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Ki Control

Cost Level = Action Number +3

This action is a mastery that follows some different rules. Firstly, there are some
actions that are inherent with the power like Blasts and Boosting your abilities.
Then there are modifiers that come from this action, Ki Defense and a modicum of
toughness and reflexive dodge. This is an all-around improvement statistic to boot,
as it allows you to boost your own Strength, Speed, and Agility. With bought
options you can expand this even further to include sensing others, teleportation,
and the ability to accumulate stones.

This mastery allows for the following.

- Ki Blast: This works as the Force Blast action, but stones may be spend to add
advantages and disadvantages to your blast. To add an Advantage, spend stones equal
to twice that advantage's cost level adjustment (IE If you were giving your blast
2x damage, you would spend 4 stones). For each disadvantage you place on your Ki
Blast you gain 1 additional point to place towards advantages per their cost level
(IE Uncontrollable would give you 4 stones to spend on Advantages, but it would
make your blast incredibly dangerous to you and everyone around you as you). The
following cannot be added to this action on the fly:
Advantages: Converatable to Human Form, Others Benifit from Power, Area Attack or
2x Damage (They must be placed seperately)
Disadvantages: Others not Shielded from Power when in use (That's automatic with
this action), May only be used in conjunction with differernt Action/Modifier, Only
Works in Limbo, Not Particularly Useful, Can't Be Improved by Lines, Power Out of
Control Without Device, Counter Attack Only, Limited Duration, Effects only One
NOTE: All Force Blasts take one panel to prepare unless you pay twice the total
stones of the blast you wish to fire. Extra stones spent to fire the blast quicker
don't count towards effect.

- Ki Barrier: This works as the action Force Field with the flaw "Cannot help
others" You cannot place a force field on someone else, this is a learned
technique, and must physically interpose between a Ki blast and a target if you
wish to stop it from hitting someone else. If you put up a force field as an
action, it stays up as long as you need it, at the level you placed it at for 1
stone per panel. You may also place a force field up in response to an attack.
Think of this as a form of limited prescience. The limitations are thus. You have
to see the attack coming, and the force field drops the next turn. The bonus to
this is the fact that if someone is touching you when you place the reactionary
force field up, they might take damage if you beat their defenses equal to stones
played. All Ki Barriers are effective vs Magic, as there is little distinction in
Toriyaman Physics.

- Toughenss and Reflexive Dodge: Becoming a Ki user, and gaining this action has an
instant effect on your. It increases your reaction time and toughens your skin to
allow for a higher form of battle. As such, when you buy Ki Control, split the AN
into Toughness and Reflexive Dodge. (IE if you bought AN 5, you could have
Toughness 2, Reflexive Dodge 3, or Reflexive Dodge 4, and Toughness 1, or any
combination there of).

- Ability Boost: By spending one energy per point of increase, you may increase one
of your physical abilities (Str, Agi, Spd). You cannot increase Durability in this
manner. Increased physical abilities last as long as you are putting energy into

- Flight at Action Number (Place in it's own Action Box) (+2 to Cost Level)
- Sense Power (As Sense Mutants) (+2 to Cost Level)
- Place Force Fields on Others (+2 to Cost Level)
- Durability Bonus (+3 to Cost Level)
- Teleportation at Action Number (Place in it's own Action Box) (+5 to Cost Level)

This is the must have power of Toriyaman physics. Anyone that could challenge
warriors in this system of physics had this action at some level. The only notable
exception was Hachi-chan (Eighter to the English Speaking crowd).

Rules for Action Box

- Use as Force Blast, Add Advantages and Disadvantages on the fly.
- Use as Force Field, Cannot Help ohers. 1r/Panel if used as an action, May use as
limited prescience, grappling opponents get attacked for stones played if used this
way. If used as limited prescience, the field drops on the next panel.
- Split Action Number into Toughness and Reflexive Dodge
- Boost abilites on a 1r/1stone increase. Must spend stones each panel to maintain.

