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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty

of St. Vincent College of Business and Accountancy

Ivisan, Capiz

In partial fulfillment

For the Requirements of the course

RESEARCH2 – Accountancy Research

Presented by:



The researchers would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all those who have
been instrumental in the completion of this research.

First and foremost, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our
research adviser, Ms. Jennefer B. Subasco, LPT. Her guidance, expertise, and unwavering
support have been invaluable throughout our journey.

We would also like to thank the faculty of St. Vincent College of Business and
Accountancy for their valuable insights and encouragement. Their dedication to our
academic growth has been truly inspiring.

A special thanks goes to the third-year students of Bachelor of Science in

Accountancy at St. Vincent College of Business and Accountancy. Their willingness to
participate and cooperate in our research has been crucial to its success.

We would also like to acknowledge the unwavering support of our families and
friends, whose encouragement and belief in our abilities have been a constant source of

Lastly, we express our gratitude to the Almighty for granting us the strength,
knowledge, and opportunity to undertake this research Without the contributions of these
individuals, this research would not have been possible. We are forever grateful for their
trust and support.

Dela Cruz, Christine Joyce; Crispo, Karyll Ann; Leonico, Jerlyn; Lusabia,
Lovelyn; Mendoza, Nica; Regalado, Argie; Sixto, John Paul; Urdas, Cristian; Vecino,
Jennifer; Villarde, Anthony Noel; St. Vincent College of Business and Accountancy,
January ,2024. “Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Third Year Students Taking Up
the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in St. Vincent College of Ivisan.”

Adviser: Ms. Jennefer B. Subasco

Type of Document: Unpublished


This research explores the factors affecting the study habits of third-year accountancy
students at St. Vincent College of Ivisan. The study aims to specifically determine the sex of
the students, assess the influence of time management on the study habits of these
students, evaluate the role of different learning techniques in shaping their study habits, and
investigate the impact of the study environment on their study habits.

A quantitative descriptive research design was employed, with a sample of sixty-four

third-year accountancy students selected using random sampling. Data were collected
through a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of two parts: respondent profiles and
variables related to time management, learning techniques, and study environment. The
data were checked and verified by Ms. Jennefer B. Subasco, LPT our research adviser.
Statistical mean, percentage, and graphs or tables were used to analyze the data.

The results indicate that both male and female students prioritize studying before
bedtime, although there are slight differences in their time allocation for chores, sleep, and
social media. Active listening and note-taking during lectures were found to be effective
learning techniques for both sex, with slight variations in preferences. Both sex value a
comfortable, quiet, and well-lit study environment, with studying at home being the most
preferred option. The composite mean scores for time management, learning techniques,
and study environment were higher for males compared to females.

Overall, the study concludes that there is an impact of time management, learning
techniques, and study environment on the study habits of male and female third-year
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students in St. Vincent College of Ivisan.



CHAPTER 1........................................................................................................................................1
Background and Rationale of the Study......................................................................................1
General and Specific Objectives...................................................................................................2
Significance of the study................................................................................................................2
Scope and Limitation of the study................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2........................................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE............................................................................................5
CHAPTER 3........................................................................................................................................6
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................6
Research Design............................................................................................................................6
Respondents of the Study.............................................................................................................7
Data Gathering Instrument............................................................................................................8
Data Gathering Procedure.............................................................................................................8
Gantt Chart......................................................................................................................................9
Figure 1............................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 4......................................................................................................................................10
Figure 2. Population of Male and Female Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at St.
Vincent College of Ivisan.............................................................................................................10
Table 1. Five Point Likert Scale..................................................................................................11
Table 2. Factors affecting the Study Habits of Male and Female Third Year Accountancy
students as to Time Management..............................................................................................12
Table 3. Impact of Study Habits of Third Year Students of Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy as to Learning Technique.....................................................................................13
Table 4. Impact of Study Habits of Third Year Students of Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy as to Study Environment......................................................................................14
Figure 3. Composite Mean of Male and Female of Third Year Students Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy at St. Vincent College of Ivisan........................................................15
Chapter 5..........................................................................................................................................17
Significant Outcomes...................................................................................................................17

Appendix A........................................................................................................................................20
Appendix B........................................................................................................................................21
Appendix C........................................................................................................................................22


This chapter is divided in four parts: (1) Background and Rationale of the Study, (2)
General and Specific Objectives, (3) Significance of the Study, and (4) Scope and
Delimitation of the Study.

