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Top 2100+ General Science MCQs


Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

Gravitation and Magnetism

GRAVITATION ................................................................................................................................................. 3

KEPLER’S FIRST LAW (LAW OF ELLIPTICAL ORBIT)........................................................................................................ 3

KEPLER’S SECOND LAW (LAW OF AREAL VELOCITIES) ................................................................................................ 3

KEPLER’S THIRD LAW (LAW OF TIME PERIOD) ............................................................................................................. 3

NEWTON’S LAW OF GRAVITATION ............................................................................................................................... 3

PROJECTILE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

MAGNETISM .................................................................................................................................................... 8

DEFINITION OF MAGNETS AND MAGNETISM IN PHYSICS ........................................................................................ 8

SOURCE OF MAGNETISM OR CAUSE OF MAGNETISM .............................................................................................. 8

CLASSES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS........................................................................................................ 9

DIAMAGNETISM ............................................................................................................................................................. 9

PARAMAGNETISM .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

FERROMAGNETISM......................................................................................................................................................... 9

FERRIMAGNETISM ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

ANTI-FERROMAGNETISM ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs


Kepler’s first law (law of elliptical orbit)

A planet moves round the sun in an elliptical orbit with sun situated at one of its foci.

Kepler’s second law (law of areal velocities)

A planet moves round the sun in such a way that its areal velocity is constant.

Kepler’s third law (law of time period)

A planet moves round the sun in such a way that the square of its period
is proportional to the cube of semi major axis of its elliptical orbit.

T2 ∝ R3
Here R is the radius of orbit.

T2 = (4π2/GM)R 3

Newton’s law of gravitation

• Every particle of matter in this universe attracts every other particle

with a forcer which varies directly as the product of masses of two particles
and inversely as the square of the distance between them.

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

F= GMm/r2
Here, G is universal gravitational constant. G = 6.67 ´10 -11
Nm2 / kg2
• Dimensional formula of G: G = Fr2/Mm =[MLT-2][L2]/[M2] = [M-1L3T-2]

• Acceleration due to gravity (g):- g = GM/R2

• Variation of g with altitude:- g' = g(1- 2h/R), if h<<R. Here R is the radius of earth and h
is the height of the body above the surface of earth.
• Variation of g with depth:- g' = g(1- d/R). Here g' be the value of acceleration due to
gravity at the depth d.
• Variation with latitude:-

At poles: - θ = 90°, g' = g

At equator: - θ = 0°, g' = g (1-ω2R/g)

Here ω is the angular velocity.

• As g = GMe/Re2 , therefore gpole > gequator

• Gravitational Mass:- m = FR2/GM

• Gravitational field intensity:-

E = F/m
= GM/r2
• Weight:- W= mg

• Gravitational intensity on the surface of earth (Es):-

Es = 4/3 (πRρG)

Here R is the radius of earth, ρ is the density of earth and

G is the gravitational constant.
• Gravitational potential energy (U):- U = -GMm/r

(a) Two particles: U = -Gm1m2/r

(b) hree particles: U = -Gm1m2/r12 – Gm1m3/r13 – Gm2m3/r23

• Gravitational potential (V):- V(r) = -GM/r

At surface of earth,

Vs= -GM/R
Here R is the radius of earth.

• Escape velocity (ve):-

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

It is defined as the least velocity with which a body must be projected

vertically upward in order that it may just escape the gravitational pull of earth.
ve = √2GM/R
or, ve = √2gR = √gD
Here R is the radius of earth and D is the diameter of the earth.

• Escape velocity (ve) in terms of earth’s density:- ve = R√8πGρ/3

• Orbital velocity (v0):- v0 = √GM/r
If a satellite of mass m revolves in a circular orbit around the earth of radius
R and h be the height of the satellite above the surface of the earth, then,
r = R+h So, v0 = √MG/R+h = R√g/R+h
In the case of satellite, orbiting very close to the surface of earth, then orbital velocity will
be, v0 = √gR
• Relation between escape velocity ve and orbital velocity v0 :- v0= ve/√2 (if h<<R)

• Time period of Satellite:- Time period of a satellite is the time taken by the satellite
to complete one revolution around the earth.

T = 2π√(R+h)3/GM = (2π/R)√(R+h)3/g

If h<<R, T = 2π√R/g

• Height of satellite:- h = [gR2T2/4π2]1/3 – R

• Energy of satellite:-

Kinetic energy, K = ½ mv02 = ½ (GMm/r)

Potential energy, U = - GMm/r

Total energy, E = K+U

= ½ (GMm/r) + (- GMm/r)
= -½ (GMm/r)

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

• Gravitational force in terms of potential energy:- F = – (dU/dR)

• Acceleration on moon:-
gm = GMm/Rm2 = 1/6 gearth
Here Mm is the mass of moon and Rm is the radius of moon.

