive attitudes, better learning habits, development of
critical thinking skills [9], and the ability to cover more course
1 INTRODUCTION material [15].
The flipped or inverted classroom is considered by some to be one However, there are still many challenges with the flipped model.
of the most valuable educational technologies in current use [5]. Not all studies actually show improved student performance [3].
Another challenge is that the flipped model requires students to
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed be more responsible for their own learning and not all students
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation are comfortable with or prepared for that responsibility [20]. Uni-
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM versity freshman, in particular, need much more motivation from
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a instructors to take responsibility [7]. Yet other issues are a lack of
fee. Request permissions from student accountability to complete the instruction that happens
SIGCSE ’18, February 21–24, 2018, Baltimore , MD, USA outside of class and the inability to monitor how well the students
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5103-4/18/02. . . $15.00 have understood the pre-class instructional materials [6]. Thus, we

Paper Session: CS1 #2 SIGCSE’18, February 21-24, 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA

can see that the flipped classroom method provides much promise, material". Also, not all instructors have the technology available
but there are still many pitfalls that mainly center around student to create interactive video quizzes or insert them into preexisting
preparedness. The effectiveness of the flipped method depends on videos. Stanger-Hall [19] found that using constructive response
how well prepared the students show up to class. If a sufficient questions in addition to multiple choice questions significantly im-
number of students do not adequately prepare, then the instruc- proved students’ performance. Constructive response requires more
tor has few other options than to revert back to the traditional thought and according to [1], students who engage in tasks that
lecture format. For this reason, instructors who use the flipped require higher levels of cognitive skills engage in deeper learning
method would benefit by having a mechanism that increases the which aids in their understanding of the material.
likelihood that students will show up to class having completed the We preformed a previous study about the effectiveness of gate-
recommended preparation work. It is necessary that they will have check quizzes in a CS1 class that used online multiple choice ques-
gained enough prior knowledge so that they will have more time tions. Although it was found that the multiple choice question style
to conduct higher level cognitive activities during class time. of gate-check quiz was not effective in helping students adequately
This work builds on [10, 12], which explored the value of simple prepare to learn (measured by grade performance on written quizzes
gate-check quizzes using multiple choice questions in a CS1 flipped and exams) in a flipped classroom; there was some evidence that it
classroom to help the students be more accountable and prepared might have helped raise the grades of students who have a propen-
for class. Both studies found that the multiple choice question sity toward surface learning [10, 12].
style of gate-check quizzes was not effective in helping students We believe that the limited nature of multiple choice quiz ques-
adequately prepare. In this paper, we discuss a study that used tions did not adequately test the students’ understanding and pro-
coding questions, in addition to multiple choice questions, for the vide the necessary feedback to them so that they knew what they
gate-check quizzes. Our goal was to see if questions that required did and did not understand. It also did not stimulate the students’
the student to invoke higher forms of thinking and apply knowledge motivation to learn and understand the course material. In other
that they should have gained by watching videos would be more words, multiple choice questions did not promote deep learning.
beneficial than simply memorizing or looking up answers. The multiple choice quiz style was a surface learning tool, not
something that prompted students to think more deeply, make
connections, or question their assumptions. Based upon what we
learned in that study, we conceived the idea of adding questions
Bloom’s taxonomy differentiates between cognitive skill levels. It with more cognitive complexity. We felt that including coding ques-
calls attention to learning objectives that require higher levels of tions, which necessitate some application or simple analysis of ideas
cognitive skills that lead to deeper learning, and transfer of both or concepts introduced during the videos, would engage a higher
knowledge and skills to a greater variety of tasks and contexts level of cognitive thinking that would produce deeper learning and
[1]. The fundamental idea of the flipped learning model is to have understanding. Because writing program code is one of the primary
students do the lower levels of cognitive work, such as gaining ways CS1 students communicate their understanding of material,
knowledge by remembering and understanding, outside of class. we wanted questions that required students to write programming
Then instructors can attempt to more positively impact the students’ code solutions to simple problems. Students need to apply some
higher level cognitive work during class time by using more active programming concepts in order for students to fully understand
learning activities where students apply, analyze and create, whilst these concepts [4].
getting immediate assistance and feedback from the instructor or
their peers. However, in order to achieve the potential of the higher
cognitive levels students must take the initiative outside of class 3 STUDY DESIGN
to prepare and achieve a sufficient level of understanding of the This study looks at five sections of CS1 taught by two instructors in
material. Because most CS1 courses are composed of freshmen, and the fall semester of 2015. All sections used a flipped approach where
they often have lower levels of learning readiness [7, 20], educators students watched videos outside of class, and then spent class time
must use a mechanism to assist in their motivation. applying the knowledge they should have acquired from the videos.
Some researchers have used gate-check quizzes in flipped class- We designed the study to answer the question of whether the use of
rooms to motivate students to prepare [6], but little is known about coding gate-check quizzes was helpful in improving the students’
the actual makeup of the quizzes. A gate-check quiz is administered learning as measured by the in-class quiz and exam scores. We
after the student has consumed the materials to give the student administered pre-tests in order to assess each student’s computer
feedback about their level of understanding before they would enter programming aptitude. The study compares the performance of stu-
the classroom – to let them know if they are ready to go through dents that were required to complete pre-class coding quizzes that
the gate. Thus the feedback from this quiz should be immediate. provided immediate feedback to students that were not required to
There is a lack of research about the type of questions that could take such quizzes.
be used in gate-check quizzes to improved learning outcomes in a
flipped classroom. Zhang et al.[21] suggest that interactive quizzes
(multiple-choice style) within videos can be used to improve learn- 3.1 Hypotheses
ing effectiveness. However, Horton [8] found that "Students who For this study we had two hypotheses related to requiring the cod-
passively watch the videos and click through the in-video quizzes ing style gate-check video quizzes as a means of assisting students
without much thought may get a false sense of mastery over the learning preparation before coming to class.