Background and Rationale of the Study

Students have their own ambition and goals in life, and education is one of the best
tools to achieve those goals. Education develops values, beliefs, skills and also habits. It is
not only about the lesson that we can get in the textbook but also the lesson of life. The
purpose of education is to give opportunities to change something for the better, bring
knowledge and build a good characteristic as a person.

A habit is a kind to second nature; it is a routine that a person adheres to in every

condition. It is unchanging and can be either good or bad, remaining unaffected by changes
in place or schedule. A study habit involves setting aside dedicated, scheduled, and
uninterrupted time to apply oneself to the task of learning. Without it, one does not grow and
becomes self-limiting in life (Gonzalez, 1997).

Study habits dictate how much a person will learn, how far they want to go, and how
much they want to earn. The importance of study habits in a student's life plays a significant
role in their academic success because success is unattainable without studies. Students
should employ different techniques for studying to ensure good outcomes. It is well known
that every student has different study habits. Some students can study in a crowded place,
while others require a silent environment for study. Although studying in a peaceful
environment is beneficial, sometimes students cannot access such an environment. In this
case, students must adjust to their surroundings, such as a noisy classroom or hostel. Good
study habits enable easy adjustment. However, some students lack the ability to cope with
unsuitable environments, which can lead to a decline in their academic success. Effective
study habits help students achieve good results (Sadia, 2005).

The Factors mainly affect the study habits of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
students and it varies from one another. Some students are productive at night, while some
by day time. Some spend a day studying while some just give a few hours. Many students
want to spend their free time studying, while others would love to spend time on social media
or other activities.

Meanwhile, several study habits have emerged and included a variety of activities:
Time management, Learning techniques and Study environment as they relate to study
habits of third year students taking up the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Students in
St. Vincent College - Ivisan.

Therefore, the present study seeks to determine and assess the current situation of
third year college students of St. Vincent College of Ivisan study habits and factors.
Furthermore, this study is conducted to resolve existing problems or issues that the students
may encounter in the process of studying and help provide the Students, Professors,
Parents, School Administration and Future Researchers with in-depth solutions to possible
dilemmas that may be encountered.

General and Specific Objectives

General Objectives
The primary aim of this research is to identify and analyze the impact of time
management, learning techniques, and study environment on the study habits of
third-year students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at St. Vincent
College Ivisan.

Specific Objectives
1. Determine the personal profile of the respondents in terms of:
• Sex
2. Identify the three factors affecting the study habits
3. To find out the time spent between social media, other activities
and study habits

Significance of the study

Every individual has its own learning style, which might be helpful to some, but not to
others. This study will benefit the following:

Students. Mostly to the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students, this will help
them to widen their understanding on the different study habits of his/her
fellow learner and even their own study habits that can essentially apply if
they are planning to take the Certified Public Accountant board exam.

Teachers. This study will serve as a foundation to have a greater understanding
and awareness about the student’s study habits and innovative
method of teaching that will boost the efficiency of the students.

School Administration. As a basis to have an understandable vision on how the

learner’s attitude and behavior influence their study habits
and can enhance their learning environment to make
the students more productive and driven to study.

Parents. It will help them in still a good study habit to their children and train them in an
early age of learning. To nourish and discipline a healthy learning environment
and behavior to the society.

Future Researchers. It can help as a basis for future related studies and use the result
as research material.

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study focuses on third-year students taking up Bachelor of Science in

Accountancy in St. Vincent College of Ivisan. Specifically, the study examines the factors
affecting study habits like time management, learning techniques, and study environment.
Data collection is done through a researcher-made questionnaire, which includes
respondent profiles and variables related to time management, learning techniques, and
study environment. From the overall population of 76 students in Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy in St. Vincent College of Ivisan 3rd year students, 64 respondents were
selected in this study using random sampling. The researcher used Slovin's formula to
determine the sample size. With a population size of 76 and a margin of error of 5%, the
calculated sample size is 64.

n= N
1 + N e²

n= 76
1+ 76 (0.05) ²

n = 76

n = 63.8 or 64

N = the population size
e = the margin of error
n = the sample size

However, different factors affecting the study habits of Bachelor of Science in

Accountancy in St. Vincent College of Ivisan students, will reveal a result on the totality of
this study as it progresses. The study's results may be subject to response differently as
participants may have different perspectives, the sample selected for this study are
specifically students who are taking Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in St. Vincent
College of Ivisan and they are identified as third year student. The results of this study will
not be applicable to students outside of this designation

This chapter is divided into two parts: (1) Define the theoretical background of the
Study, and (2) Related Studies and Literatures. This chapter provides literature and studies.


