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NAME: Rajul, Sariha B.



Choose at least one most pressing environmental issues that the Philippines is facing.

One of the most pressing environmental issues that the Philippines faces is climate change. The
country is highly vulnerable to its impacts, including more frequent and intense typhoons, sea-level
rise, changes in rainfall patterns, and threats to food security and biodiversity.

Address the chosen issue with some environmental policies in the Philippines.

To address climate change, the Philippines has implemented several environmental policies,

1. Climate Change Act of 2009: This act established the Climate Change Commission (CCC),
tasked with coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating government programs and policies on
climate change.

2. National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP): The NCCAP outlines strategies and actions
for adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk reduction to address climate change impacts
across various sectors such as agriculture, water resources, health, and infrastructure.

3. Renewable Energy Act of 2008: This legislation promotes the development and use of
renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and enhance energy security.

4. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000: This law aims to minimize waste
generation, promote recycling and composting, and regulate the disposal of solid waste to
mitigate environmental pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal

How do you think these environmental policies can help address the issue?

These environmental policies can help address climate change by:

• Implementing measures to adapt to climate impacts, such as building resilient infrastructure

and enhancing early warning systems.

• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the promotion of renewable energy and energy
efficiency measures.

• Enhancing natural carbon sinks and biodiversity conservation through reforestation, forest
protection, and sustainable land management practices.
What are some challenges that may arise in implementing these policies effectively?

several challenges may arise in implementing these policies effectively, including:

1. Limited funding and resources: Adequate funding is crucial for implementing climate change
policies, but budget constraints and competing priorities may hinder their effective

2. Policy coordination and enforcement: Ensuring coordination among different government

agencies and enforcing environmental regulations can be challenging due to bureaucratic
inefficiencies and weak enforcement mechanisms.

3. Public awareness and participation: Engaging and mobilizing the public to participate in
climate action initiatives requires raising awareness and promoting behavioral change, which
can be difficult to achieve.

4. Vulnerability to extreme weather events: The Philippines' vulnerability to extreme weather

events such as typhoons and floods poses a significant challenge to climate change
adaptation efforts, requiring continuous efforts to build resilience and reduce disaster risks.

How can individuals contribute to the success of these environmental policies in their

Individuals can contribute to the success of these environmental policies in their communities by:

• Adopting sustainable practices such as reducing energy consumption, conserving water,

practicing proper waste management, and supporting renewable energy initiatives.

• Participating in community-based climate adaptation and mitigation activities, such as tree

planting, coastal clean-ups, and disaster preparedness training.

• Advocating for stronger environmental policies and holding government officials accountable
for their implementation through active engagement in civic activities and organizations.

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