Cost Level = Action Number + 3

This is a limited version of teleportation that allows you to move quickly in
combat. There are two versions of this ability. The first combines a specialized
version of Illusion with a small burst of teleportation. The second, which must be
bought as an option, allows for an attack vs Intelligence to lower your opponent's

Firstly, The original version of Zanzoken allows you to move up to 30 feet in any
direction as you boost your speed so fast that you appear to leave an after image.
When you put stones into this action, you choose how well you wish to zanzoken vs
how many after images you wish to leave. When you Zanzoken, you comapre stones
spent on Effect vs the target's intelligence + Ki Defense. If you defeat this, the
target attacks the image of you on their next attack instead of you. If they
succeed, they see your movement. Creating multiple illusions doesn't count towards
effect, but if you defeat the opponent's intelligence + ki defense, they must
continue to attack your illusions until either you attack them, or they run out of
illusions to effect. They can still defend normally, but loose Reflexive Dodge if
they had it, until your next attack.

The second version, which must be bought as an option, is a direct attack vs their
intelligence. If you succeed you take stones directly out of their action boxes
equal to the damage done. This represents you moving so fast and not leaving an
image that they lower their guard for just that split second. You MUST use your
second action that panel to attack. If you do not, they see through your ruse the
next Panel, and gain a +2 situational modifier the next time you attempt this
version of Zanzoken.

- Attack vs Intelligence to remove stones from Action Boxes (+2 to Cost Level)

A very useful power. Less useful vs highly intelligent characters, and those with a
very high ability to sense ki.

Rules for Action Box[/u]

- Spend stones on Effect and Number of Images seperately. Number of Images don't
count towards effect
- If you defeat Intelligence + Ki Defense opponent attacks image on next attack.
- If you have multiple images, defeated opponent attacks images until you attack
them, or there are no more images.

Stage X
Cost Level = AN + 6

This is a modified version of Transform Self that has been edited to become an
action is the hallmark of the Freezans. Like Transform Self, you heal fully when
you undergo a Stage X transformation. Unlike Transform self the transformations are
static. Also, a Stage X is uncontrollable. It only occurs when you are at less than
1/2 health. Once you buy a Stage X transformation, that's it, you can never improve
it by lines. It CAN however be improved by Character Creation Stones.

Each time this ability is triggered, one stone is placed into this action box. Each
stone placed into this action box represents another transformation. When you gain
a stone in this action, all your physical abilities (Including Durability) increase
by 1 as does your Action Number in Ki Control, Zanzoken, and any abilites you have
that are energy based. You gain 1 toughness and 1 reflexive dodge. Every three
stones placed in this action box gives you 1 Power Level. The stones in between act
as a bonus to Energy Battery (giving you the modifier if you didn't previously have
it) Unfortunately the stones that go into this box, remain in this box until the
end of combat, or you are defeated.

According to Toriyaman physics, Freezans can never revert back to lower forms once
they have transformed. I reject this because no Freezan ever won a fight in a
higher form and was given the oppourtunity to transform back. Once they transformed
(Frieza) They just got opponent after opponent unitl they were killed. To this end,
You cannot revert back during combat, but can spend 1 panel per stone of effect to
revert to a lower form, thus removing stones from this action box.

Very powerful, but unpredictable. You cannot spend stones into it, and once stones
are placed, they are spent permenantly until the battle ends. If you like gambling
on longshots, this is the action for you.

Rules for Action Box[/u]

- Activates at 1/2 health Only
- Place 1 stone into Action per activation
- Gain +1 to Strength, Agility, Speed, Durability, Ki Control, Zanzoken, Ki
Defense, Toughness, Reflexive Dodge and Power Level for each stone in this action
- May revert after Combat ends, but not before.
- Stones triggered into this action remain in this action unable to be spent, but
counting towards regeneration.