This section presents the theoretical background for the thesis, focusing on the
factors that influence study habits.

As a rule in the school of Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and

Technology (EARIST), they recommend the student’s study habit should have at least three
hours and one and a half hour out of class for every hour spent in class. The students must
have a special or specific place for that study habit hour and the students should not be
cramped. They presuppose that study time will go better if a learner will take a few minutes
to freshen things up and they must have everything or their books maybe before they will
begin. Students are not suggested to spend on time jumping up and down to get things. The
Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST) also suggests
that distracting noise should be minimized however they said that there are some people
need sound and some like silence. In this case, a learner must find what works for him or

The study anchored in Palm Beach Community College (PBBC, 2008) a theory of
study habit; it recommends that student’s study should have at least three hours out of class
for every hour spent in class. It said that a study with have a special place to study with
plenty of room to work. And study should not be cramped. They presupposed that study time
will go better if a learner takes a few minutes at the start to straighten things up a desk and
straight-backed chair is usually best don’t get too comfortable, a bed is a place to sleep, not
to study as what they said. A student must have everything close at hand book, pencils,
paper, coffees, dictionary, computer and calculate tape recorder before starting to study.
Standings are not suggested to spend on time jumping up and down to get things.

The motivation theory states that achievement motivation is a miniature system

applied to a specific Context, the domain of achievement-oriented activities, which is
characterized by the fact that the individual is responsible for the outcome (success or
failure), he anticipates unambiguous knowledge of results, and there is some degree of
uncertainty or risk (McClelland, 1961). The “No Filipino child left behind act of 2010” states
that the state should protect and promote the right of the citizens to quality education and to
take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. It is in this context that
students should be provided with equal opportunity to learn in school. The teachers to

ensure learning inside the classroom should address whatever are the shortcomings of the
students. Teachers have to encourage students to develop positive attitudes towards the
subject they are teaching and assist in the student’s development of good study habits.

Grace (2013) also maintains that the process of learning is still a little mysterious but
studies do show that the most effective process for studying involves highly active behavior
over a period of time. In other words, to study effectively, one must read, draw, compare,
memorize and test himself over time.

They further maintain that if students can develop a good study habit and with good
discipline, they are bound to perform remarkably well in their academic pursuit. Husain
(2010) stresses that lack of effective or positive (good) study habits is a critical study
problem among students at all levels.


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-
depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the journals, articles and
related studies of previous researchers to fully understand the research to be done and for
better comprehension of the study.

In a study done by Relucio (2019) in Pangasinan, Philippines, on the factors affecting

the study habits of the students, the student-respondents have poor study habits which led
them to have poor academic performance. In addition, majority of them strongly agreed that
the most factors that affect the study habits that are the home environment, peer pressure,
social media addiction, work and financial instability and family stress. The researcher then
recommends parents to improve the level of control and care of their children, show more
interest and concern in the academic work of their wards by way of providing a conducive
atmosphere for studies, proving materials for studies and helping students in their studies.

Learning environment is composed of some components that influence the student’s

learning curve. These components according to Balog (2018) include; people; teaching
materials, technical tools, and learning resources; curriculum, training, and instruction, and
physical environment/learning space. The people are the individuals that affect the student
directly or indirectly through connection or relationship which can contribute to students’
growth and success in their career aspect.The teaching materials, technical tools, and
learning resources are the teaching materials, highly advanced tools or others instructional
resources that are aligned with the curriculum as a part of student learning support. The
curriculum, training, and instruction are the core foundations of the learning process; they

influence one another and play vital roles to facilitate the flow of knowledge and delivery of
instructional content/curriculum.

The learning environment is a composite of human practices and material systems,

much as ecology is the combination of living things and physical environment (Balog, 2018).
Contemporary learners deserve learning spaces that meet thier individual and collective

The physical environment/learning space refers to the physical setting of the

learner’s environment which should evoke positive responses and hold the interests of those
who inhabit it (Balog, 2018).

