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SEE 3103

Energy Efficiency for Buildings

1. Introduction

Prof. Michael K.H. Leung

School of Energy and Environment
City University of Hong Kong

Energy Flow on Earth
Tidal energy

Solar radiation Short wavelength Long wavelength

1.72 x 1017 W radiation radiation (1.21 x 1017 W)

Direct reflection Tides, tidal currents
5.1 x 1016 W 3 x 1012 W

1.21 x 1017 W
Conduction in rocks
Direct conversion to heat 3.2 x 1013 W
8.1 x 1016 W
Winds, waves, convection and currents
3.7 x 1014 W
Evaporation, precipitation Storage in
water and ice Convection in volcanoes
4 x 1016 W
and hot springs
Decay 3 x 1011 W
Photosynthesis Storage in
4 x 1013 W plants Animals

Terrestrial energy
World consumption
1.27 x 107 W
1.797 x 1013 W

Fossil Thermal Chemical Nuclear
fuels energy energy energy
World Natural Resources (≈ 6.6x1022 J)
• Coal 62%
• Oil 17%
• Natural gas 15%
• Uranium 6%

Common Uses of Energy Resources

• Coal Electricity
• Oil Transportation
• Natural gas Heat
• Uranium Electricity

(Million tons of oil equivalent)

Ref: Key World Energy Statistics 2020, International Energy Agency (IEA), 2020.
World Energy Consumption
Total world energy consumption in 2015 was 13,541 Mtoe,

Conversion factor,
1 Mtoe = 4.187 x 1016 J

Power consumption
= 13,541 Mtoe/year
= 13,541 x 4.187 x 1016 J/year
= 5.670 x 1020 J/year
= 1.797 x 1013 W

Ref.: Key World Energy Statistics 2020, International

Energy Agency (IEA), 2020.
Peak Oil

Peak oil poster

Hubbert Curves
• Geologist M.K. Hubbert predicted production of coal and oil.
• A Hubbert curve indicates the length of time that a reserve will last.
• Parameters include the total estimated reserves, costs of fuel
extraction, and past data on fuel discovery and fuel production.
• Hubbert’s prediction in 1956 accurately forecasted that the U.S. oil
production would peak in about 1970.
Oil/coal/natural gas
production rate

Year 7
Hubbert Curves of
World Oil Production Note:
After peak oil is
reached, energy
Energy crises in 1970s Past demands
Billion barrels per year (Bbl/yr)

data Future continue to

forecast increase but
energy supply
decreases. As a
result, energy
crisis will
become worse.

Association for the
Study of Peak Oil
and Gas (ASPO)

Peak Oil, Peak Gas & Peak Coal
Million tonnes oil equivalent (Mtoe)

Ref.: 9
Air Pollution
Combustion of fossil fuels emits airborne pollutants:
– Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
– Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
– Carbon monoxide (CO)
– Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
– Particulate matters: PM10 , PM2.5

Emissions & Environmental Impacts
• Major sources of air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels
─ automobile exhausts
─ power plant emissions
• Combustion of fossil fuels - emits airborne pollutants
– Sulfur dioxide (SO2): may cause infant mortality, cardiovascular disease,
viral diseases, respiratory tract, chronic bronchitis, asthma, lower respiratory,
emphysema, kidney damage, anemia fatigue, bone changes, cancer
– Nitrogen oxides (NOx): may cause cardiovascular disease, viral diseases,
respiratory tract, chronic bronchitis, asthma, lower respiratory, emphysema,
hypertension, visual disorders
– Carbon monoxide (CO): extremely toxic, cardiovascular disease and
symptoms such as fatigue, rapid breathing, chest tightness, etc.
– Volatile organic compounds (VOC): headache, depression of central
nerves, irritations of eyes, nose, & throat, carcinogenic.
– Particulate matters: PM10 (dia. ≤ 10 μm) and PM2.5 (dia. ≤ 2.5 μm) can be
deposited in lungs and cause harm to our health.

Acid Rain
• Pure rainwater normally has a pH value of 5.6 (< 7 neutral condition).
It is a little acidic due to the natural formation of carbonate acid
(H2CO3) in the rain as CO2 is present in the atmosphere.

• Acid rain has a pH less than 5.6.

• Formation of acid rain:

NOx + H2O → HNO3 + oxygen
SO2 + O3 → SO3 + O2
SO3 + H2O → H2SO4

• Consequences: poor reproduction of marine life, adverse effect on

aquatic plants, corrosion of buildings and materials.

Climate Change
Global Warming – a Greenhouse Effect
• Solar radiation (mostly short-
wavelength UV and visible light) Sun Green-
can pass through glass panes
and turn to heat indoors.
• Heated surfaces inside the
greenhouse reradiates long-
wavelength infrared, which is
blocked by the glass panes. Sunlight Some infrared
Radiant energy is trapped.
• More radiant energy entering
system than leaving the system
so the greenhouse is warm in the
winter time. Infrared

Greenhouse Effect

Consequences of Global Warming
• Sea level rise
– 6 - 37 inches in next century.
– flooding.
• Intensification of hydrologic cycle
– increasing evaporation will
likely result in drier soil.
– impact on regional water
• Dramatic effects on ecosystems
– forest, deserts, mountain
regions, lakes, streams,
wetlands etc.
• Health effect
– disease such as malaria.
– adverse heat strain.

Challenging Targets

Hong Kong’ Climate Action Plan 2050

Ref.: World Energy Outlook 2016, International Energy Agency, 2016.

(1) Short-Term Energy Strategy
- Use non-renewable fossil fuels wisely
- Implement high energy efficiency


(2) Long-Term Energy Strategy

- Develop renewable energy resources

Energy Hydrogen

Hong Kong Energy End-Use
Data 2020, EMSD, HKSAR

SEE3103 Energy Efficiency for Buildings
Key Topics

• Buildings
Air-conditioning; Heat pump; Water heating; Space
heating; Lighting; Lifts and escalators; Electrical

• Commercial applications
Refrigeration; Kitchen appliances

• Industrial processes
Compressed air; Injection molding

• Energy management
Peak shaving; Cost-benefit analysis; Energy
management system; Energy audit; Energy saving
performance contracting 23

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