• Gravitational field:-
(a) Inside:-

(b) Outside:-

• Projectile fired at angle α with the horizontal:- If a particle having initial
speed u is projected at an angle α (angle of projection) with x-axis, then,
Time of Ascent, t = (u sinα)/g

Total time of Flight, T = (2u sinα)/g

Horizontal Range, R = u2sin2α/g

Maximum Height, H = u2sin2α/2g

Equation of trajectory, y = xtanα-(gx2/2u2cos2α)

Instantaneous velocity, V=√(u2+g2t2-2ugt sinα)


β = tan-1(usinα-gt/ucosα)

Projectile fired horizontally from a certain height

Equation of trajectory: x2 = (2u2/g)y

Time of descent (timer taken by the projectile to come down to the surface of earth), T = √2h/g

Horizontal Range, H = u√2h/g. Here u is the initial velocity of the body in horizontal direction.

Instantaneous velocity: -


If β be the angle which V makes with the horizontal, then,

β = tan-1(-gt/u)

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

Projectile fired at angle α with the vertical

Time of Ascent, t = (u cosα)/g

Total time of Flight, T = (2u cosα)/g

Horizontal Range, R = u2sin2α/g

Maximum Height, H = u2cos2α/2g

Equation of trajectory, y = x cotα-(gx2/2u2sin2α)

Instantaneous velocity, V=√ (u2+g2t2-2ugt cosα) and β = tan-1(ucosα-gt/usinα)

Projectile fired from the base of an inclined plane

Horizontal Range, R = 2u2 cos(α+β) sinβ/gcos2α

Time of flight, T = 2u sinβ/ gcosα

Here, α+β=θ

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

• In the ancient world when people started noticing that Iodestones
(magnetized pieces of mineral magnetite) was able to attract iron it was then
only when the concept of magnetism was introduced.
• Indian surgeon Sushruta was the first person to use magnets for surgical purposes.

Definition of Magnets and Magnetism in physics

• The ability of an object or a material to produce invisible magnetic field lines
in order to develop a force which attracts other ferromagnetic materials
such as iron, steel, etc are known as Magnets.

• Magnetism is a phenomenon by the virtue of which there develops
an attracting or repulsive force between two magnetic objects.

Source of Magnetism or Cause of Magnetism

Motion of electrons in atoms gives rise to the phenomenon called magnetism.
Basically, two types of motions are associated with the electrons:
Motion of electrons in an orbit within the nucleus.
Spin of electrons around its axis.
The spin and orbital moments imparts magnetic moment on each electron,
forcing them to behave as tiny magnets.
The rotational force experienced by a magnet when placed in a magnetic field
perpendicular to its magnetic axis is defined as the magnetic moment of a magnet.

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

Classes of Magnetic Materials

The magnetic behaviour of materials can be classified in the following groups:

• Those materials which are less susceptible to the magnetic fields
are known as Diamagnetic Material
• They exhibit a property called diamagnetism, whereby the net
magnetic moment of atoms is zero.
• Thus, when placed in a magnetic field it produces negative magnetization.

For Example: Water, Wood.

• The best example of paramagnetic material is aluminium and platinum.
• Due to partially filled orbital, some atoms possess net magnetic moments,
resulting in positive magnetization and susceptibility in the presence of magnetic field.
• But when the field is removed, the magnetization is zero.

For Example: Magnesium, Molybdenum.

• Unlike diamagnets or paramagnets, those materials which tend to remain
magnetized even when the magnetic field is removed exhibits ferromagnetism.

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

• This phenomenon is also known as Hysteresis and the plot between

variations of magnetism with magnetic field is called Hysteresis Loop.
• However, at one point or temperature the ferromagnetic materials tend
to lose its magnetic properties.
• This temperature or point is known as Curie point or Curie temperature.
For Example: Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt.

• The basic difference between a ferromagnetic material and
ferromagnetic material is that some magnetic domains in ferrimagnetic
material point in the same direction while some point in the opposite direction.
• While in case of ferromagnetic material all the magnetic domains point
in the same direction.
For Example: Cubic Ferrites composed of iron oxides, Aluminium, Zinc etc.

Top 2100+ General Science MCQs

• In anti-ferromagnetic material, the magnetic moments of atoms or
molecules usually related to the spin of the electrons align in a
regular pattern with neighbouring spins in opposite directions.


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