Krause & Coates (2018) indicated that the ability to successfully manage their time is
the benchmark of students in developing better study habits as well as strategies for

Tizon (2017), study habits change because of the studying environment at home
such as the playing demands of younger siblings, their demand for attention, parents'
expectations for housework, noise, poor lighting, unaired and humid house, psychological
factors such as being nervous due to the conversation-noise in the room, shorter attention
span, receiving too many e-mails, oncoming activities and remembering shameful memories,
and personal factors such as inability to concentrate because of break-ups, having troubles
at home, abuse at home and issues with peers at the school

(Mapua, 2016) it is also easy for studying to be disregarded, as it is often seen as an

uninteresting endeavor. Studying takes more effort than is necessary as compared to merely

passing an exam or a course. This kind of outlook in regarding the variables as per this
study. However, the result of each study depends on different settings.

The teacher as an individual personality is an important factor in the learning

environment. They are key factors that create a favorable teaching-learning milieu that will
make the instructional process easy, enthusiastically adaptable and useful (Usman, 2016).

Time management has also been defined as a form of self-management with a clear
emphasis on time in understanding what activities to do; how to do them more efficiently; in
what time it should be done and when is the correct time to the particular activity (Savino,

Students gain the habit of studying in different ways, and one of these ways is
teacher counseling. Teachers have a great influence on the education of students. Teachers
regularly assign assignments to their students so that they can further reinforce the subject,
but in some cases, assignments alone may be insufficient. In this case, students can be
more successful if the teacher guides them on how to study properly and effectively.
Although the system of only giving homework and feedback is correct, it has some
shortcomings. For example, raising awareness among a student who is given a who is given
a reading assignment on how to concentrate better will increase the effectiveness of the
assignment. (Kumar, S. 2015)

The author was motivated by frustration in what he witnessed as poor time-

management behaviours allowed by adolescent minds (Wilson et al., 2015). The students
were engaged in the presentation with the use of an auditorium, providing minimal
distractions. The students viewed PowerPoint presentations on time management. Namely,
each presentation was targeted at one of the five discussed areas to improve time
management and study. The author spoke during the lessons, actively engaged with the
students and provided the students with positive and encouraging verbal statements and

The way in which his personality interacts with the personalities of the pupils helps to
determine the kind of behavior which emerges from the learning situation (Brown,2015).

In the study conducted by Alcantara, (2015) the levels of students' study habits
were factored according to concentration, time management, note taking, test preparation,
and reading. Among the respondents, it was concluded that the students have poor time
management skills and reading comprehension skills. Almost the respondents take down
notes and summaries lessons most often and prepares well before major examinations.

Learning Techniques while the purpose of schooling may change over time and differ
across jurisdictions, the mechanisms by which human learning occurs arguably are
somewhat more universal. Learning techniques actions that learners themselves can take to
enhance their learning–have attracted considerable research interest in recent years
(Edwards et al., 2014)

Time management provides individuals with ways to structure and control their
activities (Claessens et al., 2014). Additionally, it has been reported that the capacity to
successfully manage their time is the foundation for students developing good study habits
and strategies for success. Time management offers individuals the means to structure and
control their activities (Claessens et al., 2014).

According to (Jato et. al. 2014), study habit is an action such as reading, taking
notes, holding study groups which the students perform regularly and habitually in order to
accomplish the task of learning. Study habits can be described as effective or ineffective
depending upon whether or not they serve the students well. Many of the issues concerning
success in school revolve around developing good study habits. To meet this challenge,
educational leaders must provide physical and cultural environments that are empowering
and engaging (Orlu,2013).

Mendezabal (2013) stated that a study habit is the behavior pattern adopted by
students in their learning, and it includes the proper study routines and studying actions
performed by the student in a suitable environment for studying.

Grace (2013) also maintains that the process of learning is still a little mysterious but
studies do show that the most effective process for studying involves highly active behavior
over a period of time. In other words, to study effectively, one must read, draw, compare,
memorize and test himself over time.

Peng et al (2013) stated that Students tended to perform better academically,

demonstrated greater levels of effort and persistence in classrooms, and exhibited superior
fluency, flexibility, and creativity in classrooms where teachers were perceived to emphasize
learning and improving.

These submissions however signify that lack of study techniques can be the cause of
this educational problem, termed poor study habit (Pitan, 2013). While poor study habit can
be instrumental to the destruction of any individual who is plagued with it, good study habit
do help to develop steadily and build a constructive mind. Good study habits include being
organized, keeping good notes, reading your textbook, listening in class, and working every
day. Bad study habits include skipping class, not doing your work, watching TV or playing
video games instead of studying, and losing your work.