Paper Session: CS1 #2 SIGCSE’18, February 21-24, 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA

• Hypothesis 1: Students taking the coding gate-check video midterm tests were identical for the first seven questions and the 75
quizzes have higher grades on the assessments than students minute sections had an extra three questions. Although the majority
who do not have to take the coding quizzes. of the final test questions were identical between all sections, there
• Hypothesis 2: Students with lower programming aptitudes was one question that was different due to the pace of the classes.
benefit more from coding gate-check quizzes than students Instructor B’s classes ended up one week behind Instructor A’s
who have medium or high programming aptitudes. classes. Again, there was always a balance between courses with
The rationale behind the first hypothesis is that making the stu- the video quizzes and courses without the video quizzes using
dents apply knowledge learned from the videos would stimulate different versions. The fact that both courses with and without the
deeper thinking to help them really understand programming con- video quizzes had identical exams balances out the overall statistics
cepts. Successfully completing a coding question should help better for this work.
prepare the student to engage in the active learning activities that We created one rubric for each quiz to aid with consistency in
occur in the classroom so that they get more out of that learning grading. One teaching assistant, using the rubric as a guide, graded
experience and earn better grades. As coding ability is important all the quizzes. Instructors graded the tests, with each instructor
to learning the fundamental concepts in CS1, this type of question being responsible for a certain set of questions. This ensured con-
can better inform the instructor about the students’ abilities. This sistency in grading across all tests. Each day in class, the students
type of knowledge can help the instructor design a better learn- worked on writing code solutions for a variety of problems posed
ing experience for the classroom to assist in student learning. You by the instructor. There was consistency in the problems posed
cannot get that type of feedback from multiple choice questions. between sections.
We based the second hypothesis on the belief that students with The students also completed four homework assignments. How-
high programming aptitudes would generally do well regardless of ever, those homework assignments were not included in the study
pre-class preparation and, as such, would not benefit much from because students who put forth time and effort basically received
the coding quizzes. On the other hand, forcing the lower aptitude full or nearly full credit. Because we did not track time and ef-
students to work harder at their preparation by writing small pieces fort spent on homework assignments, those assignment grades do
of code that force them to focus on details of both syntax and not provide a useful way to analyze the impact that the coding
semantics would help them be more successful in the class. gate-check quizzes would have had on them.

