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Give Me Liberty (16-

Indian Freedom

Indians held their own notions of absolute libert

banishing all servitude, and had no words to ex

Europeans believed they Indians to be barbaric

government, and authority. However small scale

Indians strongly believed in kinship ties (the abi

well being of communities rather than individua
self determination, group autonomy, and conne

Christian Liberty

Europeans believed freedom was spiritual since

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 1

of Christ simultaneously became “free from sin”

European countries that colonized the New Wo
—for its own population and for Native America

The Expansion of Europe

The conquest of America originated as a quest
Europe to India, China, and the East Indies to tr
Islamic middlemen and win control of this trade

Chinese and Portuguese Navigation

Zheng He traveled on 6 voyages with ships larg

the goal to impress other peoples with China’s m

New technology such as caravels, compasses,

Portuguese sailors to travel down the coast of A
route east

Portugal and West Africa

Portugal established fortified trading posts alon

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 2
Columbus sailed westward in hopes of reaching

Columbus’s first settlement on the island of His

explorer established a permanent base (the Sp

Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci, reported the


Exploration and Conquest

Spanish took lead in exploration and conquest,

desire to spread Catholicism

Spanish conquistadores, often accompanied by

outward from Hispaniola

Hernan Cortes arrived at Tenochtitlan, and conq

technology such as gunpowder, additionally dis
Aztec society

Francisco Pizzaro defeated the Inca empire and

back to the Spanish crown
Give Me Liberty (16-71) 3
The Catholic Church also played a significa
Spanish colonies, frequently exerting its au
and treatment of the Indians

Royal officials were appointees from Spain inste

The Spanish forced tens of thousands of indian

haciendas (large-scale farms)

By 1600s mestizos (people of mixed origin) ma


The Virgin of Guadalupe would come to be reve

mixing of Indian and Spanish cultures, and later

Justifications for conquest

Pope Alexander VI divided the non-christian wo

required them to spread Catholicism among the

Protestant Reformation divided the Catholic Ch

his 95 thesis about the churches worldliness an
Give Me Liberty (16-71) 4
Las Casas’s writings spread the Black Legend -
exploitative colonizer

Exploring North America

Spain established the first permanent colony in

The first region to be colonized within the prese

Spain hoped to establish a military base the

the treasure fleet that each year sailed from
and silver

Florida eventually failed as a settlement and rem

Spain established the capital of New Mexico at

European settlement in the southwest)

The Pueblo Revolt

Franciscan friars burned sacred Indian objects

Give Me Liberty (16-71)
Catholicism, leading Indians to unite and drive o
French Canada was ruled by the Company of N
general appointed in Paris

Canada was widely depicted as an icebox, a lan

ground for criminals

Most French who left their homes during the

Netherlands, Spain, or the West Indies

The revocation of the Edict of Nantes, whic

to French Protestants, led well over 100,00

The viability of New France fur trade relied on fr

Participation in the fur trade drew natives into th

introducing new goods and transforming huntin
for marketable commodities

Indians were swept into the rivalries among

into conflicts among Indians

Metis: children of French and Native American o

Indians who converted to Catholicism were prom

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 6
power, pitting European empires against each o

Boundaries between empires and Indians were

Beginnings of English America

Jamestown was established as the capital of th
by the Virginia Company, a private business org

Settlers of English America enjoyed greater righ

including access to land and economic indepen

Colonists enjoyed “all liberties”

When the pope refused to annul his marriage to

severed the nation from the Catholic Church. In
of England, or Anglican Church, with himself at

England and Ireland

Give Me Liberty (16-71)
In England’s attempt to conquer and pacify Irela
England expressed its imperial ambitions in term
New World from the tyranny of the pope

The Social Crisis

America served as a refuge for the surplus pop

suffering from a social crisis with economic grow

Landlords introduced more modern farming pra

small farmers and fenced in commons under th

Economic inequalities surged throughout Engla

Authorities saw unemployed masterless me

them to accept jobs, people began viewing
form of servitude

The New world was pictured as a unique place

classes could regain economic independence b

The main lure for emigrants from England to the

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 8

in gold and silver as the promise of independen

Land and Liberty

Owning land gave men control over their own la

to vote. The promise of immediate access to lan
dues that included land persuaded potential imm
indentured servants

Each colony was launched with a huge grant of

company or to a private individual known as a p

Englishmen and Indians

The English were interested in displacing the In

intermarrying with them, organizing their labor,

The English exchanged goods such as fur with

often traveled through colonial settlements

The English acquired land by purchase, often in

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 9

they had suffered military defeat

Indians’ lives were severely altered due to mode
depleting forests

Settling the Chesapeake

The Jamestown Colony

Jamestown initially struggled as colony due to i

leadership change

Disease and lack of food caused the population

Instead of retaining all the land for itself, the com

system, awarding fifty acres of land to any colo
another's passage.

In place of the governor's militaristic regime, a “

issued, including the establishment of a House

only freemen could vote, and the company

the right to nullify any measure the body ad

Powhatan and Pocahontas

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 10
Opechancanough (powhatan’s brother), led a b
in a single day wiped out one-quarter of Virginia

The surviving 900 colonists organized themselv

massacred scores of Indians and devastated th

Virginia forced a treaty on the surviving coastal

subordination to the government at Jamestown
reservations to the west and not enter areas of

A Tobacco Colony

As a commodity with an ever-expanding mass m

Virginia's substitute for gold

The expansion of tobacco cultivation also led to

met for most of the seventeenth century by you

Women and the Family

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 11
Further aggravating instability in the colony was
envisioned Maryland as a refuge for persecuted

In Maryland, he hoped, Protestants and Catholi

in Europe

The Rise of Puritanism

Puritanism came to define a set of religious prin

should be organized. Puritans differed among th
shared the conviction that the Church of Englan
Catholicism in its religious rituals and doctrines

Puritans considered religious belief a complex a

believers to seek the truth by reading the Bible
educated ministers

Puritans came to America in search of liberty

Like so many other emigrants to America, Purita

especially the right to worship and govern them
Give Me Liberty (16-71)
Christian manner. Freedom for Puritans was pri12
Here the 102 who survived the journey establis
landing, the Pilgrim leaders drew up the Mayflow
going ashore agreed to obey "just and equal law
their own choosing

The pilgrims were only able to survive due to th

Sqaunto, who became an interpreter for the pilg
with nearby chiefs

Pilgrims had a government based on the princip

restricted to church members

The Great Migration

the Massachusetts Bay Company was founded

who hoped to further the Puritan cause and turn

The first five ships sailed from England in 1629

had emigrated to Massachusetts
Give Me Liberty (16-71)
Long remembered as the Great Migration, t
insisting that the obedience of women, child
the foundation of social stability

Puritans deemed women to be the spiritual equ

allowed to become full church members

A woman achieved genuine freedom by fulfilling

embracing “subjection to her husband’s authorit
life was devoted to bearing and rearing children

Government and Society in Massachusetts

John Winthrop spoke of the settlers binding the

brotherly affection" in order to promote the glory

the leaders of Massachusetts organized the col

of settlers received a land grant from the colony
it, with each town having its own Congregationa

Wishing to rule the colony without outside interf

Give Me Liberty (16-71)
from influencing decision making, the sharehold

Inequality was considered an expression of God

applied to all inhabitants, there were separate li
children, and servants. The Body of Liberties al

Massachusetts forbade ministers from holding o

spiritual responsibilities

But church and state were closely interconn

to establish a church and to levy a tax to su

Puritans believed that religious uniformity was e

believe in religious toleration-there was one trut

Religious liberty meant the liberty to practic

Give Me Liberty (16-71) 15

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