This chapter is divided into four parts: (1) Research design, (2) Respondents of the
study, (3) Data gathering instrument and (4) Data gathering procedure.


This study utilized quantitative methods to gather data and address the research
problem and objectives. The aim was to understand the factors affecting the study habits of
the respondents. The study employed a descriptive design, which is appropriate for
collecting detailed and accurate information about the characteristics and behaviors of a
specific population or subject.

According to a study conducted by Smith et al. (2015), quantitative research involves

the collection and analysis of numerical data to answer research questions and test
hypotheses. It relies on statistical analysis and mathematical models to derive meaningful
conclusions from the data.

One of the strengths of quantitative research is its ability to generalize findings to a

larger population through random sampling techniques, allowing for greater external validity
and generalizability of the findings.


The respondents of the study were third-year students studying Bachelor of Science
in Accountancy at St. Vincent College of Ivisan. They were selected through random
sampling, where each member of the population had an equal chance of being included in
the sample.

The study aimed to understand the factors affecting the study habits of the students,
including their time management, learning techniques, application of techniques to their
studies, and preferred study environment. These factors were considered important in
influencing their study habits.


The researchers used Slovin's Formula to determine the appropriate sample size for
the study. The formula is as follows:

n= N
1 + N e²

n= 76
1+ 76 (0.05) ²

n = 76

n = 63.8 or 64

N = the population size
e = the margin of error
n = the sample size

In this study, the total population was 76, and an error margin of 0.05 was used.
Applying the formula, the calculated sample size was 64.


To gather the necessary information, the researchers developed a questionnaire as

the data-gathering instrument. The questionnaire consisted of two main parts: the profile of
the respondents and the questionnaire proper. The profile section collected information
about the respondents' gender, while the second part focused on three variables related to
study habits: time management, learning techniques, and study environment. The questions
were structured using a Five Point Likert Scale, where respondents could choose from five
options ranging from "Always" to "Never" to indicate their agreement with each statement.


The data gathering process took place inside the classrooms of the Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy students. The researchers obtained permission from their
respective professors through a letter of intent, explaining the purpose of the survey. The
students were given the questionnaire and sufficient time to answer the questions. Once
completed, the researchers collected, tallied, and analyzed the answered questionnaires for

Gantt Chart

Figure 1


This chapter presents the results, analyzes and interprets the data gathered from the
respondents in determining Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Third Year Accountancy
students taking up the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in St. Vincent College of Ivisan.

Figure 2. Population of Male and Female Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at St.

Vincent College of Ivisan.

Male Female



The graph shows the equivalent percentage of respondents in terms of sex. Based
on the information provided, there were eight (8) or 12.5% of them who are males, and fifty-
six (56) or 87.5% who are females, out of a total population of seventy-six (76) students to
sixty-four (64) respondents were selected using Slovins formula.

Table 1. Five Point Likert Scale

is a psychometric scale commonly involved in research that employs questionnaires.

It is the most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey research.

Point Scale Mean Value Interpretation

5 4.24 - 5.00 Always
4 3.43 – 4.23 Often
3 2.62 – 3.42 Sometimes
2 1.81 – 2.61 Rarely
1 1.00 – 1.80 Never

Table 2. Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Third Year Students of Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy of Male and Female as to Time Management

Table 2 shows the weighted mean of male and female third-year Bachelor of Science
in Accountancy students as to time management. Based on the result, both male and female
students often prefer to spend at least one to three (1-3) hours studying before engaging in
other activities or using social media; they often choose to study for at least three to four (3–
4) hours before engaging in social media or other activities; they often prioritize first to focus
on their studies before doing their household chores; they often make sure that they finish
studying at least two to three (2-3) hours before going to sleep; and before they go to sleep,
they often make sure to finish studying for at least three to four (3-4) hours.

Both males and females sometimes prefer to sleep for two to three (2-3) hours
before focusing on their studies, and sometimes they take a three- to four-hour nap before
starting to study. For male students finishing chores at home before spending their time on
studies, a weighted mean of 4.38 ranked the highest. For female students, before going to
sleep, they make sure to finish their studies for at least three to four (3-4) hours, with a
weighted mean of 3.50 for females ranked the highest.

Sleeping for two to three (2-3) hours before focusing on their studies ranked the
lowest for males with a weighted mean of 3.00, while spending three to four (3-4) hours on
social media or other activities to recharge their mind before proceeding to studies ranked
the lowest for females with a 2.48 weighted average.

