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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Strengthening students’ physics literacy through the WHK flow

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International Conference on Mathematics and Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2684 (2024) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2684/1/012008

Strengthening students’ physics literacy through the WHK


W H Kristiyanto1,4,*, H L Mampouw2,4, F S Rondonuwu3,4

Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Science and Mathematics
Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Physics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Mathematics
Research Center of Education for Science, Technology and Mathematics (e-SisTeM)
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Jl. Diponegoro 52–60 Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia


Abstract. Strengthening students’ physics literacy is urgent to do. The purpose of this study is
to apply the Wacana-Holistik-Kunci (WHK) flow in strengthening physics literacy for students.
This research method was descriptive research applied to 9 elementary schools in Kupang
Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The results of the study show that the WHK flow can
be implemented through teacher training to teaching teacher assistance in class. A total of 25
teachers have succeeded in implementing the WHK flow smoothly through peer learning, where
in the WHK flow in the Wacana (W) stage students listen to the discourse text and find difficult
words to discuss, in the Holistik (H) stage students find the context of physical science and retell
it. with their own sentences, as well as the Kunci (K) stage students find answers to questions
based on the discourse text. The conclusion of this research shows that the WHK flow helps
strengthen students' scientific literacy, especially at the Holistik (H) stage, and can equip students
to discover the context, concepts and applications of physical discourse. The implication of this
research is the need to disseminate this pathway to facilitate and accelerate the achievement of
increasing students’ physics literacy.

1. Introduction
The Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) implemented in schools is part of the portrait of
mapping the quality of education in Indonesia. AKM at the Basic Education level is carried out for
students in class 5 of Elementary School (SD) and class 8 of Junior High School (SMP). The
implementation of the national assessment, known as the National Assessment, is usually carried out
around October–November, while the results of the assessment can be seen in the Education Report
Card starting in March of the following year. The results of the assessment in this Education Report
Card serve as a guide for schools to assess the quality of their education and create subsequent work
Based on the Reading Literacy Activity (Alibaca) index, [1] shows that the Alibaca Index for East
Nusa Tenggara Province is 29.83 in the low category, see figure 1. This low Alibaca index can be caused
by the low level of implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS), so it can also affect the
literacy achievements of the school. Mapping of school level literacy achievements can be seen in the
school education report card (this is called Rapor Pendidikan platform).

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Mathematics and Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2684 (2024) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2684/1/012008

Figure 1. Graph of Reading Literacy Activity index in 2019 [1].

The Rapor Pendidikan platform displays students’ literacy scores as a result of assessments carried
out in the previous year, see figure 2. The literacy score is presented followed by a description which
can be used as a reference to provide follow-up to the improvement program. Through the Rapor
Pendidikan platform, schools can look for inspiration for follow-up provided by the platform. Even
though these inspirations still seem normative, they can be referred to in developing programs to
strengthen student literacy in schools.
Based on this background, it is necessary to implement strengthening physics science literacy for
students in learning classes and this matter as a novelty of study. The characteristic of literacy reading
is in the form of discourse which needs to be seen in context by students [3], it can be done in stages or
a logical flow from understanding the discourse, then continuing with contextual and holistic
understanding until a complete or complete solution is obtained. This flow in this research is called the
Wacana (Discourse)-Holistik (Holistic)-Kunci (Key) flow or this is called WHK flow as the new thing.

2. Methods
This research was a descriptive study that describes the application of the WHK flow in solving physics
science literacy questions. This research was implemented in training and mentoring activities for
elementary school teachers in Kupang district, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, which consisted of 25
people from 9 elementary schools which were carried out since April 2023. Data analysis from the
implementation of the WHK flow is carried out based on data from activity observations and physics
literacy assessments.

International Conference on Mathematics and Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2684 (2024) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2684/1/012008

Figure 2. Display of Rapor Pendidikan platform regarding

School Literacy Achievements [2].

3. Results and discussion

The implementation of the WHK flow is based on the results of an analysis of the characteristics of
physics literacy. The characteristics of physics literacy can be based on six main elements of scientific
literacy, namely (1) science as discovery, (2) science content, (3) science and technology, (4) science in
personal and social perspectives, (5) history and nature of science, and (6) unifying concepts and
processes [4]. This scientific literacy is contained in the Minimum Competency Assessment (this is
called Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM)) questions available on the Merdeka Mengajar Platform
(this is called PMM) provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the Student Assessment
section, as shown in figure 3.
Figure 4 can be accessed via a link (see [6]) with the account owned by each teacher at
school. Selecting questions via the menu presented in PMM platform appears easy for users to select
and access. This shows that PMM platform is suitable and easily accessible for teachers to use in learning
materials to strengthen students' physics science literacy. An example of a display of questions related
to the physical science literacy discourse from PMM platform is shown in figure 5. Figure 5 shows the
discourse and questions regarding physical events in the daily application of making salt ice cream.

