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LL.B. Third Semester ( I hree Ycar.

l)egree Course) (2014- l5 Paftem)

40012: Civil l'rocctlure Code Paper - I
P. Pages : I A\', - 0386
Time : l'hree Hours
lltlll!'l,lllrll Max. Marks : 80

Notes: I Solve in all sevcn qucstions including Question No. otre \-!'hich is compulsory
and carries tuentl, marks.
l All othcr quesrions carrl ten mlrls <ach.

t. Write short notcs on aoy four.

a) Affidavit b) Cause ofAction

c) Privileged documenrs ,.1) l-cgal disabilities

e) Interpleader suirs f) Oider

g) EnJbrcementofdecree

What is ex-part proceduc? Slate the law t'or sctting !!idc ex-part order undcr C.P.C

3. Discuss- "Doctrinc oIRes-judicata".

1. What is $ritten statement? Discuss the particulars ofthe lvriltcn slatenlcnt.

Dcsc be thc rules regarding the attachmcnt ofpropcrly undcr cxecution ofdecree-

6. Explain the provisions menlioned in the Civil Procedure code rclating to the suits by or
againsl Government.

7 I)iscuss-
a) Appeals from app€llate decree.
b) Appeals to the Supreme Court.
8. Describe the concept of Limitation. Writc w]rcn [,imitation can be extended or suspelded.

I Write shon notes on-

a) Cavcat b) lnlerenl Powcrs of(]ourt

10. Write briefnotc on - Review and rcvisior.

I l. What is sulrunons? Explain the various modes of delivery of sunrmons under the Civil
Procedure Code.

AV - 0386

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