Table 3. Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Third Year Students of Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy of Male and Female as to Learning Technique.


M Q1 5 2 1 0 0 4.50 ALWAYS
M Q2 2 2 4 0 0 3.75 OFTEN
M Q3 6 2 0 0 0 4.75 ALWAYS
M Q4 4 3 1 0 0 4.38 ALWAYS
M Q5 2 3 3 0 0 3.88 OFTEN
M Q6 2 4 1 1 0 3.88 OFTEN
M Q7 3 3 2 0 0 4.13 OFTEN
M Q8 3 3 1 1 0 4.00 OFTEN
M Q9 0 5 2 1 0 3.50 OFTEN
M Q10 3 2 2 1 0 3.88 OFTEN


F Q1 13 26 16 1 0 3.91 OFTEN
F Q2 3 21 18 13 1 3.21 SOMETIMES
F Q3 26 21 7 2 0 4.27 ALWAYS
F Q4 8 17 23 7 1 3.43 OFTEN
F Q5 11 14 20 9 2 3.41 SOMETIMES
F Q6 8 16 22 9 1 3.38 SOMETIMES
F Q7 10 17 23 5 1 3.54 OFTEN
F Q8 12 16 23 5 0 3.63 OFTEN
F Q9 10 15 26 5 0 3.54 OFTEN
F Q10 9 16 26 5 0 3.52 OFTEN

Table 3 shows the weighted mean of male and female Third-year Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy students as to Learning Techniques. Based on the results, both
male and female students always like to listen to what their teacher is saying while taking
notes rather than just listening. Both male and female students often prefer to do an
advance review of the topics they have already discussed for the upcoming quiz or exam,
instead of reviewing on the spot.

They often prefer to study or review for at least one to three (1-3) hours in the
morning before the upcoming quiz or exam, and they also often prefer to study or review for
at least one to three (1-3) hours each night before the upcoming quiz or exam and before
going to sleep. Additionally, they often prefer to study or review for at least three to four (3-4)
hours in the morning before the upcoming quiz or exam, and they also often prefer to study
or review for at least three to four (3-4) hours every night before the upcoming quiz or exam
and before they sleep.

Both male and female students' preference to listen to what the teacher is saying
while taking notes rather than just listening ranked the highest, with a weighted mean of 4.75
for males and 4.27 for females. On the other hand, the preference to study or review for at
least three to four (3-4) hours in the morning before the upcoming quiz or exam ranked the
lowest for males, with a weighted mean of 3.50. For females, the preference for reading
manuals or modules rather than listening to their teacher's lecture ranked the lowest, with a

Table 4. Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Third Year Students taking of Bachelor
of Science in Accountancy of Male and Female as to Study Environment.


M Q1 6 1 1 0 0 4.62 ALWAYS
M Q2 1 2 5 0 0 3.50 OFTEN
M Q3 6 1 1 0 0 4.63 ALWAYS
M Q4 0 1 3 4 0 2.63 SOMETIMES
M Q5 2 2 3 1 0 3.63 OFTEN
M Q6 5 3 0 0 0 4.63 ALWAYS
M Q7 6 2 0 0 0 4.75 ALWAYS
M Q8 5 1 2 0 0 4.38 ALWAYS
M Q9 5 3 0 0 0 4.63 ALWAYS
M Q10 6 1 1 0 0 4.63 ALWAYS


F Q1 38 11 7 0 0 4.55 ALWAYS
F Q2 7 14 26 7 2 3.30 SOMETIMES
F Q3 36 13 5 2 0 4.46 ALWAYS
F Q4 8 3 18 21 6 2.75 SOMETIMES
F Q5 10 11 14 9 12 2.96 SOMETIMES
F Q6 31 13 10 1 1 4.29 ALWAYS
F Q7 44 8 3 1 0 4.70 ALWAYS
F Q8 36 14 5 1 0 4.52 ALWAYS
F Q9 36 10 10 0 0 4.46 ALWAYS
F Q10 43 5 6 2 0 4.59 ALWAYS

Table 4 shows the weighted mean of male and female Third-year Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy students as to Study Environment. Based on the results, both male
and female students always prefer studying at home, in a quiet place with no distractions, in
clean surroundings with good lighting, in a location that is both comfortable and has a
pleasant view, in a location that is not crowded, in a comfortable and well-ventilated place,
and they prefer to have all the necessary materials when they study, such as pens,

calculators, papers, and more. Sometimes, both male and female students also prefer
studying in a library rather than at home.

