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Organizing Study Skills

What’s my present situation? My present situation is based on my work. Turn in

my work, and get it done in time. How I would like my situation to be? I would

like for my situation to be less stressful but the only way my work would be less

stressful is by like next time to start it off and then continue but I have the ideas in

my head already. I think for me it would be way easier in the way that I don’t have

to worry that much. What are my possible choices? Like I said before I think I

would have to start my work and continue and I don’t have to think that much

because the ideas come back to my mind. I think for me personally that would be

easier to me and it’s the only way I won’t forget what my work was about. What

choices will I commit to doing? I think I would end up doing other type of stuff for

example, start it off and if the work seems easy to me I will finish it up and turn it

in. If not I think I will do it, and continue finishing in my other classes other than

my house. When and how I will evaluate my plan? By this I will challenge myself

and try to finish what I began and not let be for homework. Challenging yourself or

putting in effort helps you as a person by a lot because that way you don’t make

things difficult for you.

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