3.2 Participating Subjects 3.4 Experimental Procedure

There were eighty-five undergraduate students enrolled in five sec- To evaluate the hypotheses posed, the study contained a control
tions of CS1 at Trinity University. Trinity University is a small, group and an experiment group. We give the details of the experi-
selective liberal arts college with 2500 undergraduate students, ment steps below.
during the fall semester of 2015. The courses used [14] and the as-
3.4.1 Course Assessments. Three of the sections had ten percent
sociated videos that are available on the author’s YouTube channel
of the grade determined by short quizzes that students completed
[13]. Prior to the beginning of classes, the instructors randomly
after watching the videos and before their scheduled class meeting
choose which class sections would use video quizzes and which
times. We give details of these quizzes, including the nature of the
class sections would not use video quizzes. Sixty-nine of the stu-
coding questions, below. It was felt that ten percent of a grade was
dents participated in the study and completed quizzes and tests:
sufficient incentive to ensure that students took the gate-check
forty-one participants took the video quizzes and twenty-eight did
quizzes seriously. To determine a composite grade for this study, in-
not take video quizzes. Instructors urged every section of students
class quiz scores contributed twenty-five percent, and the midterm
to watch the videos and/or read the textbook before attending class.
and final contributed equally to the remaining seventy-five percent
Instructor A taught two video quiz sections and one non-video
of the grade. Actual course grades used a different formula to in-
quiz section. Instructor B taught one video quiz section and one
clude assignments and other coding activities not directly factored
non-video quiz section. We would have liked to do a statistical
into this work.
analysis of the impact for each instructor separately, but the sample
size would have been too small. 3.4.2 Pre-Test. Students were asked at the beginning of the se-
mester to complete a computer programming aptitude test created
3.3 Artifacts by the University of Kent [16]. It consists of twenty-six questions
The classes used identical in-class quizzes for the quizzes that were composed of numerical problem solving, logical reasoning, atten-
included in the study. There were minor differences in the material tion to detail, pattern recognition, and the ability to follow complex
presented late in the semester between the instructors. As a result, procedures. As it does not require students to have any program-
Instructor A offered a sixth quiz, which was not included in the ming knowledge, it is appropriate for CS1 students. Numerical
study. Each student took a midterm and a final at the same point problem solving is similar to the logical thinking and trouble shoot-
in the semester. Students had advanced knowledge of the dates of ing skills required in programming. Pattern recognition is necessary
all quizzes and exams. Two of the sections taught by Instructor B, in understanding the representations of symbols and procedures.
one with the video quizzes and one without, had three 50 minute The ability to follow complex procedures is necessary to trace code.
periods each week. The other sections, taught by Instructor A, each Students had forty minutes to complete this test. The University of
had two 75 minute periods each week. To compensate for this, the Kent breaks scores into three groups. Scores >= 19 are considered

Paper Session: CS1 #2 SIGCSE’18, February 21-24, 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA

Table 1: Grade Results: Quiz n=41, NoQuiz n=28.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Midterm Final Combined Grade

QuizAvg 8.09 5.94 3.56 6.91 6.03 49.54 59.39 66.4
QuizMedian 8.5 6 3 7 6 65 75 68.5
NoQuizAvg 7.17 5.07 2.89 5.37 5.32 48.0 49.22 57.0
NoquizMedian 7 5 2 4.5 5.25 63 60 53
p 0.075 0.142 0.364 0.039 0.427 0.350 0.030 0.00072