International Conference on Mathematics and Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2684 (2024) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2684/1/012008

Figure 3. Display of the PMM platform [5]. Figure 4. Display of the PMM platform [5] for
AKM Literacy Questions.

Figure 5. Display of AKM Physics Science Literacy

Phase C questions on PMM [6].

International Conference on Mathematics and Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2684 (2024) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2684/1/012008

Based on the AKM questions, the teacher has conducted a study of the AKM questions and worked
on them before designing lessons to provide reinforcement to students through the WHK flow. Through
the WHK flow, at the W (Discourse) stage the teacher has designed learning so that students carry out
reading activities on the Discourse stage so that students can look for difficult words. In the H (Holistic)
Stage, the teacher has planned activities that students can carry out to discuss the context of everyday
reading, which in this case is making salt ice cream. This activity can be continued by asking students
to tell the story again in their own words. By telling the story again, students can make it easier to
understand and remember (Dale in [7]). After students understand the context [8], the next step is that
students can complete the answer so that the step is complete (K) until students get the answer to the
question. The learning design through the WHK flow has been put into practice through simulation
activities in training as shown in figure 6.

Figure 6. The teacher carries out a simulation of strengthening Physics Science

Literacy using the WHK flow.

After the teacher conducted studies and simulated the use of physics science literacy AKM questions
in training activities, the teacher continued implementing learning to strengthen physics science literacy
for the students accompanied in their respective classes. The implementation of learning to strengthen
physics science literacy with the WHK flow in the classroom is shown in figure 7.

Figure 7. Teachers implement strengthening Physics Science Literacy in the classroom.

International Conference on Mathematics and Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2684 (2024) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2684/1/012008

The impact of implementing the WHK flow on strengthening students’ physical science literacy
achievements shows an increase in achievements where the percentage of students at each level
requiring Special Intervention (this is called Perlu Intervensi Khusus (PIK)) is 14%, Basic (this is called
Dasar) 48%, Competent (this is called Cakap) 9%, and Proficient (this is called Mahir) 29% as shown
in figure 8.
Percentage of Physical Science Literacy Achievement


Dasar 9%

Figure 8. Graph of the percentage of average scientific literacy achievements of assisted

schools. The PIK is Special Intervention, Dasar is Basic, Cakap is Competent, and Mahir
is Proficient.

It appears that the preparation and implementation processes have been completed. The WHK flow
can be implemented through teacher training and mentoring teachers to teach in class. A total of 15
teachers have succeeded in implementing the WHK flow smoothly through peer learning, where in the
WHK flow in the W (Discourse) stage students listen to the discourse text and find difficult words to
discuss, in the H (Holistic) stage students find the context of physical science and retell it. with their
own sentences, as well as in the K (Key) stage where students find answers to questions based on the
discourse text. So this research shows that the WHK flow helps strengthen students’ scientific literacy,
especially at the H stage, and can equip students to discover the context, concepts and applications of
physical science discourse [9, 10]. The implication of this research is the need to disseminate this
pathway to facilitate and accelerate the achievement of increasing students’ physics science literacy [4].

4. Conclusions
Based on the results of this research, it shows that the WHK flow can be implemented where in the W
(Discourse) stage students listen to the discourse text and find difficult words to discuss, in the H
(Holistic) stage students find the context of physical science and retell it in their own sentences, as well
as the K (Key) stage students find answers to questions based on discourse text. The WHK flow,
especially at the H stage, can equip students to discover the context, concepts and applications of
physical science discourse. The implication of this research is the need to disseminate this pathway to
facilitate and accelerate the achievement of increasing students’ physics science literacy.

[1] Solihin L, Utama B, Pratiwi I and Novirina 2019 Indeks Aktivitas Literasi Membaca 34 Provinsi
(Jakarta: Kemendikbud RI)
[2] Kemendikbudristek RI 2023 Rapor Pendidikan
[3] Mukharomah F, Wiyanto and Putra N M D 2021 JoTaLP J. Teach. Learn. Phys. 6 1
[4] Indrawati M D and Sunarti T 2018 J. Ino. Pendidik. Fis. 7 1

International Conference on Mathematics and Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2684 (2024) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2684/1/012008

[5] Kemendikbudristek RI 2023 Platform Merdeka Mengajar

[6] Kemendikbudristek RI 2023 Platform Merdeka Mengajar AKM Fase C.
[7] Prihatina R 2023 The Cone Of Learning: Sebuah Kerucut Pengalaman oleh Edgar Dale
[8] Nurhasanah, Jumadi, Herliandry L D, Zahra M and Suban, M E 2020 J. Edusains 12 1
[9] Fakhriyah F, Masfuah S, Roysa M, Rusilawati A and Rahayu E S 2017 Ind. J. Sci. Edu 6 1
[10] Saraswati Y, Indana S and Sudibyo E 2021 IJORER: Int. J. Rec, Edu. Resch. 2 3

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