Cost Level = AN + 4

This action represents the ability to combine two warriors into one by
synchronizing their life energy. When using this action, you must be at the same
power level of the being you are attempting to fuse with. Either being may take
situational penalties to their power level to match the weaker one's power.

When you attempt this action, both parties spend stones into their action box. If
the two stone counts are equal, then the fusion is a success. If the person
initiating the Fusion has to little stones, then the result is the Thin Fusion
form. If the person initiating the Fusion has to many stones, then the result is
the Fat Fusion form. Both forms are rather useless and only a True Fusion is of any

Fat Fusion forms have the CAD of the stronger half of the Fusion, while Thin Fusion
form has the CAD of the weaker verison. Failed Fusions take a -3 situational
penalty to any and all actions they perform to represent their ineptness.

True Fusions however are more powerful than before. Firstly, take the stronger of
the two beings Abilities. If there is a tie, raise that Ability by +1. Secondly,
take the stronger of the two beings Actions and Modifiers, if there is a tie, raise
that Action or Modifier by +1. Lastly, the Fusion gains all the stones spent by
both members of the Fusion to increase their character more, and create their own
Custom Attack. These stones are to be used as Character Creation Stones.

Once you have initiated a Fusion, place red stones equal to your Fusion's energy
pool, and white stones equal to your Fusion's stones of Health into a hat, and each
panel remove one from the hat. If you removed a Red stone, you continue the fusion.
If you remove a white stone, the Fusion ends, and you are stunned for one half your
energy pool.

All Fusions are healed to full health, no matter what condition their previous
parts were in. Once the fusion ends, unless the Fusion was killed, the two parts
are left at the health they were at before the Fusion.

While in a Fusion, all Personality Challegnes both characters have are increased by

- Photographic Fusion: Once you have competed a Fusion successfully once, you never
fail again with that same partner (+5 to Cost Level)

A fun power for those that wish to learn it. It could result in some very powerful
warriors, but remember. A Fusion usually has exaggerated versions of a character's
personality in concert. This means that if your character has a temper, your fusion
is going to have a mother of one. If your partner is normally a little nuts, your
Fusion might just wind up completely insane. Being careful with whom you fuse with
is a good idea.

Rules for Action Box

- Spend stones into action box.
- If stones are the same as Fusion Partner, Fusion occurs successfully.
- See Action for specific rules.

Super Saiyajin
Cost Level - Action Number + 6

The transformation used by the Saiyajin race is a truly potent engine of
destruction. This action cannot be bought unless the Saiyajin buying it has a Power
Level modifier of +4 or higher. Using this ability requires an increadible amount
of rage to be built up in your mind resulting in the metabolic response in the form
of the transformation.

Each time this ability is triggered, one stone is placed into this action box. Each
stone placed into this action box represents an increase in power with three stones
representing a level of Super Saiyajin. When you place a stone in this action, all
your physical abilities (Including Durability) increase by 1 as does your Action
Number in Ki Control, Zanzoken, and any abilites you have that are energy based.
You gain 1 toughness and 1 reflexive dodge. Every three stones placed in this
action box gives you 1 Power Level. The stones in between act as a bonus to Energy
Battery (giving you the modifier if you didn't previously have it) Stones in this
action box remain in the action box until removed. This represents reverting to a
lower transformation, or reverting to normal.

You may spend stones under your other transformations to gain the effects while in
lower transformational states (IE if you are in normal form, and you spend 2 stones
in Super Saiyajin, you haven't gone Super Saiyajin, but you are damned close.
That's what happened in Movie 4 when Goku fought Lord Slug.)

When you transform, or as it is called, Go Super Saiyajin, you are healed 1 white
stone of health, and are brought to full energy.

