Misc Chem

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Add xeadionts/Remove phcduas keaction goes toxwazd

Add pxoaucis/kemave xeadarts heection gpes backuerdd

Addtion c pue satd/heid Nochange

E Volume incxeaSesi
Anaor ,=0 No change
AF0 Kn.gpes tolhe Side et moxe no at gaseous/aqueous species

Change in Pxessuxe= Llvexe chalge in Volume

Addition ot inexT gas:

AtconsioT vouime No ettea
Atcanstan pxecheVolume ncxeaseS,xtex to ha

xohexmie Keadtionsoke tauoued al lo Tempexaluxe

Endothemic reaclians axe tavouzed al high Tempexatuke

log H -
2-303 R T

2°2 2°1° 1 2° 8° 82°>1°

Peor clecphle STong.ueleophile oor base Slhong base, NaOH
hlates, alcdhol NTNabs,NaN,NalNaJalet,alcoh NaNHa,t-Ra0-kt

Polax _pxatic Polax apmotic Polax paate blay aprotic Sole

solvent solveAL Splvent, Hcat Heat

for all of the m, R-I >R-By> R-cl

Amphstexic Cxides

Zn0 Al,O,PLO,Pba,ReQ SnO

SnO.SbO, As,O,Ga,0.as
MaO2 VgOz
Metal in +4 OS
1xeducilg agelt is NatGHsoH, 1hen he xeadtion is
Bouveau-Blane eadtion he pxoductis_alcohol.
agentis_ aluinun isopropoxidelhCHo), Al,ten the product is
alkohol &xeaction is Meen.ein-Hoondoxt Vexley keduction
veducilg_ agent is ked P/T he ploductis an alkane.
agent s Zn-Hg/con.Hclitis Clemnen son Reduction
Qgent is alkaine Soluton ot hydsazine, Wott-kshmex eduction

LiAHacantxeduce Akohals, Amines, Ordinaxy akenesdaTedures

Na BH4xeces Adehyde, Actd halide, Ketoie,
Imine, Halide
DI8AL Hxeduces estexs, acid heides.cyalides to aldehydesk
Ciohitd.aniaian hydidel aldehydes fo alcohol educes

Sorale/THF xeduces
acidskestos but nt acyl halides

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