The preference of both male and female students to study in a location that is both
comfortable and has a pleasant view ranked the highest, with a weighted mean of 4.75 for
males and 4.70 for females. On the other hand, the preference of male and female students
to study in a library rather than at home ranked the lowest, with a weighted mean of 2.63 for
males and 2.75 for females

Figure 3. Composite Mean of Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Third Year
Students Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in St. Vincent College of Ivisan.

.. ... ...
E. I

The figure 3 shows the composite mean of the male and female students in terms of
time management, learning techniques, and study environment. In time management, the
composite mean of the male students is 3.70, which is higher than the composite mean of
the female students, which is 2.91. When it comes to learning techniques, the composite
mean of the male students is 4.07, slightly higher compared to the composite mean of the
female students, which is 3.58. In terms of study environment, the composite mean of the
male students is 4.20, while the composite mean of the female students is 4.06.

Chapter 5

This chapter is divided into two parts: namely (1) Significant Outcomes and (2)

Significant Outcomes
This research aims to determine the factors affecting the study habits of third-year
accountancy students at St. Vincent College of Ivisan . Specifically, it aims to: (1) Determine
the personal profiles of the respondents in terms of gender; (2) Assess the influence of time
management on the study habits of these students; (3) Evaluate the role of different learning
techniques in shaping the study habits of these students; (4) Investigate the impact of the
study environment on the study habits of these students.

This study utilized a descriptive research design to determine the significant

relationship of time management, learning techniques, and study environment to study
habits. The respondents of the study were third-year accountancy students at St. Vincent
College of Business and Accountancy – Ivisan Campus. Using random sampling, the
researcher selected a total of sixty-four (64) respondents with the help of Slovin's formula.
The study employed a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of two parts: The first part
contained the respondent’s profiles, including their gender. The second part of the survey
was divided into three variables: time management, learning techniques, and study
environment, to assess their effect on study habits. The research questionnaires were
checked and verified by our research adviser. The questions were structured using a Five-
Point Likert Scale, with five choices provided for each statement – (5) Always, (4) Often, (3)
Sometimes, (2) Rarely, and (1) Never.

The overall results regarding time management suggest that both male and female
students prioritize studying for a few hours before bedtime. Males tend to focus on
completing chores, while females ensure they study before sleeping. However, males tend
to spend less time sleeping before studying compared to females, while females spend less
time on social media or other activities before studying compared to males.

The data also indicates that both male and female students value active listening and
note-taking during lectures as effective learning techniques. They also prioritize studying in
advance and allocate dedicated time in the morning and at night before quizzes or exams.
However, males tend to have a lower preference for studying in the morning, while females
have a lower preference for reading manuals or modules instead of listening to lectures.

The data suggests that both male and female students value a study environment
that is comfortable, quiet, clean, and well-lit. They also prefer a location that is not crowded
and provides a pleasant view. While studying at home is the most preferred option, some
students also find studying in a library to be beneficial.

The composite mean for time management was calculated as 3.70 for males and
2.91 for females. The composite mean for learning techniques was 4.07 for males and 3.58
for females. The composite mean for the study environment was 4.20 for males and 4.06 for

After evaluating the results and considering the slight differences in some factors, the
researchers conclude that time management, learning techniques, and study environment
are factors affecting the study habits of male and female third-year students taking up
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at St. Vincent College of Ivisan.

On the basis of present study some recommendations for students in the schools are
drawn as follows:

 Encourage and Support: It would be worthwhile for all students, teachers, school
administration, parents, and future researchers to encourage students in their
respective areas of responsibilities. This includes providing study materials, creating
a conducive place for studying, recognizing excellence, and appreciating students'
hard work as soon as possible. These actions will help motivate students positively
towards their studies and academic achievement.

 Develop Good Study Habits: It is essential for students to develop good study habits
as early as possible. By establishing a routine, setting goals, managing time
effectively, and seeking help when needed, students can excel academically and
succeed in their future professional endeavors.

 Parental Involvement: Parents should improve the level of control and care for their
children's education. They can show more interest and concern in their children's
academic work by providing a conducive atmosphere for studying, supplying study
materials, and offering assistance when needed. Parental involvement plays a
crucial role in supporting students' academic success.

