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Name: Mildred Morales

*en/English language/Readin9 ‹ ptehension/Reading Natural Wanders ey2589641yk

i.Whatdue•”a nt"mezn?

A.slide down 8. gradually home C. climb, move upz'ards

2, What does "vapnr’ mean?

earth mineral Substznre suspended in the air nelteJ snow

3. What does ”abundant” mean?

' A. left behind rare
C. plentiful'
4. What dues “colliile"

avoid one another B. grow out of something C. strike one another, crash

g. AejJ, &rst. climate makes climbing Mount Everest ven' dangerous.

A cniel C grinding

b. Greal Barrier Reef is visible frnmJC outer space.

A. Exterior S. external
In the Grand CanyoD, the B. hei chnnge is huge.
A. Level C. elevati@

d. British mountaineers were the first tn ' °•°°°1 to the summit.

A. rise C. take off

9. EeetricallJ' A. charee‹ particles create aurnras.

B.filletl C. powered

iti. The firand Canyon z'as A, cain ct by the Colorado River.

1 B. designed C. cut up

ii. It is common tn SP° a ze1›ra near Victoria Falls.

A. glance B. identify

is. Australians fear climate C fl will damage the reef.

B.distortion C. alteration

13, Water levels n,se during the seam.

A exertion-ing B. ,swamping


t4. On Mount Everest, the temperature can dzot› B. Juwr to -y6'F.

A. low C. close
3A/’hn no md V4r•tni•i n Koi Ask
Who named Victoria Falls?

A. Queen Victoria B. the people of fiimbsbwe C. David I Jvingston

Which ris-er created the Grand Canyon?

A. Zuinbezi B. Colorado C. Grand Yellow

why do most mountaineers hire Sherpas?

A. to carry the equipment B. to find oxygen C. to com miinicat e with local people

What does the color of an aurora depend on?

B. the time of the year Bye place where it happens C. the type of gas particles

there does climate change have a negative impact on biodiversity?

C. in the Grand Canyon D. in the Great Barrier Reef C. in the Victoria Falls rainforest

Based on the texts, which statement is true?

A On Mount liiverest, mnunta ineers use bottled o•1’R°^ nly in rare circumstances.

B. It is nearly impossible to climb Mount Everest without additional oxygen. ”' '°

Based on the texis, which statement is true?

C. The Grand Canyun is mostly home to mice, rats and bats. ' *'

D. Only snakes and lizards can survive in the Grand Canyon.

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