high-aptitude; scores 13-18 are considered average aptitude, and restriction? Write the proper expression and assume x is a
scores 12 or below are considered low aptitude. Double.
• Write an expression that assumes there is a List[Int] called
3.4.3 Gate-check Quizzes. The “video quizzes” included ques- nums which calculates the sum of the even values in the List.
tions that required the students to write simple expressions or small • Write a function called sumOdds that takes n:Int and re-
functions as well as multiple choice questions when suitable coding turns the sum of all the odd numbers between 1 and n inclu-
questions could not be written for a topic. The sections took be- sive. So if you call sumOdds(8) it should return 16 because
tween twenty and twenty-two of these video quizzes. The quizzes 1+3+5+7=16.
were generally available at least two days before they were due.1 • Write a function that takes a List[Int] and returns the index
For the twenty-two video quizzes there were eighteen coding of the first number divisible by 5. If there is no such number,
questions and thirty-three multiple choice questions. The majority return -1.
of the coding questions were before the midterm when students
The coding questions were auto-graded by executing student code
were learning basic coding concepts like conditionals, functions,
on a suite of randomized inputs and checking their results against a
and loops. There were more multiple choice questions in the second
correct solution. If students submitted incorrect answers for a cod-
half of the semester for topics like GUIs, graphics, and sorting.
ing question, they were only told that their response was incorrect,
Students could only answer each multiple choice question once,
with no details on the nature of the error. Students were strongly
but the coding questions allowed for unlimited submissions. There
encouraged to test their code on their own before submitting. Mul-
were more multiple choice questions than coding questions because
tiple submissions were common. A section with sixteen students
if a topic lent itself to coding questions, there would generally only
generally had 50+ submissions and some problems had closer to
be one or possibly two coding questions on the quiz, while a quiz
100 attempts for a given problem. Once a student got the problem
with only multiple choice questions would have three or four such
correct, going back to the quiz showed them the code from their
questions for the same amount of material.
correct submission as un-editable text.
In addition to allowing unlimited submissions for the coding
questions, students could ask for assistance from the professor2 3.4.4 In-class Quizzes and Tests. The questions on the in-class
or work with other students on the coding question. Allowing un- quizzes and tests used for assessment were very different from the
limited attempts and using the professor and/or other students as questions on the video quizzes. There were three types of questions:
resources helps minimize anxiety. Practicing programming involves short answer, coding, and tracing. We used an equal amount of
trial and error and allowing multiple submissions permits trial and each type. There were no multiple choice questions, and the coding
error. Allowing students to talk to the professors provides students questions were typically larger in scope than the coding questions
another source of feedback to help with their learning and this is on the video quizzes. The medium used for the in-class quizzes and
particularly advantageous if the students do not understand what is tests was paper.
wrong with their submissions. The motivation for allowing commu-
nications with other students is to potentially enable collaborative 4 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
learning, but our experience is that students do not often collabo- We carried out statistical analyses on the data collected during
rate on the quizzes. Once again, the purpose of the pre-class video the study and tested the described hypotheses to determine the
quiz questions is to make sure the students put in the necessary usefulness of the coding gate-check quizzes in improving student
preparation so that they can get the most out of the active learning understanding as proven out by grades. Independent samples t-tests
exercises they will be doing in class. were performed to determine if differences were statistically signifi-
Here are four sample coding questions used in the video quizzes cant. We selected an alpha value of 0.05 for judging the significance
in the first half of the semester. of the results.
• In math you would write 0<x<5 to indicate that x is between
0 and 5. What would you write in Scala to express this same 4.1 Hypothesis 1
The students taking the coding gate-check video quizzes have higher
1 They were available for a longer period of time if there was a weekend between grades on the assessments than students who do not have to take the
classes. coding quizzes.
2 Professors in the Trinity CS department have open-door office hours, and are highly
available through email, so all students had the ability to ask questions, regardless of Table 1 shows the numeric values for means and medians of all
whether or not they were in the video quiz group. of the grades collected for both the video quiz and non-video quiz

Paper Session: CS1 #2 SIGCSE’18, February 21-24, 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA

sections. It also shows the p value for a t-test to see if the differences
in the means are statistically significant. While the difference for 90
individual grades are only significant for quiz four and the final
exam, the group that took the video quizzes had a higher mean 80

and median for all of the grades, so the combined grade shows a 70
advantage for the group that was taking the video quizzes.
Note that this is in direct contrast to the results of [10, 12] where
the gate-check video quizzes only included multiple choice ques- 50 Instructor A - vid
Instructor B - vid
tions. The results here support the hypothesis, indicating that the
40 Instructor A - no vid
addition of coding questions to the video quizzes was the primary Instructor B - no vid

factor in improving the effectiveness of the video quizzes as mea- 30

sured by student grades. 20

The final showed a much larger difference than the midterm. We
believe that this is not just an anomaly due to the small number 10

