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AirChain - Towards Blockchain-based Aircraft

Maintenance Record System

Wictor Lang Jensen, Sille Jessing, Wei-Yang Chiu, and Weizhi Meng
SPTAGE Lab, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Email: {weich,weme}@dtu.dk

Abstract—Civil aviation (aircraft) is one of the public trans- civil aviation, Rajkov [20] firstly presented a survey regarding
portation industries that requires the highest safety standards. evaluating the effect of integrating blockchain into aircrafts’
However, several accidents on aircraft maintenance system had spare part management. Madhwal and Panfilov [19] combined
revealed that there is a need to secure the record integrity and
traceability. Motivated by this issue and supported by an airline, the aircrafts’ supply-chain management with blockchain tech-
in this work, we design and implement AirChain, a blockchain- nology, and discussed the difficulties in smart supply-chain
based aircraft maintenance record system, in which the data management in aviation industry.
can be stored in a way that is both resistant to tampering and Then Schyga et al. [21] showed a prototype system based
easy to access. The experimental results indicate the viability and on Hyperledger, which could create a Permission Blockchain
practicability of our system.
Index Terms—Blockchain, Decentralized application, Aircraft System (PBS) for aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul.
maintenance, Smart contract, Record and data integrity Ho et al. [22] proposed a similar blockchain-based system for
aircraft maintenance, similar to [21]. Their system focused on
I. I NTRODUCTION parts’ traceability and trackability for the inventory manage-
ment. Aleshi et al. [18] focused on the aircraft maintenance
Unclear or falsified records can cause misinterpretation and records and explored the feasibility of applying a blockchain.
miscommunication within repair crews, resulting in incorrect This is the most relevant work to ours, but their system was
repair work, or unsatisfactory overhaul. Civil aviation is one mainly relied on the information from a private plane, and
of the public transportation industries that requires the highest they did not show any performance result.
safety standards [9], [19]. It is of great importance for a system b) Contributions: Motivated by the above work, we ad-
that can keep track of records without compromising integrity vocate that using blockchain as the underlying datastore is one
and can be audited by all participating parties [22]. However, promising solution to secure the aircraft’s maintenance record
such requirement of record keeping is expected in all civil system. It uses the power of masses to perform collective-
airliners, the human errors and cultural environment will still booking and consensus-reaching, in which such kind of data-
affect the outcome result of the practice. Kind of unauthorized store is still able to remain its integrity in a decentralized
and intentional alteration of existing maintainace records may zero-trust network. To summarize, our main contributions are:
directly or indirectly causes serious incidents [5]. (i) We develop and implement AirChain, a blockchain-based
For example, U.S. News agency reported a small incident aircraft maintenance record system, which is supported from
that a man hacked into the aircraft maintenance system and China Airline, e.g., the format of CLB, TLB and their partial
altered several existed records [10]. Also, China Airline report- procedure. (ii) In the evaluation, with the help from airline’s
ed that several workers disregarded the standard procedure and technical personnel, we simulate an experimental setup and
failed to keep the maintenance records’ integrity, which caused explore the initial performance of our system.
an accident that perished hundreds [3]. Recently, Ethiopean
Airline, with an accident that perished hundreds, was busted II. O UR P ROPOSED S YSTEM – A IR C HAIN
by an insider, who stated that: “A history at the company of Our proposed AirChain can involve one or multiple servers
falsifying records and signing off on dodgy maintenance and located across different sites, hence multiple access clients can
repair jobs” [4]. Thus, providing a record system with integrity connect to their local server. These local servers can maintain
insurance is urgently needed. the blockchain locally and operate in a collaborative mode, as
a) Related work: Blockchain technology is a promising shown in Fig. 1.
solution that can provide a unified, auditable, and immutable In this work, we choose Hyperledger Besu [25] as our de-
data storage in a decentralized network [1], [2]. It has been velopment platform, which supports both EVM and the official
applied into many different domains including intrusion detec- Web3 interface. There are several major smart contracts in our
tion [11], [17], trust management [14], [15], software defined system described as follows:
networking [12], public transportation [7], [8], traffic filtra- • The Log of CLB and TLB: CLB and TLB are short
tion [13], [16], Public Key Infrastructure [6], and more. For for Cabin Log Book and Technical Log Book. These are
978-1-6654-9538-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE the two main documents for recording aircraft faults. In

