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Course Title : Arabic Syntax

Course Code : ARBDSC***

Course Pre-requisite :
Semester : 4
Credits : 4

Credit Teaching Hours Assessment

L/T P/I Total L/T/P Total CE ESE Total
3 1 4 5 15 35 50

Course Description:

The "Grammar in Arabic" course for Semester 3 is designed to

deepen students' understanding and application of Arabic
grammar rules. This course delves into the intricacies of Arabic
grammar, aiming to enhance students' linguistic competence and
proficiency in the Arabic language. Through a comprehensive
exploration of grammatical structures, students will gain
practical skills in applying grammatical rules in various contexts,
from everyday conversations to written expressions.

The course places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning,

where students engage in practical exercises, analyses of
authentic Arabic texts, and discussions to reinforce their
comprehension of grammar principles. Students will progress
from foundational concepts to advanced grammatical structures,
equipping them with the necessary tools to construct
grammatically accurate sentences and effectively communicate in

Throughout the semester, students will not only explore classical

grammatical rules but also delve into modern applications,
aligning the course with contemporary linguistic needs. By the
end of the course, students are expected to have a heightened
grammatical awareness, enabling them to navigate and express
themselves with precision in the Arabic language.
Course Objectives:

1. Apply Arabic grammar rules in practical language contexts.

2. Enhance proficiency in reading and understanding grammatically
complex Arabic texts.
3. Develop skills in constructing grammatically accurate sentences
in Arabic.
4. Strengthen communication skills through practical applications
of Arabic grammar.

Course Outcomes (COs):

By the end of the course, students will be able to
CO Apply foundational Arabic grammar rules to construct
1 grammatically accurate sentences.
CO Demonstrate a deep understanding of advanced
2 grammatical structures in Arabic, including tenses,
complex sentence construction, and prepositions.
CO Critically evaluate and identify grammatical elements in
3 both classical and modern Arabic literature.
CO Demonstrate the practical application of learned grammar
4 rules in real-life scenarios.

Mapping of Course Outcome to PSOs/PSO7



Module 1
1.1 ‫أحوال بناء الفعل الماضي واألمر والمضارع‬
1.2 ‫الفعل المضارع المعتل اآلخر وأحوال إعرابه‬
1.3 ‫االسم المعتل اآلخر – المقصور والمنقوص وأحوال إعرابهما‬
1.4 ‫نصب المضارع بعد أن المضمرة – بعد الم التعليل وحتى‬
Suggested Readings specific to the module
Module 2
‫‪2.1‬‬ ‫جوازم الفعل المضارع – الجوازم التي تجزم فعال واحدا واألدوات التي تجزم فعلين‬
‫‪2.2‬‬ ‫تقسيم االسم إلى مفرد ومثنى وجمع‬
‫‪2.3‬‬ ‫تقسيم الجمع‬
‫‪2.4‬‬ ‫إعراب المثنى وجمع المذكر السالم وجمع المؤنث السالم‬
‫‪Suggested Readings specific to the module‬‬
‫‪Module 3‬‬
‫‪3.1‬‬ ‫النكرة والمعرفة‬
‫‪3.2‬‬ ‫العلم والمعرف باأللف والالم‬
‫‪3.3‬‬ ‫الضمير – الضمير المنفصل والمتصل والمستتر‬
‫‪3.4‬‬ ‫االسم الموصول واسم اإلشارة‬
‫‪Suggested Readings specific to the module‬‬
‫‪Module 4‬‬
‫‪4.1‬‬ ‫نائب الفاعل‬
‫‪4.2‬‬ ‫أفعال االستمرار‬
‫‪4.3‬‬ ‫المفعول المطلق والمفعول ألجله‬
‫‪4.4‬‬ ‫ظرف الزمان والمكان‬
‫‪Suggested Readings specific to the module‬‬

‫‪Core Compulsory Readings‬‬

‫النحو الواضح في قواعد اللغة العربية للمرحلة االبتدائية الجزء الثاني‪ ،‬على الجارم ومصطفى‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪Core Suggested Readings‬‬

Teaching Learning Strategies

Mode of Transaction

Assessments Rubrics

End Semester Evaluation

Continuous Evaluation

Sample Questions to test Outcomes:







Employability for the course/programme

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