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Học phần: Ngữ pháp T.A cơ bản 2 Mã đề:

Mã học phần: Số TC: 2
Ngày thi: Thời gian: 45 phút

Ghi chú: Sinh viên làm bài thi trên phiếu trả lời

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.

1. Can’t you speak any louder than that? Make ________ heard.
A. herself B. himself C. yourself D. oneself
2. She says she has ________ her pocket money left.
A. few B. not any C. none D. none of
3. “What made him surrender to the police?” “It’s probably his ________ conscience.”
A. fault B. guilty C. responsible D. blame
4. I’ve known the twins for years, but I can still hardly ________ them apart.
A. notice B. say C. tell D. see
5. We’ve only got ________ milk left so get some when you go shopping.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
6. If you see Jasmine on Friday, ________ her to give me a ring.
A. you will tell B. tell to C. tell D. you would have told
7. Why don’t you get a doctor ________ at your arm?
A. to look B. looked C. look D. be looking
8. We ________ while we were on holiday.
A. were burgled our house C. had burgled our house
B. had our house burgled D. got burgled our house
9. I was ill yesterday. I spent ________ in bed.
A. the most of day B. most of day C. most of the day D. the most of the day
10. You should stop seeing Craig. ________ involved with him means trouble.
A. Getting B. Having got C. Living D. Having lived
11. Sarah couldn’t meet us, ________ was a shame.
A. that B. it C. what D. which
12. ________ changed a lot in the last thirty years.
A. Life has B. The life has C. Lives had D. The lives have
13. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ________ journey.
A. three hour B. three hours C. a three-hour D. a three-hours
14. “Why wasn’t Amy at the meeting yesterday?” “She ________ about it.”
A. might not know B. may not know C. should not know D. might not have known

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15. It’s late. It’s time ________ home.
A. we went B. we must go C. we go D. we should go
16. I wish I ________ have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. wouldn’t D. won’t
17. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ________.
A. we are following C. we are followed
B. we are being followed D. we are being following
18. Where ________? Which hairdresser did you go to?
A. did you cut your hair C. did you have cut your hair
B. have you cut your hair D. did you have your hair cut
19. You really need some new tires for your car – those ones are ________.
A. put off B. worn off C. worn out D. burned down
20. Winning that prize was one of the greatest ________ of my life.
A. efforts B. attempts C. manages D. achievements

II. a. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals. Write
ONLY the correct forms of the words on your answer sheet.

21. I heard something rather ___worrying_____ at work this morning. (WORRY)

22. It’s sad if he never gets any ___enjoyment_____ out of his job anymore. (ENJOY)
23. Much to our _annoyANCE______, we couldn’t see anything from the back row of the
theatre. (ANNOY)
24. Jack observed a look of ANXIETY_ on his brother’s face. (ANXIOUS)
25. She was disappointed_ to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections in red ink.
26. Billy’s work at school has shown signs of __improvement______ this year.

II. b. Complete each sentence with ONE word. Write ONLY the word on your answer
sheet. Write one word in each gap.
27. If you __KEEP/BARE______ in mind how young he is, he’s doing very well.
28. Nobody was at __fault______, it was a complete accident.
29. The jury found the defendant not guilty ____OF____ the offence.
30. She doesn't blame anyone ___for_____ her father's death.

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and
FIVE words, including the word given. Write only the words needed to complete each
sentence on your ANSWER SHEET.

31. Peter said he would help me with the gardening. (HAND)

Peter offered …TO GIVE ME A HAND …with the gardening.
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32. It won’t take you longer than three hours to finish this work. (MOST)
It will take you …AT MOST THREE HOURS ……to finish this work.
33. John is too immature to make decisions for himself. (MATURE)
John is …NOT MATURE ENOUGH TO MAKE…………decisions for himself.
34. Did you know that one of our friends painted this picture? (FRIEND)
Did you know that …A FRIEND OF OURS ……………painted this picture?
35. She asked her friends if they wanted to buy any other things. (ELSE)
She asked her friends if there …WAS ANYTHING ELES …they wanted to buy.
36. It’s a pity that I saw that confidential letter. (SEEN)
I wish …I HADN’T SEEN…… that confidential letter.
37. It wasn’t necessary for you to wait for me last night. (WAITED)
You …needn’t have waited… for me last night.
38. The labourers were forced to work seven days a week. (MADE)
They …made the labourers work… seven days a week.
39. Paul will translate the article into English for us. (GET)
We …will get PAUL TO TRANSLATE……the article into English.
40. Jack hadn’t had Chinese food for weeks and yesterday he ordered some. (WHICH)
Yesterday Jack ordered some Chinese food, …which he hadn’t had…for weeks.

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

41. When he was asked for more information about the burglary, the man appeared quite
A. When asking for more information about the burglary, the man appeared quite upset.
B. On being asked for more information about the burglary, the man appeared quite upset.
C. Being asked for more information about the burglary, the man had appeared quite upset.
D. The man appeared quite upset, asking for more information about the burglary.
42. The game will be held, rain or shine.
A. The game is delayed because of the rain.
B. There will be no game if it rains.
C. There will be a game regardless of the weather.
D. It rains every time there is a game.
43. Most scientists know him well. However, very few ordinary people have heard of him.
A. Although he is well known to scientists, he is little known to the general public.
B. Not only scientists but also the general public know him as a big name.
C. He is the only scientist that is not known to the general public.
D. Many ordinary people know him better than most scientists do.
44. He behaved so recklessly, so he would be disqualified from keeping his last job.
A. If he hadn’t behaved so recklessly, he hadn’t quit his last job.
B. Without his reckless behavior, he would have lost his last job.
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C. Had he not behaved so recklessly, he wouldn’t have been fired from his last job.
D. He didn’t quit his job because he knew that he had behaved so recklessly.
45. He was suspected of having stolen credit cards. The police have investigated him for
A. Suspected of having stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days.
B. Having suspected of having stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days.
C. Suspecting of having stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days.
D. He has been investigated for days, suspecting of having stolen credit cards.
46. There isn’t enough room for anything else in the fridge.
A. The fridge is so full that you can’t put in anything else.
B. There isn’t anything else in the fridge in this room.
C. There’s no room left for the fridge.
D. The fridge can’t be put in this room because there isn’t enough.
47. This film is interesting but the film we saw last week was more interesting.
A. The film we saw last week was as interesting as this one.
B. The film we saw last week was less interesting than this one.
C. The film we saw last week was more interesting as this one.
D. The film we saw last week was more interesting than this one.
48. No one but James knew how to solve the problem.
A. The problem couldn’t be solved by anyone.
B. Everyone found it difficult to solve the problem.
C. James was the only one who couldn’t solve the problem.
D. Only James could solve the problem.
49. Jack has won a jackpot prize. 10% of it was donated to flooded areas.
A. Jack has won a jackpot prize, 10% which half was donated to flooded areas.
B. Jack has won a jackpot prize, which was donated to flooded areas.
C. Jack has won a jackpot prize, 10% of that was donated to flooded areas.
D. Jack has won a jackpot prize, 10% of which was donated to flooded areas.
50. Sue could hardly find a seat in the dark theatre.
A. Sue found a hard seat because the theatre was dark.
B. Sue couldn’t find a seat in the dark.
C. Sue had difficulty finding a seat in the dark theatre.
D. Because of the dark theatre, Sue couldn’t find a seat.S

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