- Super Saiyajin at Birth: You can buy Super Saiyajin at any Power Level (+2 to
Cost Level)
- Calm Super Saiyajin: You have learned to trigger Super Saiyajin without Rage (+3
to Cost Level)
- Legendary Super Saiayjin: Each stone you spend into Super Sayajin has double the
normal effect (+6 to Cost Level)
- Healed Super Saiyajin: You are fully healed when you go Super Saiyajin regardless
of your health. (+4 to Cost Level)

The legendary saiyajin ability and a good foil for Stage X. These are two examples
of transformations, don't be afraid to create your own races with transformations,
just present them to a GM for approval.

Rules for Action Box

- Cannot be bought before PL +4
- Increase Strength, Agility, Speed, Durability, Ki Control, Zanzoken, Ki Defense,
Toughness, Reflexive Dodge and Power Level by +1 per stone played, 3 stones = Super
Saiyajin Level
- Stones spent remain in action box till removed.
- Heal 1 white stone and all energy when transforming.

Cost Level = Action Number +4

Kaioken is essentially a state of forced evoloution, and heightened metabolism.
This technique which is unique in Toriyaman physics is a way to gain power at the
expense of your bodily health. When you place stones into this action, you gain
those stones, twice over as free stones from the General Pool to place as you wish.
This however comes at a terrible price. You take damage equal to the number of
stones you placed into this action box when you end this effect.

Each stone placed in Kaioken represents a different multiple of Kaioken, for

example if you put in four stones, you would be performing Kaioken times 4. When
you ended the effect of Kaioken you would take 4 red stones of damage, or 2 white
stones when converted. A costly endevour, but one that might be neseccary to defeat
that unbeatable opponent.

Each panel you must pay to keep up your Kaioken, or drop it and take the damage you
are due. Should you choose to drop to a lower Kaioken level, you immediately take
the damage of the difference. For example, if you performed Kaioken times 4 one
panel, and decided to drop to Kaioken times 3 the next panel, you would immediately
take 1 red stone, or 1 converted white stone of damage.
Kaioken allows you to place stones into your actions and abilities above and beyond
your normal Action and Ability numbers. Kaioken cannot be used at the same time as
Super Saiyajin or Stage X or any other Transformational ability.

- Kaioken Burst: You may use a slightly weaker version of Kaioken to gain a quick
boost of power without the expense of health. You only recieve 3 stones back for
each 2 stones you place into this ability, and the Kaioken dies at the end of the
panel. (+4 to Cost Level)
- Super Kaioken: You may use your Kaioken during a transformation (Super Saiyajin,
Stage X, etc.) You gain 3 stones per stone you place into Kaioken, but you take
double the damage when it's over. Super Kaioken cannot be used to add stones to
Transformational Abilities. (+6 to Cost Level)

A useful power for a quick burst of speed, strength or damage, but it's a costly
one. This power is a gamble to use. Will you have enough health when you finish
using it? Will your enemy be able to be defeated with it? These are questions you
must ask yourself when you intitiate this action.

Rules for Action Box

- Place stones into this aciton to gain double invested stones as free stones to
use for actions, and abilities.
- Pay stones each round to maintain effect.
- If unwilling to pay stones, effect ends, take damage equal to invested stones

Spirit Bomb
Cost Level = Action Number +13

The mother of all Dragonball Z attacks is the Spirit Bomb, known in Japan as the
Genki Dama... the "Happy Bomb" if you can believe it. To perform this action, you
must first select an area within your range. You can ask for energy from a range
equal to your Action Number on the DnR chart or less if you so choose.

When you select the area, you ask all within to donate energy. You receive energy
equal to the Area your Gathering From multiplied by your Durability + applicable
modifiers (See Below). It takes one panel per (Area Gathering from squared) To
gather the energy, and half that time (rounded down) to shape it into the bomb.
During that time you are using both your actions for the round and can do nothing.
Only toughness and bonuses to defense work (Reflexive dodge does not, and you
cannot place stones into defense.)

Once you have gathered the energy and have formed the bomb, you may throw it by
putting stones into your Action Box to guide your hand up to your Action Number.

