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Level 3 Unit 9 Quiz

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Realizada: 28 feb 2024, 17:13 hrs.

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I can use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations.

Select the correct form to complete the conversation.

1 Selecciona la forma correcta para completar la conversación.
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Harry: What would you do _________________________?
Kelly: I'm not sure. I think I would take some time to study English before applying to a new job.

A) if you will lose your job

B) if you lost your job

C) if you lose your job


La alternativa correcta es B)
Use this structure for the second conditional: If + subject + past simple, subject + would + base verb. Remember that the clauses in a conditional can be
moved around and you can start your conditional with the 'would' clause.
Usa esta estructura para el segundo condicional: If + sujeto + pasado simple, sujeto + would + verbo base. Recuerda que las cláusulas en un oración
condicional pueden ser movidas y puedes comenzar la oración condicional con la cláusula 'would'.

Select the correct form to complete the conversation.

2 Selecciona la forma correcta para completar la conversación.
1 de 1
Harry: Yea, I'm not sure either. I ______________________ if I lost my job, that's for sure. My friend Catherine just lost her
job and she is going to go on vacation.Kelly: I mean I love the idea, but sounds risky.

A) wouldn't travel

B) will not travel

C) can't travel

La alternativa correcta es A)
Use this structure for second conditional: if + subject + past simple, subject + would + base verb. Remember that the clauses in a conditional can be moved
around and you can start with the 'would' clause.
Usa esta estructura para el segundo condicional: if + sujeto + pasado simple, sujeto + would + forma base del verbo. Recuerda que las cláusulas en una
oración condicional pueden moverse y puedes empezar con la cláusula 'would'.

Select the correct phrase to complete the conversation.

3 Selecciona la frase correcta para completar la conversación.
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Kelly: Well, but hypothetically speaking, ___________________________________________?
Harry: Hmm... I would go to Thailand. I've always wanted to go there.

A) where will you be going if I had gave you a plane ticket

B) if you get a plane ticket where would you travel

C) if you had a free airplane ticket, where would you go

La alternativa correcta es C)
Use this structure for second conditional questions: if + subject + past simple, (question word) + would + subject + base verb.
Usa esta estructura para preguntas con el segundo condicional: if + sujeto + pasado simple, (pronombre interrogativo) + would + sujeto + verbo base.

I can use the zero conditional, 1st conditional, and 2nd conditional to talk about tough financial situations.
Select the correct option to complete the conversation.
4 Selecciona la opción correcta para completar la conversación.
1 de 1
Mark: I have two employees that don't do their work. I don't know what to do!
Carolyn: If my employees don't meet their deadlines, I ______________ them.
Mark: Really?
Carolyn: Yes, always.

A) fire

B) fired


La alternativa correcta es A)
Use the zero conditional for things that are always true. Use this structure: If + subject + present simple, subject + present simple.
Usa el condicional cero para cosas que son siempre verdad. Usa esta estructura: If + sujeto + presente simple, sujeto + presente simple.

Select the correct phrase to complete the conversation.

5 Selecciona la frase correcta para completar la conversación.
1 de 1
Mark: Yeah. Both of these employees are young and have families. I hate to fire them.
Carolyn: Why don't you talk to them first. Give them a chance to change. Tell them that if they don't work harder,
___________ fire them.

A) you had

B) you will

La alternativa correcta es B)
Use the first conditional for real possibilities. Use this structure: If + subject + present simple, subject + future.
Usa el primer condicional para posibilidades reales. Usa esta estructura: If + sujeto + presente simple, sujeto + futuro.

Select the correct phrase to complete the conversation.

6 Selecciona la frase correcta para completar la conversación.
1 de 1
Mark: Great idea.
Carolyn: If I were you, ______________________ that they are on a 3 month probation.

A) I'd tell them

B) I'll tell them

C) I tell them

La alternativa correcta es A)
Use the second conditional for hypothetical situations. Use this structure: If + subject + past simple, subject + would +base verb. Remember that you can
use the contraction for 'would' which is 'd.
Usa el segundo condicional para situaciones hipotéticas. Usa esta estructura: If + sujeto + pasado simple, sujeto + would + verbo base. Recuerda que
puedes usar la forma contractada para 'would' la cual es 'd.

Select the correct phrase to complete the conversation.

7 Selecciona la frase correcta para completar la conversación.
1 de 1
Carolyn: And, I hope I'm not telling you what to do too much, but you could tell them that ____________________________
raise their salaries a little.
Harry: Good idea... that might give them more incentive.

A) if they worked harder, you might try to

B) might if they worked harder, try to

C) if they had worked harder, you might would try to

La alternativa correcta es A)
Use 'might' to replace 'would' in second conditional sentences.
Usa 'might' para reemplazar 'would' en oraciones con el segundo condicional.

I can use phrases to describe financial situations to complete a summary of a company's financial history.

Read the conversation and answer the question.

8 Lee la conversación y responde la pregunta.
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What does Jeff suggest Becca do?

Becca: I want to start my own business, but I don't know what to do.
Jeff: It can be hard. I recommend that you write everything down to help you get organized. You should include
information about how your business is going to achieve its goals.

