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Chapter 9:

1 Casual not taking or not Security around the conference hotel

seeming to take much seemed almost casual.
2 Offensive Causing offence This programme contains language that
some viewers might find offensive
3 Informal not formal or official The two groups agreed to hold an
informal meeting.
4 Expression the act of saying what We've received a lot of expressions of
you think or showing support for our campaign.
how you feel using
words or actions
5 Identify to recognize someone or Even the smallest baby can identify its
something and say or mother by her voice.
prove who or what that
person or thing
6 Relevant connected with what is The point is highly relevant to this
happening or being discussion.
7 Popular popular or fashionable Walking is a popular form of exercise
in Britain.
8 Peer to look carefully or with The driver was peering into the
difficulty distance trying to read the road sign.
9 In styles popular or fashionable People often choose white and black in
simple styles
10 Slang very informal language He uses a lot of slang terms that I
that is usually spoken simply don't understand.
rather than written, used
especially by particular
groups of people
11 Fair treating someone in a It's not fair to blame me for everything!
way that is right
12 Establish to start a company or He's established himself as a
organization that will dependable source of information.
continue for a long time
13 Generation all the people of about There were at least three generations -
the same age within a grandparents, parents and children - at
society or within a the wedding.
particular family
14 Conversation talk between two or We believe the company has the
more people in which resources it needs, but if more is
thoughts needed, we'll have that conversation.
15 Rule an accepted principle or Before you start your own business you
instruction that states should be familiar with the
the way things are government's rules and regulations.
16 Wordwide Extending or reaching Covid-19 is considered one of the
throughout the world. worldwide pandemics.

17 Economic Economical barriers: If we want economic development, we

barriers refers to the factors should reduce economic barriers.
which resists the
economic growth.
18 Politically In a way that relates to Political opinions will help the country
the government or develop more and more.
public affairs of a
19 Significant Sufficiently great or Receiving a scholarship in college was
important to be worthy of significant importance to her.
of attention; noteworthy

20 Benefit A helpful or good The benefit of learning English is that it

effect, or something enables you to communicate with
intended to help. people from many different countries.

21 Plays a role If something or Language plays an important role in

someone plays a part or communicating accurate information in
plays a role in a the field of business.
situation, they are
involved in it and have
an effect on it.

22 Combination Joining or merging of Some countries in the world already

different parts or have a harmonious combination of
qualities in which the mother tongue and foreign language.
component elements are
individually distinct.

23 Fluently Speak or read easily, He speaks English fluently.

well, and quickly.

24 Unique Being The only existing Taken together they would give the
one of its type or, more pupils a unique connection with their
generally, unusal, or locality.
special in some way.

25 Gathering An assembly or There will be a gathering of world

leaders in Canada next month.
meeting, especially a
social or festive one or
one held for a specific

26 Furniture Things such as chairs, They have a lot of antique furniture.

tables, beds, cupboards,
etc. that are put that are
put into a house or other
building to make it
suitable and
comfortable for living
or working in.

27 Obvious Easily perceived or No straightforward arguments or

understood; clear, self- obvious observations are known to
evident, or apparent. answer this question.

28 Hygroscopy A substance that has the Environmental scanning electron

ability to adsorb and microscopy as a new technique to
absorb moisture or determine the hygroscopic behavior of
water from the individual aerosol particles.

29 Constitute To be or be considered The long-term unemployed now

as something constitute a sort of underclass.
30 Individual That which exists as a The employment of individuals as
distinct entity. propagandists was encouraged by
factionalism on both sides.

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