If you perform this attack during a sunny day, add +2 to your Durability to
determine stones gathered. If you are in a party, your party members can directly
donate their own energy from either their Power Level energy Pool, their Normal
Energy Pool or both if they so desire. This energy is a bonus on top of what you
recieve from the area.

The Spirit Bomb is an Area Attack, but cannot harm Good Creatures, Good Creatures
merely bounce the attack off of them, but are knocked backwards on the Area Leaping
chart equal to your AN.

You may transfer the Spirit Bomb to another thrower, but you loose one quarter of
the saved energy (Rounded up). If you drop the bomb, you can attempt to catch it by
spending stones into this action against your own speed. If you succeed, you catch
the bomb, but it has lost one half it's energy. These stack.

- Intra-Planetary Spirit Bomb: You may choose to ask an entire solar system to
donate energy to your spirit bomb, This is treated as a Range of 13 for energy
gathering purposes. (+4 to Cost Level)
- Intra-Galactic Spirit Bomb: You may ask the entire Galaxy for energy. This counts
as Range 16 for energy gathering purposes. (+7 to Cost Level)
- Universeal Spirit Bomb: You may ask the entire universe for energy. This counts
as Range 20 for energy gathering purposes (+10 to Cost Level)

The first line of the description says it all. This is the mother of all attacks.
Yeah, no other comment possible... Just... damn.

Rules for Action Box

- Gather Energy from Area up to AN Range on the DnR chart
- Energy Gathered equals Area x Durability and takes 1 panel to prepare equal to
Area squared.
- Form Energy into Bomb takes 1/2 Gathering Time
- Spend Stones into Action Number to fire the attack
- Area Effect (Area = Area Gathered from)
- Passing Bomb to someone else negates 1/4 energy gathered
- Dropping the Bomb prompts Attack vs Speed, if successful, bomb not destroyed,
just devoid of 1/2 the gathered energy.

Custom Attacks
Cost Level = Variable

This is more of an explaination than a description. Custom attacks are based off
the Force Blast action from the core MURPG handbook. Adding Advantages and
Disadvantages to make the attack you want, and finalizing it with your GM. This is
the only thing that is needed to know for Custom Attacks besides the new options
for Force Blast below.

- Draining: This attack has the option of taking stones from your life energy to
enhance it's effects. When you put stones into this action you may place one, or
more, of your white stones into the action box as well. Each white stone adds three
red stones to the attack. Be warned that this extra boost is direct damage to you,
and can kill you if used foolishly. You MAY add this effect on the fly to your Ki
Blast option of Ki Control (+3 to Cost Level)
- After Effect: This attack attempts to deal half it's damage on the next turn
after it hits an opponent to that opponent. In all ways it is the same attack, just
with half the attack stones. You MAY add this effect on the fly to your Ki Blast
option of Ki Control (+2 to Cost Level)
- Kamikaze: This attack kills you, and takes your remaining life force to empower
your attack. Spend stones into your attack normally, then take your remaining
health and add it in converted red stones to it. The attack now does 2x Damage. If
it already did 2x Damage it now does 3x Damage. If it already did 3x Damage it is
now armor penetrating. You MAY add this effect on the fly to your Ki Blast option
of Ki Control (+4 to Cost Level)

Not much to say here other than these are some powerful options, with some big
drawbacks. Use at your own disgression.
Rules for Action Box[/u]
- As Force Blast.

New Modifiers

Cost Level = Modifier Number +5

Tireless is representitive of one's ability to keep going when others have fallen
to the wayside. This modifier allows you to regenerate extra stones per round equal
to your Modifier Number. There is no distinguishment between Intelligence and
Durability based regeneration in this regard, and it even adds it's regenerative
properties to Healing Factors. You do not regenerate stones above and beyond your
maximum energy pool.