A) write a business plan

B) raise money
C) carry out a project

D) launch a company


La alternativa correcta es A)
A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a new business is going to achieve its goals.
Un plan de negocios es un documento escrito que describe en detalles cómo un nuevo negocio alcanzará sus metas.

Read the conversation and answer the question.

9 Lee la conversación y responde la pregunta.
1 de 1
What does Jeff suggest that Becca do?

Becca: Okay, so once I have that, then what?

Jeff: Well, then you need to figure out a way to finance your company. There are many ways, like getting money
through offering investment plans or by receiving financial donations.

A) consider her overhead costs

B) raise money

C) repay a loan

D) write a business plan


La alternativa correcta es B)
Raising money is when you get money through offering investment plans or by receiving financial donations.
Recaudar dinero es cuando obtienes dinero a través del ofrecimiento de planes de inversión o a través de la recepción de donaciones financieras.

Read the conversation and answer the question.

10 Lee la conversación y responde la pregunta.
1 de 1
What does Jeff suggest Becca do?

Jeff: If you can't get enough money on your own, then you'll need to ask for financial assistance from a bank, a
business partner, or a personal acquaintance.
Becca: Okay, and then I'd have to repay that, right?
Jeff: Yep. So include that payment plan in your business plan as well.

A) consider her overhead costs

B) launch a company
C) borrow money

D) carry out the project

La alternativa correcta es C)
When you borrow money you ask for financial assitance from a bank, a business partner, or a personal acquaintance.
Cuando pides dinero prestado pides asistencia financiera a un banco, un socio de negocios o a un conocido.

I can apply knowledge of 2nd conditional and financial terminology to understand a conversation about a new

Listen to the conversation and answer the question.

11 Escucha la conversación y responde la pregunta.
1 de 1
0:00 / 1:57

What do you think is Linda and Robin's relationship?

A) employee and boss

B) friends

C) strangers


La alternativa correcta es B)
Linda: Hey Robin how have you been? Gosh, we haven't had a good girls' day out for ages! I heard from Pat that you've started your own company! That's
incredible! Tell me about it.
Robin: Yeah! I've decided to open a boutique exercise studio called MyBarre. It's a combination of ballet, pilates, and yoga. It's super popular in Europe these
days, so I thought I would try opening one here.
Linda: Wow! And how did you get started? Did you take a loan from the bank? Borrow money from friends?
Robin: Um, yes, haha. I did all of that. I also raised money through various fundraisers. People have been very generous, I really am lucky. I wouldn't be able to
do all of this if I didn't have help. The overhead costs are high, but fortunately the building has solar panels, so that has helped cut our costs.
Linda: So where is your studio?
Robin: It's on the corner of Maple Street and SW 6th street. We opened just two weeks ago and so far it's been going really well. If we reach 500 clients by the
end of the month, we are going to give everyone a free class! So I'll of course let you know about it.
Linda: Great! Well I can't wait to come to one of your classes!
Linda: Hola Robin, ¿Cómo has estado? ¡Ohh hace mucho que no hemos tenido una buena salida de chicas! ¡Le escuché a Pat que comenzaste tu propio
negocio! ¡Eso es increíble! Cuéntame más.
Robin: ¡Si! He decidido abrir una boutique estudio de ejercicio llamado MyBarre. Es una combinación de ballet, Pilates y yoga. Es súper popular en Europa en
estos días, así que pensé que podría intentar abrir uno aquí.
Linda: Ohh! ¿Y cómo comenzaste? ¿Tomaste un préstamo de un banco? ¿Le pediste dinero a amigos?
Robin: Um, si, jaja. Hice todo eso. También recaudé dinero a través de varios donadores. La gente ha sido muy generosa, Realmente soy muy afortunada. No
hubiera sido capaz de hacer todo esto si no hubiera tenido ayuda. Los gastos generales son altos, pero afortunadamente el edificio tiene paneles solares, lo
que ha ayudado a bajar los costos
Linda: ¿Y dónde está el estudio?
Robin: está en la esquina de la calle Maple y la calle SW 6th. Abrimos hace solo dos semanas y hasta el momento nos ha ido bastante bien. Si alcanzamos
los 500 clientes para el final del mes, ¡le daremos a todos una clase gratis! Por lo que por supuesto que te haré saber cómo va.
Linda: ¡Excelente! Bueno ¡No puedo esperar para ir a una de tus clases!

Listen to the conversation and answer the question below.

12 Escucha la conversación y responde la pregunta de abajo.
1 de 1
0:00 / 1:57

Select the alternative that shows ALL of the things that Robin did to finance her company.Selecciona la alternativa
que muestra TODAS las cosas que hizo Robin para financiar su compañía.

