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For The First Time

For the first time,

Long before the sunrise,
In a bustling hospital
Came a newborn baby’s cry.
From inside a room,
Where love arose from a mother’s heart.

With nimble feet,

I stood up.
With haste to walk and run upon earth.
What happiness my parents must have felt.
When my feet touched earth for the first time,
On that blessed day

Time flew by,

Earth rotated fast,
Before I realized what was happening,
It was time for schooling.

I remember the first time,

Mother took me to school.
Anxious I felt as my mother left me on my own.
My eyes filled with tears,
When a hand touched my shoulder.
Kindly, she guided me to my seat. My teacher.

I remember the first time we met.

I was eating lunch all alone,
In a place where all had fun.
When a child as lonely as an angel,
Approached me. We talked, we laughed.
My world lightened up since then.
There will come a time,
When our parents can’t call us ‘kids’ anymore.
No fears, no struggles, just try.
Always there will be a tomorrow.
It’s OK to lose,
The first time.

Days will come,

When we feel down or tired.
But its nothing to be concerned about.
Just like the ocean and its waves,
Soon the wind will pick up and you’ll rise,
For the first time ever.

Always remember,
Time and tide wait for no one.
Matters come and go, clock never stops ticking.
Something new always appears.
A start of anew journey.
For the first time.

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