of students, but a real effect that indicates that the true benefit 0
Quiz #1 Quiz #2 Quiz #3 Test #1 Quiz #4 Quiz #5 Test #2
of adding coding questions to the video quizzes was fully mani-
fest in the second half of the semester, even though many of the
video quizzes in the second half of the semester often lacked coding
questions. This is because the material in CS1 is very implicitly
cumulative. Each topic has a tendency to build on the ones before Figure 1: This figure shows the median grades for each quiz
it. The CS1 curricula used in this study also tends to get more chal- and test broken out by instructor and whether or not the sec-
lenging for many students after the midterm. Students who have an tion used the video quizzes. The sample sizes for each group
inferior mastery of the material from the first half of the semester are as follows: Instructor A vid - 28, Instructor A no-vid - 14,
get lost and struggle more in the second half of the semester. So Instructor B vid - 13, Instructor B no-vid - 14.
while students who had not fully mastered the material might have
been able to sufficiently study enough to get by the midterm, the 100
second half of the semester made their lack of mastery more obvious
which, most likely, caused them to fall further behind in the second
Course Grade

half of the semester. We believe that the coding questions on the

video quizzes helped students achieve mastery, which paid off by 50
No Quiz
the end of the course. It definitely presented a good opportunity to 40
30 Linear (Quiz)
make students code more which should have had a positive impact
20 Linear (No Quiz)
on their learning.
Given the small sample size, we cannot do statistical analysis
on groups broken out by instructor, but there were no significant 0 10 20 30
effects due to a difference in instructors. To illustrate this, Figure Aptitude

1 shows the mean grades for each of the written evaluations in

the order students completed them during the semester, broken Figure 2: Cumulative student grades plotted against apti-
out by groups for instructor and whether or not they took the tudes. The fit for the video quiz group is y = 2.7027x + 20.449
coding video quizzes. In this plot, there are 14 pairs of vid/no-vid with R 2 = 0.39. The fit for non-video quiz group is y =
groupings, seven for each instructor. It is worth noting that of those 1.9053x + 27.94 with R 2 = 0.1724. In both groups there is a
14 pairs, there are only three cases where students who did not positive correlation between aptitude and grades.
take the video quizzes scored higher than students who did take the
quizzes for the same instructor. Those cases are quizzes #2 and #3
for Instructor B and quiz #4 for Instructor A. In all three cases, the that being forced to do regular coding on the video quizzes would
margin was small. This plot shows that while there were differences provide the most benefit to the low aptitude students. Though it is
between the instructors on the various written assessments, the hard to draw strong conclusions here given the general dearth of
overall impact of the coding video quizzes is not generally instructor low aptitude students, the trend lines indicate that this hypothesis
dependent. was incorrect. Instead, it appears that the low aptitude students
performed at roughly the same level between the two groups, and
it was the higher aptitude students who received the most benefit.
4.2 Hypothesis 2 Figure 2 is significant for other reasons as well. First, both groups
Students with lower programming aptitudes benefit more from coding show a clear positive slope.3 This would be expected for a valid
gate-check quizzes than students who have medium or high program- aptitude test as high aptitude students should be more likely to do
ming aptitudes.
3 The slope of the non-video quiz group is effectively determined by the one low
Figure 2 shows the course grades of students in the two groups
aptitude outlier. Removing that point causes the trend line to have a slightly negative
plotted against aptitude along with trend lines. Our hypothesis was slope over the small range of aptitudes in the sample.

Paper Session: CS1 #2 SIGCSE’18, February 21-24, 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA

well on standard assessments. This result basically shows further multiple choice questions. Another threat includes the fact that we
support for the University of Kent aptitude test being a valid met- had two different instructors and instructors may have different
ric of student aptitude that is independent of any programming teaching styles. However, to achieve as much balance as possible,
background. each instructor had students who took the video quizzes and stu-
In addition, given the smaller number of students involved in dents who did not take the video quizzes. Plus, all instructors used
this study, it would have been possible for students to be unevenly the flipped classroom approach and all student watch the same
distributed between the two groups based on aptitude. That would video lectures.
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