I. sold her things

II. borrowed money from friends

III. took out a loan

IV. sold her house

V. had a garage sale

VI. raised money

A) I, IV and V

B) II, III and VI

C) II, IV and VI

La alternativa correcta es B)
Linda: Hey Robin how have you been? Gosh, we haven't had a good girls' day out for ages! I heard from Pat that you've started your own company! That's
incredible! Tell me about it. Robin: Yeah! I've decided to open a boutique exercise studio called MyBarre. It's a combination of ballet, pilates, and yoga. It's
super popular in Europe these days, so I thought I would try opening one here. Linda: Wow! And how did you get started? Did you take a loan from the bank?
Borrow money from friends? Robin: Um, yes, haha. I did all of that. I also raised money through various fundraisers. People have been very generous, I really
am lucky. I wouldn't be able to do all of this if I didn't have help. The overhead costs are high, but fortunately the building has solar panels, so that has helped
cut our costs. Linda: So where is your studio? Robin: It's on the corner of Maple Street and SW 6th street. We opened just two weeks ago and so far it's been
going really well. If we reach 500 clients by the end of the month, we are going to give everyone a free class! So I'll of course let you know about it. Linda:
Great! Well I can't wait to come to one of your classes! Traducción--- Linda: Hola Robin, ¿Cómo has estado? ¡Ohh hace mucho que no hemos tenido una
buena salida de chicas! ¡Le escuché a Pat que comenzaste tu propio negocio! ¡Eso es increíble! Cuéntame más. Robin: ¡Si! He decidido abrir una boutique
estudio de ejercicio llamado MyBarre. Es una combinación de ballet, Pilates y yoga. Es súper popular en Europa en estos días, así que pensé que podría
intentar abrir uno aquí. Linda: Ohh! ¿Y cómo comenzaste? ¿Tomaste un préstamo de un banco? ¿Le pediste dinero a amigos? Robin: Um, si, jaja. Hice todo
eso. También recaudé dinero a través de varios donadores. La gente ha sido muy generosa, Realmente soy muy afortunada. No hubiera sido capaz de hacer
todo esto si no hubiera tenido ayuda. Los gastos generales son altos, pero afortunadamente el edificio tiene paneles solares, lo que ha ayudado a bajar los
costos Linda: ¿Y dónde está el estudio? Robin: está en la esquina de la calle Maple y la calle SW 6th. Abrimos hace solo dos semanas y hasta el momento
nos ha ido bastante bien. Si alcanzamos los 500 clientes para el final del mes, ¡le daremos a todos una clase gratis! Por lo que por supuesto que te haré
saber cómo va. Linda: ¡Excelente! Bueno ¡No puedo esperar para ir a una de tus clases!

Listen to the conversation and answer the question.

13 Escucha la conversación y responde la pregunta.
1 de 1

0:00 / 1:57

What will happen if MyBarre reaches 500 clients in a month?

A) They'll open a new studio.

B) They'll give everyone a free class.
C) They'll install solar panels.

La alternativa correcta es B)
Linda: Hey Robin how have you been? Gosh, we haven't had a good girls' day out for ages! I heard from Pat that you've started your own company! That's
incredible! Tell me about it.
Robin: Yeah! I've decided to open a boutique exercise studio called MyBarre. It's a combination of ballet, pilates, and yoga. It's super popular in Europe these
days, so I thought I would try opening one here.
Linda: Wow! And how did you get started? Did you take a loan from the bank? Borrow money from friends?
Robin: Um, yes, haha. I did all of that. I also raised money through various fundraisers. People have been very generous, I really am lucky. I wouldn't be able to
do all of this if I didn't have help. The overhead costs are high, but fortunately the building has solar panels, so that has helped cut our costs.
Linda: So where is your studio?
Robin: It's on the corner of Maple Street and SW 6th street. We opened just two weeks ago and so far it's been going really well. If we reach 500 clients by the
end of the month, we are going to give everyone a free class! So I'll of course let you know about it.
Linda: Great! Well I can't wait to come to one of your classes!
Linda: Hola Robin, ¿Cómo has estado? ¡Ohh hace mucho que no hemos tenido una buena salida de chicas! ¡Le escuché a Pat que comenzaste tu propio
negocio! ¡Eso es increíble! Cuéntame más.
Robin: ¡Si! He decidido abrir una boutique estudio de ejercicio llamado MyBarre. Es una combinación de ballet, Pilates y yoga. Es súper popular en Europa en
estos días, así que pensé que podría intentar abrir uno aquí.
Linda: Ohh! ¿Y cómo comenzaste? ¿Tomaste un préstamo de un banco? ¿Le pediste dinero a amigos?
Robin: Um, si, jaja. Hice todo eso. También recaudé dinero a través de varios donadores. La gente ha sido muy generosa, Realmente soy muy afortunada. No
hubiera sido capaz de hacer todo esto si no hubiera tenido ayuda. Los gastos generales son altos, pero afortunadamente el edificio tiene paneles solares, lo
que ha ayudado a bajar los costos
Linda: ¿Y dónde está el estudio?
Robin: está en la esquina de la calle Maple y la calle SW 6th. Abrimos hace solo dos semanas y hasta el momento nos ha ido bastante bien. Si alcanzamos
los 500 clientes para el final del mes, ¡le daremos a todos una clase gratis! Por lo que por supuesto que te haré saber cómo va.
Linda: ¡Excelente! Bueno ¡No puedo esperar para ir a una de tus clases!

Class notes Unit 9 Congratulations!

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