- True Tireless: No matter what you do, you always have your one half your modifier
number (rounded down) in energy in your energy pool. This does not allow you to use
more energy than your maxium energy. (+5 to Cost Level)

The prototypical ability of the Generator android, Tireless can be explained in a
number of ways to make it accessable to anyone. A very costly modifier, Tireless
can quickly cost more than your willing to accept for energy regeneration.

Rules for Action Box

- Regenerate MN in Energy extra per panel

Power Level
Cost Level = Modifier Number +8

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, this is what it's all about. The prime
modifier for a Dragonball-esuqe game is the Power Level, that little number that
makes tyrants quake in their shorts, and super saiyajins seem so diesel. But there
is reason.

Firstly, there is the extra stones. Treat Power Level as a secondary source of
Health. That being said, when you buy it, you recieve a secondary Energy Pool
consisting of three times your Power Level Modifier number to use as you see fit.
Your secondary energy pool regenerates like normal energy regardless of bonus
energy regenerating powers, but you may take a panel to power up to gather twice
that amount.

Secondly, When taking Damage, do damage to your Power Level first. For each White
stone of Power Level damage you take, reduce your secondary energy pool by 3 and
your secondary energy pool regeneration by 1. Power Level Damage regenerates at a
rate of 1 white stone per hour.

Thirdly, this modifier allows you to break the Two Actions per panel barrier. By
placing stones into this modifier like an action box, you gain one extra action per
panel per stone placed. Stones spent in this fashion remain spent until you no
longer wish to spend them any more.

Lastly, Power Level gives you a modicum of insight into your opponent's fighting
techniques and strengths and weaknesses. For each three MN of Power Level, you gain
a +1 to your Defense automatically. And, as a final note, this Modifier can be
increased by dedicating lines of experience into it equal to the Modifier Number x

- Power Level Recovery: This increases the regeneration rate of your Power Level
Energy Pool to 3 stones per 2 points of Power Level you posess. (+2 to Cost Level)
- Tireless Power: You are treated as having a Tireless Modifier of 1 per 2 cost
levels you raise the cost of this modifier, in regards to your Power Level Energy
Pool (+X to Cost Level)

One hell of a power, but worth all +8 Cost Levels in my book. The way I designed
this was the fact that I saw the other versions as flawed, worth only a +4 at the
best. Improving on it required out of the box thinking. It always seemed that
Dragonball fighters could take massive hits and just be winded. This lead me to
thinking that maybe they take damage to their power level first and thus everything
in this action.

Rules for Action Box[/u]

- Gain Secondary Health and Energy Pools equal to Action Number
- Regenerate Secondary Energy Pool at 1 point per MN
- Regenerate Secondary Health Pool at 1 point per hour
- For each +3 MN, add +1 to defense
- This Modifier can improved by lines equal to current MN x 15

Improved Healing Factor

Cost Level = Durability Number +3

An improved healing factor is less than an Accelerated and more than a normal
Healing Factor. When you have an Improved Healing Factor, you regenerate two white
stones of health per hour.

Your energy regeneration is increased to 3 red stones of energy per 2 white stones
of health you currently have.

Not a bad healing factor for the price. It allows for faster healing than a normal
healing factor, but it isn't quite Wolverine...

Rules for Action Box

- Regenerate 2 white stones of health per hour.
- Regenerate 3 red stones of energy for each 2 white stones of health you currently

Advanced Healing Factor

Cost Level = Durability Number + 6

Another improvement on a healing factor. It is more than Enhanced, but less than
Instant. While you have this healing factor you regenerate 2 white stones of health
each panel.

Your energy regeneration is increased to 2 red stones of energy per 1 white stone
of health you currently have.

A powerful healing factor, but less than instant. Worth the cost in my book.

Rules for Action Box[/u]

- Regenerate 2 white stones of health per panel.
- Regenerate 2 red stones of energy for each 1 white stones of health you currently

Instant Healing Factor

Cost Level Raised to = Durability Number + 10 Levels

This had to be done. Freakin Instant Healing Factors...

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