 Study habits are crucial as they significantly influence the academic achievement of
students. Therefore, it is important for parents and teachers to collaborate in
improving the study habits of students. Some researchers have aimed to identify the
study habits commonly employed by students when working independently with little
or no direction. As a result, teachers in schools should act as facilitators of learning.
It is essential to discover and nurture the different strategies employed by each
learner to enhance study habits and academic achievement.

 In addition, school administrators and head teachers should prioritize the

development of good study habits, academic achievement, and positive self-concept
among students. By placing more emphasis on these areas, schools can create an
environment that fosters academic success and personal growth.

 For future researchers, it is recommended to conduct similar studies with

participants from different year levels, programs, departments, and universities.
Including an equal number of male and female students as respondents may yield
diverse results and provide a broader perspective on the impact of study habits on
academic achievement. By implementing these recommendations, we can further
enhance our understanding of the relationship between study habits and academic
achievement, ultimately leading to improved educational outcomes for students.


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C






NAME (optional):



Directions: Below are statements about The Impact of Study Habits on Academic
Achievement of Bachelor in Accountancy of Third Year students in St. Vincent College of
Ivisan. Kindly put a check mark (/) on the column that corresponds to your answer using the
given scale.

5 - Always 2 - Rarely
4 - Often 1 - Never
3 – Sometimes

I. Time Management

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide you time between different
activities, with a specific focus on increasing your productivity. Getting yourself organized and making the most of
your time involves identifying your goals, knowing what you want to achieve, and setting tasks to manage your
SCALE 5 4 3 2 1
1. I prefer to spend at least one to three (1-3) hours studying before engaging in
other activities or using social media.
2. For mental refreshment before starting my studies, I prefer to spend one to
three (1-3) hours on social media or other hobbies.
3. I choose to study for at least three to four (3-4) hours before engaging in
social media or other activities.
4. I prefer to spend three to four (3-4) hours on social media or other activities to

recharge my mind before proceeding with my studies.
5. I finish my chores at home first before proceeding to spend my time on my
6. My first priority is to focus on my studies before doing my household chores.

7. I make sure that I finish studying at least two to three (2-3) hours before I go
to sleep.
8. I sleep for two to three (2-3) hours before focusing on my studies.

9. Before I go to sleep, I make sure to finish studying for at least three to four (3-
4) hours.
10. I take a three to four (3-4) hour nap before starting to study.

1. I prefer to listen to my teacher's lectures rather than reading manual materials

II. Learning Technique
or modules.
“A simple definition of a learning technique also known as study techniques, that it is an action
2. I prefer reading manuals or modules rather than listening to my teacher's
a learner can engage in on their own to acquire a piece of knowledge or master a skill.” Learning
techniques are activities that are done mechanically and assimilated through practice. In this way they
canI facilitate
3. the to
like to listen internalization of knowledge
what my teacher is saying when
while we learn.
taking In this
notes sense,
rather some of the best known
than just
learning and study techniques are underlining, note-taking and sketching.
4. Listening to my teacher's discussion is something I prefer to do rather than
taking notes.
5. Instead of reviewing on the spot, I do an advance review of the topic we have
already discussed for the upcoming quiz or exam.
6. I prefer to review one to two (1-2) hours before the quiz or exam rather than
doing an advance review of the topic we have already discussed for the upcoming
quiz or exam.
7. My preference is to study or review for at least one to three (1-3) hours in the
morning before the upcoming quiz or exam.
8. I prefer to study or review for at least one to three (1-3) hours each night before
the upcoming quiz or exam and before I go to sleep.
9. I prefer to study or review for at least three to four (3-4) hours in the morning
before the upcoming quiz or exam.
10. My preference is to study or review for at least three to four (3-4) hours every
night before the upcoming quiz or exam and before I sleep.

III.I Study
1. prefer Environment
studying at home.

Study environment refers to the physical, psychological and social circumstances that affect
your wellbeing as a student and how you experience your studies. The term study environment is often
used, but the law often refers to students' work environment.
2. I prefer studying at school.

3. I study where it is a quiet place and has no distractions.

4. It's better for me to study in a library than at home.

5. Studying with music is my preference.

6. I prefer studying in clean surroundings with good lighting.

7. I prefer to study in a location that is both comfortable and has a pleasant view.
8. I have a preference for studying in a location that is not crowded.

9. I study where it is comfortable and well ventilated.

10. I have all the necessary materials when I study, such as pens, calculators,
papers, and more.


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