SCH 15me73

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2. Any revealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and for equations writen ep, 428 = $0, will be treated as malpractice. Important Note : 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the cemaining blank pages. CBCSISCHENME USN | ] | ] | 15ME73 Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Aug./Sept.2020 Control Engineering Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80 4 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Modnle-1 a. Define Control System. With block diagram and examples, explain open loop control system and closed loop control system. (10 Marks) b. What are the requirements of an Ideal Control System? (06 Marks) oR Explain the following controllers with block diagrams: (Proportional Controller i) Integral Controller Gi) Proportional plus Integral Controller (iv) Proportional plus integral plus differential controller (16 Marks) Module-2 a. Write the Force ~ Voltage and Force current analogous circuit for the mechanical system shown in Fig.Q3(a). aE ay hat 4 ri al Cy ke Fig.Q3(a) (10 Marks) b. Derive an expression for the transfer function of armature controlled D.C motor. (06 Marks) OR Reduce the block diagram shown in Fig.Q4. Also verify the answer using signal flow graph and Mason’s gain formula. (16 Marks) 15ME73 Modutle-3 5S a. Using RH criterion investigate the stability of the control system with characteristic equation so +335 + Ss! +95! + 85'+6s+4=0 (05 Marks) b. Obtain an expression for time response of a first order control system subject to unit step input. (05 Marks) c. Aunity feedback control system is characterized by an OLTE 7 10 GO)" T7546 Determine the following when system is subjected to an unit step input (i) Undamped Natural Frequency i) Damping ratio Peak overshoot (iv) Peak time (\) Settling time (06 Marks) oR 6 Draw root locus plot for the system with OLTF k Gor) = ——* — (OHO) = ae +358445) Also comment on stability of the control system. (16 Marks) 4 7 Sketch the Bode plot for the system whose OLTF is given by Gig = —* s{s + 1) +0.ts) Determine the value of System Gain k for a gain crossover frequency of S rad/s. (16 Marks) . OR | 8 a. Explain Nyquist stability criteria (04 Marks) | b. Fora control system k G(s)H(s) = ———— (SHC)= eri draw the Nyquist plot and hence calculate the range of values of “k’ for stability. (12 Marks) 9 a What is System Compensation? Explain (i) Series compensation (ii) Feedback compensation. (7 Marks) b. Explain phase lag, phase lead and lag lead compensation circuits with sketches. (09 Marks) OR 10 a. Explain the following terms : (i) Controllability (ii), Observability (06 Marks) b. Find the controllability and observability of the system described by the state equation EG Il-(e yo[L Ox (10 Marks) shane 20f2 @ Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi, Karnataka - 590 018 ~ 1 Scheme & Solution Signattee : Subject Title: Cont set Engiowring ____sibesCntes 15678 __ — Solution werk Vay) Delo. of Gnhot Sysler — & mares open Loop Contral Systern — Bloctchi agra — |o2 | Explanahon + Eaample — 02 | Cloved Loop Combet Systern . Blocie diagram — od romet Explanahon + Examph - 02 bE] Requixemunte of an idial Gobel Syskrm. — | % Slabitly, Acurary. Spud af response, SenBtinty Bond width, Meise 2a] ix properbamal Conboller — |o3 met) = Kp €W wre = $e | ‘ Ea) fe RAY, gy 9 mA” | get) ny Qoteqrol Gntolby — | 04 glroet) Ke ew — moe Fe fendt = k, fed) dt 7 Sopp 2 MOL ky em” =F ee eee Res) Ea) 09) —-@ —+Fi4) — | 1 Ba) mh proparbenad plus dnteqrol Cookoolln — mow | roct) = Kp 64) + Kp feed Th Mi) = Kp ECO + Kp Eth) = [tr ] es) Ta8 as Re) Eo —»+ Q— {ret Be] Mo) iis Bes) Wy Proprrbenad plus rnteqral plas erivabve Cntallrt ~e. moct) = Kp ett) + Kp Te sles) , bp feurde Th Moe) = Kp ECD + KpTa$ Ec) + br Ecce TS wm) = (eA pTaS + St lec R ) an gabe kyTas + a Tk BcO Subject Tile: Control Eoginelnnng Subject Code: SME YS Reraber Solution Maria "Modul 2” ORR “a EBD of tmedhaniat Gystean °F Shaon bao B al _} Ka%e " \ ' 2 449 rym + By La! 991) + Ki lt-%2) a ral-ae eft) 9 BERD nibeen) Hyg, FMAM F Ba%'t KX [ Tyee) — B,[ulag) = K, (0-4) =O Pv anollogy i daget Rima) + A farAyde = ee by Vinge + Rela tA Sagde ~ Blin) Lea 20 By bs lo Ra Ca i oO + e, “( i) Is in) £2 analogy G ayy, t API + [O-ag)dt = £4) Gerd + yet —Lon] FL io 1 =o R CEC ¥ ic ihe Qa Pala { |= & Schematic diagram of an armatoe Grbothd Do-moter Row AML peor ba ol 4 ett) ai Ly ep = const | Q t —@ Dikenbal equabm a ovmoduse Leop if bar dio, + Rada + Cy = Catt) who ey = Kya Ay lax dah, t Paint Ke* Fig, = Catt Tating laplat Jano} =e —@ laS Jae) + Ra Ja + ko 66) = Eats (Rat la) 2att) 4 KuS ect) = Eats) Fer rehanical Sy stom aif{erenkal equabon 1f Jadlagya 4 Brd5yy = 70 = Ke ta = fIs24 BS) Bc - Ky HD 0 @ pF. 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