nCLB/Time Adding Getting Updating Getting Updated

0 N/A 0.78 s N/A N/A
1 0.85s 0.80s 0.76s 0.80s
100 7.32s 1.53s 0.77s 2.05s
1,000 50.29s 20.03s 0.81s 2.25s

stances it is acceptable to change the maintenance record as

well as other information was given.
Here our initial test aims to examine whether our system
works properly in an expected network structure, and see how
fast a miner node is able to process the requests. As there was
Fig. 1. The system overview of AirChain no way for computers to communicate with outside client, it
is impossible to ensure when all data was received on the end
particular, they can be roughly divided into two sections: server. This also largely depended on connection speed, and
one section is used when an error is firstly recorded, and thus the main goal of our test is to give an estimate and check
the other is used when some actions have been taken to fix whether the system is viable. This test was performed by the
the error, which in turn should be recorded. Generally, it following operations:
has a structure that can be divided between a newly added
• Generating 100, 1000 and 10,000 CLBs:
error and what has been fixed. Each new case with an
• Manually submitting a CLB
error instance should be assigned an ID, which is used to
• Requesting a list of CLB
update that specific document with the fix specifications.
After each increment, CLBs would then be signed and
Finally, the document needs to be approved by certified
finished, based on the request. Table I presents the completion
professional or manager before it can be eventually pub-
time for processing the requests. We observe that there appears
lished as official. Our system designs the structure of CLB
to be a large discrepancy between the time it required to
and TLB with the embedment of Permission Manager, a
receive the updated documents alone versus all documents
smart contract that manages roles and permissions. Our
submitted. This is most likely caused by the server compiling
design can control each user’s access to each function
every CLB into an HTML document before sending the result
provided by the smart contract.
to the client. This compilation time along with the transferred
• Permission Manager: This smart contract records
massive text is likely the main reason of the delay.
what can be accessed by each user. When a function in
The results indicate that our proposed AirChain could work
the CLB and TLB is triggered, such function will consult
well as intended. A user can log in and, depending on their
Permission Manager to obtain the access right of relevant
clearance and permissions, they can both add logs as well
users. Then, it utilizes the provided information to accept
as sign them. The system is built upon a private blockchain,
or reject a user’s request.
which can create a unique possibility to have access to all
• Main Contract: Though naming a “main” contract
previous data as well as ensuring a level of security to the
here may look confusing, such contract is the most impor-
data integrity on the chain itself. The system was developed by
tant smart contract that ensures the system security. When
involving everything from the deployment of a smart contract
a smart contract is deployed, it should be immutable.
to the usage of user’s addresses as a focal point for managing
Although the contract’s state can be changed, the code
the user-specific data.
cannot, even if the possibility of invalidating the contract
is decided by a programmer. If no destructor has been IV. C ONCLUSION
described, such smart contract will continue running. This Due to the importance of aircraft maintenance, in this work,
means that when a logic error or a flaw is discovered in we developed and implemented AirChain, a blockchain-based
the smart contract, we have to invalidate the contract, or aircraft maintenance record system, which aims to ensure the
forcefully update the front-end program to direct itself to record integrity and traceability. We selected Hyperledger Besu
the newly updated smart contract. as our development platform, showcased the system design
III. E VALUATION and evaluated the system’s processing time by working with
an airline organization. The results demonstrate its viability
We collected data by working with China Airlines (Taiwan) and practicability. Our future work will focus on scalability
such as CLB and TLB format, and constructed a simulated evaluation, how to make the system more versatile and how
environment with some virtual machines as both clients and to protect data privacy.
servers. To make the system as applicable to an actual airport
as possible, authentic data was received from China Airlines. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
From the airline data specifications about under what circum- This project is partially supported by H2020 DataVaults.
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